英语听力:听电影学英语-平民天后 09(在线收听

  [00:08.02]Hold on! 等等
  [00:10.18]Okay! Hello. 好了!喂?
  [00:10.98]Hotel Cambini. This is Giorgio. 坎比尼酒店,这是吉奥吉
  [00:16.18]-Go! -Huh? What? -去! -什么?
  [00:16.98]Wait. 等等
  [00:18.34]Excuse me, can you fix this? 请问,你能修理这个吗?
  [00:19.82]It will not close. 关不上
  [00:22.94]Why is it open when there is no rain? 为什么没雨时会打开?
  [00:26.38]This umbrella is stubborn. 这雨伞很顽固
  [00:26.90]It's bad luck to have an open umbrella inside. 在室内有把打开的伞真倒霉
  [00:28.06]-ln Hotel Cambini, no bad luck. -Hey, thanks. -在坎比尼酒店,不算倒霉 -谢谢
  [00:32.46]Ah! 啊
  [00:37.62]One at a time. No running. 一个一个,别跑
  [00:43.30]Ha! Ha ha! Age before beauty, huh? 哈哈!年纪大的人优先?
  [00:47.78]You look strangely large and familiar. 你看起来个头很大,而且很眼熟
  [00:51.34]Which floor? 几楼?
  [00:53.42]Oh. Thank you. First. 哦,谢谢,一楼
  [00:56.22]Okay. 好
  [00:59.18]you want to push the button, elevator moves. 你按一下按钮,电梯就走
  [00:59.82]Little hint for you -- 给你点提示-
  [01:02.58]Elevator is not safe. 电梯不安全
  [01:05.26]You an employee here? 你在这里打工?
  [01:07.98]-No. -No. -不 -不
  [01:08.26]Who are you to tell me whether the elevator's safe? 那你为什么告诉我电梯不安全?
  [01:11.02]I am Sergei. 我是谢尔盖
  [01:12.82]Sergei. 谢尔盖
  [01:13.90]You're gonna have to stand down immediately. 你要马上离开
  [01:21.26]Just because you are one hunk of Slavic muscle 虽然你是个大块头
  [01:22.54]does not mean you're not gonna make it on my list! 但不等于你不能成为我的候选人
  [01:25.66]Elevator is safe now. 电梯现在安全了
  [01:37.98]Hey! Your umbrella! 嘿,你的雨伞
  [01:46.30]Feeling any better? 感觉好点?
  [01:48.42]Mom? 妈?
  [01:53.14]Miss Sanders, would you be so kind 桑德斯小姐,你能否好心
  [01:54.30]Still a little warm. 还有点热
  [01:55.54]as to look after her for me? 帮我看着她?
  [01:59.22]As in do stuff for her? Why should I be punished? 就像为她做事? 为什么我要被处罚?
  [01:59.62]I'm not the one who's sick. 又不是我有病
  [02:03.42]Next year, I'm joining the mouth breathers 下一年我加入救生队
  [02:04.18]at Water-slide Wonderland. 在“滑水仙境游乐场”
  [02:07.58]You are so busted. 你糟透了
  [02:08.78]You've been out of this hotel room. 你走出酒店房间了
  [02:11.46]What? 什么?
  [02:12.94]Please. 拜托
  [02:13.98]How do you know? 你怎知道?
  [02:15.02]Your eyebrows finally match, your hair has highlights, 你的眼睫毛对称了 你的头发光亮了
  [02:19.50]fresh manicure. 重新修甲
  [02:20.30]I smelled acetone the second I walked in the lobby. 我一进大堂就闻到机溶剂味
  [02:24.90]Okay, but you didn't rat me out to Miss Ungermeyer. 好,但你没有出卖我给恩格梅尔小姐
  [02:26.78]Yet. 对
  [02:28.18]Not until I figure out what's in it for me. 让我先看看我有什么好处
  [02:32.34]Now spill, Dorkerella. 说吧,傻灰姑娘
  [02:36.94]You'll never make me talk! 我不会说的
  [02:37.70]I-I know that this sounds insane, 我-我知道这很愚蠢
  [02:38.90]but I think Paolo really does like me. 但我认为保罗十分喜欢我
  [02:42.70]How could this happen? How did you get my trip? 怎么会这样? 你怎么比我幸运?
