新概念英语之全新全译 74 Lessons 143-144(在线收听

  Lessons 143-144
  Listen and enjoy :
  Good luck for you.
  Let`s keep in touch.
  Look forward to seeing you.
  Goodbay and Good luck.
  Nice meeting you.
  Listen and Complete:
  1、I can`t attend the lecture with you , because I`ve made an appointment.
  2、They've studied the picture for three years.
  3、I`m terribly sorry we've been late for 25 minutes
  4、The tree which was planted 17 years ago is tall.
  5、We met the lady who gave us a talk the month before last.
  6、You can`t get back your car now, it`s being repaired.
  7、Could you show me the photo your daughter took last night.
  8、Sorry, I`m afraid I can`t ,because it was rain for five hours.
  9、We are pride of the singer whose songs are sweet.
  10、Have the coats been washed yet?
  Listen and Write.
  Please write down the following numbers.
  1、 Is everything going well for tomorrow evening ?
  2、 I don`t think the idea we worked at the moment.
  3、 Nothing but exersisecan help him.
  4、 I`ve made of my mind to do everything I can do for them.
  5、 The chair which was broken , it`s been repaired by my classmate.
