豆知识 2011-01-23&01-29 架起你的朋友圈(在线收听

 Hi, I'mMendel, product marketing manager for Google Friend Connect. With Google FriendConnect, you can easily add social features to your site. This means yourvisitors can engage more deeply with your content and with each other.

Once youstart using Google Friend Connect, your visitors will be able to join yoursite. Instead of having to create a new account with a new password, they aregiven the option of signing in with their existing Google, Yahoo, AIM or OpenIDaccount.
Thiswall gadget lets your visitors post comments and start a discussion on yoursite. With this rate and review gadget, your visitors can leave a rating. Newgadgets are constantly being created by Google and the Open Social developer community,so there are an endless number of other social gadgets you’ll soon be able toadd.
Visitorscan also engage with other members of your site. They can find out more aboutthem, or choose to make new friends. They can even invite their friends to comecheck out your site. And the best part is that adding Friend Connect to yoursite takes no programming whatsoever.Choose the gadgets you want from my gallery, copy and paste a few snippets ofcode and Friend Connect does the rest. So whether you run a blog, a fan site, amerchant site or a mash-up, yourvisitors can now engage more deeply with your content and with each other.
Wherecan you find out more about Google Friend Connect? Go to google.com/friendconnect