英语听力:听电影学英语-怪兽大战外星人 12(在线收听

  [00:14.98]- What're we gonna do now, Doc? - I... - 我们该怎么办,博士? - 我...
  [00:17.90]I don't know. 我不知道
  [00:20.06]I'll tell you what we're gonna do. We're not gonna let Insecto die in vain. 我来告诉你们该怎么做 我们不能让虫虫白白牺牲
  [00:24.66]We're gonna get up there, find Susan, and we're gonna take that alien down! 我们要进入那艘飞船,找到苏珊 而且我们要把那外星人击败
  [00:36.14]All right, you got enough juice in those jetpacks to get up there, 好了,我们的飞行器 有足够燃料把你们送到那里
  [00:41.42]but not enough to make it home. 但是不够用来回家
  [00:43.26]I'll come get you if I can. If I don't, it means I'm dead. Or late. 我会尽我所能来接你们,如果我没来 那就说明我死了,或迟到了
  [00:48.02]I've been your warden for close to 50 years. 我作为你们的狱长有50年了
  [00:53.18]That's no longer the case. 现在情况不同了
  [00:54.98]For what it's worth... 对于你们的贡献...
  [00:57.06]- That's rude. What did we do? - No, B.O.B., that's not rude. - 这真粗鲁,我们做错什么了? - 不,鲍勃,这不是粗鲁
  [01:01.90]That's a sign of respect. 这是表示敬意
  [01:14.06]General, it's targeting us! 将军,它瞄准我们了
  [01:14.74]That's the idea, Lieutenant. Hold your course. 这就是我的目的,中尉,保持航向
  [01:19.22]Steady. 稳住
  [01:19.78]Steady. 稳住
  [01:24.98]Hard right! Hard right! 紧急右转!紧急右转!
  [01:30.14]I can't shake it! 我摆脱不了它!
  [01:35.42]Hang on to your socks! We're going for a ride! 给我抓稳了!我们要兜风了!
  [01:48.34]That's why I always wear a parachute, Lieutenant. 这就是为什么我总背着降落伞,中尉
  [01:56.10]You can let go of me now, Lieutenant. 你可以放开我了,中尉
  [02:30.66]Who are you signaling? We're right here. 你在向谁发信号?我们就在这
  [02:33.86]Hey, zip it! 嘿,闭嘴
  [02:41.70]- Hail Gallaxhar! - No, not all of you. You, there. - 万岁,银河煞星! - 不,不是全部,就你,那个
  [02:42.62]Olone! 克隆人们
  [02:46.70]How do I do this? Three back. 我该怎么说?三个后退!
  [02:49.66]No, no, no, no. That guy next to you. The one I'm pointing at! 不不不,你旁边那个 我指着的那个!
  [02:54.94]You! The one... 你!就那个...
  [02:56.62]You, clone! Yes! Good! 就你,克隆人!对!好!
  [02:59.82]Take the prisoner to the incinerator. 把这囚犯带到焚化仓去
  [03:04.22]She's useless to us now. 她对我们没用处了
  [03:05.78]- Hail Gallaxhar. - Hail me. - 万岁,银河煞星 - 我万岁
  [03:23.10]Wow. Ginormica ain't so... "ginormic" anymore. 哇,女巨人不再...那么巨人了
  [03:25.86]How are we supposed to get to her? 我们怎样才能接近她?
  [03:27.74]There's too many of them. It's impossible. 他们太多人了,简直不可能
  [03:38.26]I may not have a brain, gentlemen, but I have an idea. 我或许没有大脑,先生们 但我有个主意
  [04:01.82]Halt! 停!
  [04:07.50]I... Gallaxhar, command you to hand over the prisoner this instant. 我...银河煞星 命令你立即把囚犯交给我
  [04:14.54]Olearly, you are defective beyond repair. 很明显,你脑残得修也修不好了
  [04:16.06]Guards, take this defective clone to the incinerator! 守卫,把这脑残的克隆带到焚化仓
  [04:25.02]Well, what are you waiting for? You and you! 你们还在等什么?你和你!
  [04:28.26]- Seriously? - Yes! Take the prisoner - 真的? - 没错!把这囚犯...
  [04:31.94]and the defective clone to the incinerator! ...和这脑残的克隆带到焚化仓
  [04:36.46]- Of course, sir. - Here's a security pass, just in case. - 当然,长官 - 这是安全通行证,以防万一
  [04:40.10]- Would you like a gun? - Yes, I would. - 你想要把枪吗? - 是的,我要
  [04:41.90]Hey, guys, look. 嘿,大家伙,看
  [04:48.06]OK. 好了
  [04:51.34]I can't believe you guys came to save me. Thank you. 我真不敢相信你们大家来救我了 谢谢你们
  [04:54.30]Don't mention it. We monsters got to stick together. 别太在意,我们怪物要团结一致
  [04:56.82]But I'm not a monster anymore. I'm just me. 但是我已经不是怪物了,就只是我了
