英语听力:听电影学英语-大鱼 01(在线收听

  [00:55.82]There are some fish that cannot be caught. 有些鱼人们抓不到
  [01:01.94]It's not that they're faster or stronger than other fish. 不是因为他们壮硕敏捷
  [01:03.02]They're just touched by something extra. 而是因为他们拥有别的特质
  [01:08.74]One such fish was The Beast. 其中有条“大怪鱼”
  [01:14.10]And by the time I was born he was already a legend. 在我出生时,他就已经是个传说
  [01:16.06]He'd passed up more $ 100 lures than any fish in Alabama. 他是阿拉巴马最多人想钓的鱼 但却没人钓得到他
  [01:23.02]Some said that fish was the ghost of a thief... 有人说这条鱼是60年前…
  [01:24.82]...who'd drowned in that river 60 years before. 淹死在河中的小偷冤魂化身
  [01:31.66]Others claimed he was a dinosaur left over from the "Cruaceous" Period. 还有人说他是恐龙时代的活化石
  [01:36.14]I didn't put any stock into such speculation or superstition. 我不迷信也不乱猜
  [01:40.14]All I knew was I'd been trying to catch that fish... 我只知道我从你这个岁数开始…
  [01:42.62]...since I was a boy no bigger than you. 就一直想钓到这条鱼
  [01:45.90]And on the day you were born... 就在你出生的那天…
  [01:47.30]Well, that was the day I finally caught him. 我终于钓到他了
  [01:51.78]Now, I'd tried everything on it: 我在他身上试过各种诱饵:
  [01:53.66]Worms, lures, peanut butter, peanut butter and cheese. 虫子、人造饵、花生酱 花生酱加起司
  [01:57.70]But on that day I had a revelation: 但那天,我脑中灵光乍现
  [02:02.78]If that fish was Henry Walls' ghost, then the usual bait wasn't gonna work. 那条鱼如果是偷儿的冤魂化身 普通鱼饵根本没用
  [02:07.78]I was gonna have to use something he truly desired. 我得用他真正想要的东西来钓
  [02:10.74]- Your finger? - Gold. -你的手指头吗? -金子
  [02:15.62]Now, I tied my ring onto the strongest line they made... 我把婚戒用最坚韧的钓线绑妥…
  [02:20.22]...strong enough to hold up a bridge, they said, if only for a few minutes. 那钓线可以撑住一座桥 如果只撑几分钟的话
  [02:23.46]And then I cast upriver. 然后我往上游抛杆
  [02:30.74]The Beast jumped up and grabbed it before it even hit the water. 大怪鱼跃出水面 在它落水之前就一口吞了它
  [02:34.98]And just as fast, he snapped clean through that line. 一瞬间,他就咬断那条钓线
  [02:38.38]Well, you can see my predicament. 这下我苦恼了
  [02:39.86]My wedding ring, the symbol of fidelity to my wife... 我的婚戒,我对妻子忠贞的象征…
  [02:44.82]...soon to be mother of my child... - Make him stop. -而她也即将是孩子的妈了… -叫他别说了
  [02:47.14]...was now lost in the gut of an uncatchable fish. 那象征被怪鱼吞入腹中
  [02:51.22]What did you do? 你怎么办?
  [02:51.78]I followed that fish upriver and downriver. 我沿河来回地追着那条鱼
  [02:56.94]This fish, The Beast... 这条鱼,这条大怪鱼…
  [03:01.22]...the whole time we were calling it a him, when in fact it was a her. 我们一直认为他是个“他” 结果他其实是个“她”
  [03:07.74]It was fat with eggs it was gonna lay any day. 他当时胜里都是蛋,随时都会生
  [03:08.62]Now, I was in a situation. 我面临了一个难题
  [03:10.98]I could gut that fish and get my wedding ring back... 我可以剖开鱼腹拿回我的婚戒…
  [03:16.06]...but in doing so I'd be killing the smartest catfish in the Ashton River. 但这么做,我就杀了艾许河里 最精明的一条鱼
  [03:20.94]Did I want to deprive my son the chance... 我真的要剥夺…
  [03:25.38]...to catch a fish like this of his own? 我儿子亲手逮到此鱼的机会吗?
  [03:26.18]This ladyfish and I... 我跟这条怪鱼…
  [03:31.38]- Well, we had the same destiny. - "We were part of the same equation." -我跟他有相同的命运 -“我们拥有相同的人生”
  [03:35.82]Now, you may well ask... 你现在会想问…
  [03:38.90]Oh, darling, darling, it's still your night. 儿子,你仍然是今天的主角啊
  [03:42.50]...why did it strike so quick on gold when nothing else would attract it? 为何什么东西都吸引不了他 他却吞了金子?
  [03:48.66]That was the lesson I learned that day... 就在我儿子诞生的那天…
  [03:49.86]...the day my son was born. 我学到了这一课
  [03:53.70]Sometimes the only way to catch an uncatchable woman... 要套住一个无法捉摸的女人 最好的办法…
  [04:00.66]...is to offer her a wedding ring. 就是帮她套上一只婚戒
  [04:12.42]What, a father's not allowed to talk about his son? 做父亲的不能谈谈他的儿子?
  [04:14.90]I'm a footnote in that story, Dad... 爸,我只是故事里的小注脚…
  [04:16.90]...the context for your great adventure, which never happened, incidentally. 你全在讲你的冒险故事 大多都是杜撰的
  [04:23.46]You were selling novelty products in Wichita when I was born. 我出生时你正在维契市推销玩具
  [04:27.82]Come on, Will. Everyone loves that story! 拜托,大家都喜欢那个故事!
  [04:29.90]They don't. I don't love that story. Not anymore. Not after a thousand times! 才不,我不喜欢那个故事 我听过一千次了!
  [04:33.06]I know every punch line, Dad. I can tell them as well as you can! 我能倒背如流,说的跟你一样好!
  [04:37.46]For one night, one night in your entire life... 你这辈子就这一个晚上…
  [04:42.34]...the universe did not revolve around Edward Bloom. 整个世界不是以你 爱德华布鲁为中心
  [04:43.54]- How can you not understand that? - I'm sorry to embarrass you. -你怎么不能明白这点呢? -很抱歉让你丢脸了
  [04:49.30]You're embarrassing yourself, Dad. You just don't see it. 你是丢自己的脸,你只是不知道
  [04:55.46]After that night, I didn't speak to my father again for three years. 那晚之后,我有3年没跟我父亲说话
