CNN 2011-09-28(在线收听

 After Rick Perry accused president Obama of pursuing a policy of appeasement in the middle east at a news conference. He turned the podium to a conservative Israeli politician, who is as blunt spoken as the Texas governor. I want to thank governor Rick Perry for taking a bold stand for the issues of Israel, writing down and saying what to believe, that's what we need today. We need people who support justice, people who support commitment. And we need leadership. 

As deputy speaker of Israeli \, Danny D. is not only against this week's Palestinian attempt for statehood at the United Nations, he is against a Palestinian state altogether.
To my perspective, the \ state is unacceptable, and is a place only for one state, in the land of Israel. I do not believe in the two state solution. 
Naturally, reporters asked Perry if he shares the same view. 
I do support a two solution only if the nation of Israel and the Palestinian authorities do sit down and have direct negotiations.
To one of Perry's rivals, Rick S., the governor's comments on Israel seemed amateurish.
Governor Perry is now making his statements about a lot of these issues, and we're finding out what he believes on these things, or at least what he is being advised to say.
What do say to Republican to accuse president of throwing Israel under the bus, has he?
Absolutely not.
But Jermy B. with the progressive pro-Israel group, J street argues, siding with Israeli politician to oppose a two solution in the middle east is a dangerous ploy for Jewish votes.
To pretend that the president's done something extraordinarily out of line is simply playing politics with people's lives and it's throwing Israel under the bus.
I hope most Americans realize that there's a part of the world, where children are still been victimized.
Perry, who is seen here on a visit to Israel as governor, may also have been reminding the Republican party's crucial block evangelical voters, he's one of them.
I also as a Christian, have a clear directive to support Israel.
Christian conservatives like those at Perry's prayer event earlier this year can tell it's right in the book of Genesis. Those who blessed the Jews will be blessed, those who don't are cursed.
He is not a fellow, who sticks his finger in the wind to find out which direction the wind is blowing. He is conviction politician, these are his convictions. I do say that this convictions will play well with evangelicals.
Expect Israel to come up once again at the Republican debate tomorrow night not only because of what's happening this week at the UN, but also because debate is taking place in Florida where the Jewish vote could well determine who wins the White House next year