英语听力:听电影学英语-口是心非 03(在线收听

  [00:01.16]Yeah. We are so prepped. We are so ready to deploy. 我们已经准备好了 随时待命
  [00:04.72]You say the word, you unleash the beast, Dick. 只要你一声令下,我们马上甩开膀子大干一场,Dick
  [00:08.40]- We will tear this thing apart. - He's just timing the blow, Duke. - 我们要把事情搞清楚 - 他在选择时机打击我们,Duke
  [00:10.40]- No. Wrong. We caught a break here. - We caught a break? You call this a break? - 不,错了,我们抓住了转机 - 转机?你把这个叫转机?
  [00:18.92]I got a shareholders' convention in nine days. 9天后我要开股东大会决议
  [00:21.12]Oh! 噢!
  [00:21.92]Hey, man, he's not thinking about that. 嘿,先生,他可不那么认为
  [00:23.60]Are you out of your fricking mind? That is all that he thinks about. 你在异想天开吗? 他就是这么想的
  [00:28.44]And believe you me, if he has got a knife, that is when he's gonna use it, 相信我,如果他有一把刀 他就会马上用上
  [00:31.84]because that's what I'd do! Yeah. 因为我会那么干!
  [00:34.84]No, I would wait till he is right in the middle of a big old standing ovation. 不,我会等到他被欢呼声包围
  [00:39.40]I would wait till he is just so overwhelmed with beloved waves of adoration, 我会等到他淹没在崇拜的浪涛中
  [00:44.68]he couldn't even hear the sound of his own cojones 再把他狠狠打到
  [00:46.24]as they hit the goddamn floor! 让他连自己怎么死的都不知道!
  [00:54.40](EXHALES DEEPLY)
  [00:58.28]Oh, my God, he is gonna crush me. 天啊,他把我整惨了
  [01:04.92]- They're gonna wanna know why. - Then they're in the wrong business. - 他们想知道为什么 - 那么他们就辞职吧
  [01:04.96]Tell your people not to make vacation plans. 告诉你的人取消休假
  [01:08.12]How are we supposed to work it up if we don't know what we're protecting? 如果我们不知道我们在保护什么的话 我们怎么让他工作
  [01:09.24]Look, I don't know. Assume it's everything. 听着,我不知道,就当要保护所有一切
  [01:17.20]B&R's mainframe network is a beast. B&R'S中央处理网络是个大变态
  [01:18.28]I mean, we've spent the last 10 months probing. 我们花了过去10个月的时间去破解
  [01:23.72]We got nowhere. 我们一无所得
  [01:25.04]are tactically equivalent to anything we had at the Pentagon. 设计的和五角大楼的完全一致
  [01:25.92]I mean, the encryption and system awareness codes 系统密码和编码
  [01:32.68]The good news is 200 photocopiers that B&R purchased last month. 好消息是B&R购买了200台复印机
  [01:36.68]We paid a little visit down to the vendor, 我们找到了那个经销商
  [01:38.32]and we made a few adjustments to one of the units before it shipped. 在某些机器上做了点手脚
  [01:44.80]Call this the Ghost. 称它为精灵吧
  [01:46.28]It's not fast, it's not easy, but this device right here 它运行的不快,不易操作 但这个设备
  [01:49.28]allows us to hijack signal traffic 可以让我们在拦截信号时
  [01:51.68]without leaving any electronic residue behind. 不会留下任何电子痕迹
  [01:53.16]Here. Right now we're hacking a photocopier in their Human Resources Department. 现在这里正在侵入他们人力资源部门的复印机
  [02:01.04]I mean, we're still mapping, but look, we're tapped into 12 units already. 我们还在不断扩大范围,但你看,我们已经接入了12部机器了
  [02:05.68]PAM: The B&R Research and Development Unit in Westchester 在Westchester的B&R研发部门
  [02:07.08]hasn't brought a major new product to market since 1997. 自从1997年开始就再没有向市场推出新产品
  [02:11.36]In spite of that, we made it a surveillance priority. 尽管如此,我们把它当做主要监控对象
  [02:14.92]Number one, we graph the volume of traffic 第一,我们要把交通流量绘制成图
  [02:18.24]and the quality of vehicles in that parking lot. 和停车场车子的情况
  [02:19.28]Number two, we track the stock portfolios and mortgage payments 其次,我们跟踪了里面所有人的
  [02:22.80]of everybody on site. 股票投资和抵押贷款
  [02:25.16]And, number three, we monitor the frequency of Internet shopping 第三,我们监视了网购的频率
  [02:28.28]and pornography searches from inside that lab. 和那个实验室里的色情搜索频率
  [02:30.44]Stocks are down, porn is up and there's plenty of free parking. 股票下跌,色情搜索上升,还有很多免费停车位
  [02:33.44]There's nothing going on here. 在这里现在很闲
  [02:35.10]We're confident that whatever this new product is, 我们确信无论新产品是什么
  [02:40.68]it comes from outside the company. 它都来自外面的公司
  [02:42.16]we'll be going over every acquisition B&R has made in the past 18 months. 我们就去查过去18个月内B&R公司所进行的每笔收购
  [02:42.28]The moment this meeting breaks up, 会议一结束
  [02:45.64]We'll find it. 我们会查出来的
  [02:48.92]FETYOV: This B&R building is very strong with security. 这栋B&R大楼安保很强
  [02:53.88]Is the same for us like the computer. 这对我们来说就跟电脑差不多
  [02:56.08]We are all the time feeling our way around this building, 我们不停地在外围转悠
  [02:56.40]but not getting anywhere. 但是一无所获
  [03:00.96]Then we make a big discovery. Travel Department is not in the big building. 接着我们有一个大的发现 他们的交通部门没在这栋高大建筑里
  [03:04.96]Travel Department is four blocks away and this building is very different. 交通部门在4个街区以外截然不同的一栋楼里
  [03:11.00]- (CHUCKLES) Very simple and very basic. - Yeah, it's a gold mine, Dick. - 那幢楼是个简易建筑  - 是的,是一个金矿,Dick
  [03:15.40]They basically handle all of B&R's commercial travel, 他们基本上负责所有B&R所有商业出行
  [03:17.84]so every private jet, car, boat, hotel, housing, everything goes through them. 所以每架私人飞机,轿车,船,宾馆,住宿 所有的一切都要由他们完成
  [03:22.96]The boys have got some great ideas on how to get us on the inside. 这些家伙有一些能让我们进去的好主意
  [03:26.80]Very simple and very basic. 非常简单非常基础
  [04:20.96]罗马 两年前
  [04:32.12]I swear, she was that big. 我发誓,她就是那么大
  [04:35.48]No, I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. 不,我在开玩笑呢
  [04:36.16](SPEAKING ITALIAN) 别再提了,你说什么呢?
  [04:37.80]Don't start that again. Translate that?
  [04:40.08]- You're always kidding. - I'm not. I'm a very serious guy. - 你总是开玩笑 - 我没有,我是一个很严肃的人
  [04:45.36]I'll be right back. 我马上就回来
