英语听力:听电影学英语-大鱼 06(在线收听

  [00:02.22]I don't want to eat you. I don't want to eat anybody. 我不想吃你 我不想吃任何人
  [00:07.42]I just get so hungry. I'm just too big. 我只是很饿 我太高大了
  [00:10.66]Did you ever think that maybe you're not too big... 你有没有想过不是你太高大…
  [00:13.54]...but maybe this town is just too small? 而是这个镇太小了?
  [00:16.74]I've heard in real cities there are buildings so tall... 我听说真正的城市里有大楼…
  [00:19.90]...you can't even see the tops of them. 你连楼顶都看不到
  [00:23.50]- Really? - Oh, I wouldn't lie to you. -真的? -我不会骗你的
  [00:25.18]And all-you-can-eat buffets. 还有“随你吃到饱”
  [00:28.38]- Now, you can eat a lot, can't you? - I can. -你可以吃很多吧? -我可以
  [00:32.06]So why are you wasting your time in a small town? 那你干嘛浪费时间待在小镇里?
  [00:35.34]You're a big man. You should be in a big city. 大人物就该去大城市
  [00:36.42]You're just trying to get me to leave, aren't you? 你只是想要我走,对吧?
  [00:41.42]- What's your name, giant? - Karl. -巨人,你叫什么名字? -卡尔
  [00:44.26]Well, mine's Edward. And truthfully... 我叫爱德华,说真的…
  [00:46.66]Well, I do want you to leave, Karl. But I want to leave with you. 我的确想要你离开 但我想跟你一起离开
  [00:50.70]I mean, you think this town is too small for you? 这里太小容不下你
  [00:56.42]Well, it's too small for a man of my ambition. 这里容不下我的雄心壮志
  [01:04.98]Okay. 好
  [01:06.26]Okay. 好
  [01:10.34]Now, first, we gotta get you ready for the city. 首先,我们得帮你打理一下
  [01:30.18]Edward Bloom, first son of Ashton... 爱德华布鲁,艾许镇之子…
  [01:32.90]...it's with a heavy heart that we see you go. 你的离去令我们惆怅
  [01:35.58]But take with you this key to the city... 带着这把钥匙上城市里去…
  [01:40.94]...and know that any time you want to come back... 任何时候你若想回来…
  [01:44.34]...all our doors are open to you. 我们的大门都将为你敞开
  [01:54.66]That afternoon as I left Ashton, everyone seemed to have advice. 我离开艾许镇的那天下午 每个人都给了我忠告
  [01:59.50]Find yourself a nice girl, now! 找个好女孩吧!
  [02:00.70]Watch your pride, Edward Bloom! 别太骄傲了,爱德华布鲁!
  [02:14.26]She said that the biggest fish in the river... 她说河里最大尾的鱼…
  [02:16.90]...gets that way by never being caught. 永远不会被人捉到
  [02:24.38]- What'd she say? - Beats me. -她说什么? -难倒我了
  [02:40.26]There were two roads out of Ashton: 出艾许镇有两条路:
  [02:42.26]A new one which was paved and an older one that wasn't. 一条是新铺好的,旧的则没铺
  [02:45.54]People didn't use the old one anymore... 人们不走那条旧路…
  [02:48.22]...and it had developed a reputation for being haunted. 还传说那条旧路闹鬼
  [02:51.10]Well, since I had no intention of ever returning to Ashton... 由于我无意回艾许镇…
  [02:52.58]...this seemed as good a time as any to find out what lay down that old one. 这看来是探究旧路的好时机
  [02:57.90]- You know anyone who's taken it? - That poet, Norther Winslow, did. -你有认识走旧路的人吗? -诗人诺德走过
  [03:03.74]He was going to Paris, France. 他那时要去法国巴黎
  [03:05.30]I guess he liked it. No one ever heard from him again. 我想他喜欢那里,他流连忘返
  [03:07.98]I'll tell you what. You go the other way. 这样吧,你走另一条路
  [03:11.18]I'll cut through here, and I'll meet you on the far side. 我走这条,我们在另一头会合
  [03:15.26]You're just trying to run away, aren't you? 你是想落跑吧?
  [03:22.46]Here. 拿去
  [03:23.62]Just to be sure, you can take my pack. 为了保险起见,拿着我的包包
  [04:06.74]Why, you son of a... 你这个…
  [04:34.42]Now, there comes a point when a reasonable man... 懂道里的人…
  [04:36.50]...will swallow his pride and admit that he's made a terrible mistake. 终会有按下自尊 坦承他犯下严重错误的时刻
  [04:41.26]The truth is, I was never a reasonable man. 事实是,我一直都不是讲道理的人
  [04:47.70]And what I recall of Sunday school was that... 我记得主日学都这么讲…
  [04:50.18]...the more difficult something is, the more rewarding it is in the end. 事情愈艰难 最后愈能得到丰厚的果实
