英语听力:听电影学英语-怪兽大战外星人 05(在线收听

  [00:30.92]Funk (这曲子是...疯狂的青蛙...)
  [01:58.92]- Let's go! - Get out of the way! - 我们上! - 快让开!
  [01:59.80]Set her down now. Here we go! 现在把她弄下来,我们上!
  [02:12.12]Oommander, do something violent! 指挥官,用暴力吧
  [02:17.04]You heard the president! Light 'em up! 你们听到总统的话了!全力开火!
  [02:27.64]We're getting pummeled here! Oall in air support! Oall in air support! 我们快被压扁了! 呼叫空中支援!呼叫空中支援!
  [02:37.36]ET.Go Home (外星人回家吧!)
  [02:53.08]Oall in... Oall in a full retreat! 叫...叫大家撤退
  [02:56.08]Full retreat! Full retreat, all troops! 完全撤退!完全撤退,所有部队!
  [02:58.04]- Wheels up. Papa Bear is on the move. - Wait. - 准备升空,“熊爸爸”正在逼近 - 等等
  [03:01.84]So that's how you want to play it? Eat lead, alien robot! 你就想这样和我过招吗? 尝尝铅弹吧,外星机器人!
  [03:07.72]- Evidently, they eat lead. - Get him on the chopper. - 事实证明他们是吃铅的 - 把他带进直升机
  [03:11.40]I'm brave! I'm a brave president! 我很勇敢!我是位勇敢的总统!
  [03:16.04]Get out of the way! 快跑啊!
  [03:33.44]- Sir! We need to declare a... - We need to overthrow that robot - 长官!我们必须声明一份... - 我们须要颠覆这机器人...
  [03:38.16]- and install our own government! - Let's sacrifice the elderly to it! - ...并扶植我们的政府! - 把我们的长者献祭给它吧
  [03:44.52]If that thing walks into a populated area there'll be a major catastrophe! 如果那玩意儿移动到人口稠密地区 那就会大难临头了
  [03:48.68]We need our top scientific minds on this. Get India on the phone! 这事情需要我们顶尖的科学家 给我接印度!
  [03:51.56]Oan we transport the United States to a safer planet? 我们能把美国转移到更安全的星球吗?
  [03:54.12]Give this alien a green card and make him proud to be an American. 我说给这个外星人绿卡 并让它自豪地成为美国人
  [03:58.60]It's at dire times like this when I stop and ask myself, "What would Oprah do?" 在这危急时刻我将驻足自问 “奥普拉会怎么做?” (奥普拉是著名的脱口秀节目主持人)
  [04:03.60]Hang it all! What's the point? It's a disaster. 都别说了!有什么用呢? 这就是场大灾难
  [04:06.68]- Stop! No! - Don't do it! - 住手!不要! - 别这么做!
  [04:10.44]That button launches our nuclear missiles! 那按钮会发射我们的核导弹!
  [04:12.44]Well, which button gets me a latte? 那么,哪个按钮能给我一杯拿铁咖啡?
  [04:14.92]That would be the other one, sir. 就是另外一个,长官
  [04:20.16]- What idiot designed this thing? - You did, sir. - 那个白痴设计这玩意儿的? - 是你,长官
  [04:25.36]- Fair enough. Wilson, fire somebody! - Yes, sir, Mr. President. - 那好吧,威尔森,随便解雇一个人! - 遵命长官,总统先生
  [04:28.44]Listen up. I'm not going to go down in history 听着,我不会作历史上第一位总统...
  [04:31.48]as the president who was in office ...当世界末日时...
  [04:33.20]when the world came to an end, ...却呆在他的办公室里
  [04:36.60]so somebody think of something, and think of it fast! 所以不管谁马上给我想出办法来 还要尽快
  [04:40.68]- That is a good cup ofjoe. - Mr. President? - 味道好极了 - 总统先生!
  [04:44.60]Not only do I have an idea, but I have a plan! 我不单止有办法,还有计划!
  [04:55.16]Now, conventional weapons have no effect on this thing, 现在,常规武器对这东西已经没有作用
  [04:57.36]- and we know nukes ain't an option. - Sure they are. I just... - 而且我们明白核武器不是选择 - 当然不是,我只是...
