President Obama Urges Senators to Pass Jobs Bill(在线收听

   U.S. President Barack Obama is stepping up his appeal to Senators to pass his jobs bill in Tuesday's expected vote.

  During his weekly address Saturday, Obama said the $447 billion American Jobs Act would put thousands of teachers, police and construction workers back on the job while cutting taxes for workers and small businesses.
  President Obama says he is willing to listen to Republicans if they have a better plan to boost the economy, lower taxes and put people back to work.  The president says the jobs bill outlines steps that will help build up the economy for the long term.
  Obama says the bill will be paid for by asking millionaires and billionaires to pay what he called "their fair share" of taxes.
  In the Republican address, Senator John Thune of the north central state of South Dakota denounced the president's jobs bill as a ploy to save his job instead of creating jobs for struggling Americans.