  [02:44.66]How is Lizzie McGuire living this fantasy 为什么丽兹 麦戈瑞会这么好
  [02:48.14]and I can't even get an Italian boy 而我却连找个意大利男孩
  [02:50.42]to buy me a plate of spaghetti? 给我买盘面条也不行
  [02:52.02]Um, Kate, you don't eat spaghetti. 嗯,凯特 你不吃面条
  [02:56.22]I'd eat carbs if an Italian boy bought them for me. 如果有个意大利男孩给我买 我什么都吃
  [03:00.10]So, I suppose you want me to keep quiet about this? 那么,我想你要我保守这秘密?
  [03:04.94]Yeah. I'd appreciate that. 是的,我感激你
  [03:06.82]Well, I'll keep it quiet 那么,我就守秘密-
  [03:09.54]if you keep it quiet about me keeping it quiet. 但你别告诉别人我守秘密
  [03:11.78]And when we get back home, I'm the cool one again, 当我回到家后,我就又要扮酷了
  [03:13.50]and you turn back into a pumpkin. 你要变回原来的呆瓜样
  [03:17.86]Oh, my God. It's her. 哦,天哪,是她
  [03:20.46]Uh, it's a long story. 哦,说来话长
  [03:21.26]What are you doing? 你在干嘛?
  [03:23.62]What do you want? We're closed. 你想怎样?我们关门了
  [03:24.70]I-I just wanted to talk to Lizzie. 我-我只是想和丽兹谈谈
  [03:28.62]So talk. 说吧
  [03:29.90]I was kind of thinking maybe, you know, 我在想,你知道
  [03:31.58]outside in the courtyard. 在院子里谈
  [03:35.38]If this is about that parallel-universe, 如果这是关于双人组合
  [03:35.74]Italian-rock-star, Lizzie's-suddenly-a-diva thing, 意大利摇滚歌手, 和丽兹突然变歌星的事
  [03:41.34]I know all about it. 我全知道
  [03:42.14]She figured it out. 她猜到了
  [03:45.30]Evil and smart. 邪恶而聪明
  [03:46.62]Embrace it. Fear it. 相信它,害怕它
  [03:47.30]You might want to take a look at this. 你要看看这个
  [03:50.26]I'm on the front cover of a tabloid! 我上小报封面了!
  [03:52.46]I wish to thank everyone 我想谢谢所有
  [03:54.86]who's always believed in me for this great honor. 坚信我能担当这荣耀的人
  [03:59.34]Do you know what that says? 你知道那是什么意思?
  [04:00.18]Paolo and Isabella are supposed to be singing 保罗和伊莎贝拉要在音乐典礼唱歌
  [04:04.86]Well, it's got to be a mistake. 嗯,那不太对
  [04:07.54]I had some Italian girls translate it. 我请些意大利女孩翻译
  [04:07.86]Paolo didn't tell you? 保罗没告诉你?
  [04:10.62]Mmh, no. 嗯,没有
  [04:11.62]Don't you think it's weird he tried to hide this? 你不认为他想隐瞒这些很奇怪?
  [04:13.94]Can you believe it? 你能相信吗?
  [04:15.74]Maybe it's a last-minute thing. 可能这是临时决定
  [04:17.10]Aren't these things planned months in advance? 这些事情不是几个月前决定的吗?
  [04:19.86]When did you become an expert on Italian award-show thingies? 你什么时候变成 意大利颁奖典礼专家了?
  [04:24.74]It's called common sense, which I have a lot of 我有很多这样的基本常识
  [04:26.78]to make up for my lack of the slow curve. 以补足我的迟钝
  [04:28.62]Slow curve? 迟钝?
  [04:30.94]Forget it. 忘了它吧
  [04:32.90]If you want to believe some Italian kid 如果你要相信这你认为
  [04:35.02]you think you know after two days 认识两天就可以信任的意大利小子
  [04:36.62]because he's an international superstar, 因为他是国际巨星
  [04:38.50]is really rich and has nice hair, be my guest. 很有钱,头发漂亮 那随你吧
  [04:40.98]Gordo. 戈多
  [04:51.02]Oh, my God! He's early! 天啊,他来早了
  [04:59.34]Lizzie. 丽兹
  [05:00.98]Oh, my God, I gotta get dressed. 天哪,我要穿好衣服
