

  Seated dinners 宴会(较正式,嘉宾每人都有各自固定的席位) 
  Buffet dinners 自助餐(也称冷餐会) 
  Cocktail parties 鸡尾酒会 (时尚发布会后经常举办类似酒会) 
  BYOB and BYOF=Bring your own bottles and bring your own food 聚餐会(较随意) 
  Receptions 招待会 
  Tea parties 茶话会
  Friends like to treat each other 
  当你想请别人吃一个冰淇淋时,该如何说呢?很简单,只要一句“I'll treat you to ice cream.”就行了。这天,Susan就请她的中国朋友Maymay和Lin到快餐馆吃饭。 
  S: Here we are. This is my favourite place. 
  M: How many times have you come here? 
  S: I never counted. 
  L: I'd like to sit near the window. 
  S: Please be seated. It's my treat today. 
  M: Fast food restaurants are popular now. 
  L: They are popular for quick, inexpensive meals or snacks. 
  S: What would you like to eat? 
  L: I'll try a steak sandwich with a hamburger. 
  M: Sounds good. I think I'll have the same. 
  S: Want something to drink? 
  L: Coke, please. 
  M: A cup of hot chocolate would be fine. 
  1. It's on me. 
  这句话的意思就是"我请客"。如果Waiter送一些免费的小菜,他会说:It's on the house. 店老板请客,意思就是"免费赠送"。 
  还记得在电影Duplex中,Alex 问Starbucks里的女店员能不能让他在店里写完那本书,女店员就说到:Be my guest. 意思就是"别客气"。Be my guest. 也可以用来表示"我请客"。 
  2. It's my treat. 
  见了treat,别以为它只有"对待"的意思,它还可以表示"款待、招待",比如你和别人打赌,输了之后,You had to treat her to an ice cream. 你不得不请她吃冰淇淋。不过款待人,也不一定总是要"吃吃喝喝",也可以来点高雅的,比如说I'll treat you all to a little piano specialty of my own. 我要请大家听一首我特地自谱的钢琴曲,这种招待客人的方式还真是够水平的。当然treat还有"名词"的身份,表示"请客、做东",所以如果你想表示"我做东,我请客",就拍拍胸脯说:It's my treat. 或是I want to treat you. 
  3. Let me foot the bill. 
  这里的foot真是和"英尺"、"脚"没有任何关系了,在老外的口头语中,foot可以做动词,表示"支付帐单或费用",就相当于Let me pay the bill.