英语听力:听电影学英语-高校天后/青春舞会皇后 05(在线收听

  [00:05.84]Oh-oh 哦-哦
  [00:09.60]Oh-oh 哦-哦
  [00:13.12]Oh-oh 哦-哦
  [00:13.56]Self-doubt didn't kick in until the morning 我辗转反侧,彻夜未眠
  [00:15.96]when I woke up with a heart as cold and heavy as Mt. Everest. 醒来的时候,我感觉自己的心 就像悬挂在冰冷的喜马拉雅山上一样
  [00:19.08]It was the day the cast list went up. 今天是正式的演出名单公布的日子
  [00:22.72]Why had I been so certain I was going to get the lead? 我凭什么那么肯定 女主角一定是我的呢?
  [00:26.72]Miss Baggoli didn't say anything encouraging. 巴格丽女士没有跟我说过一句 鼓励的话
  [00:27.88]Carla smiled. 卡拉笑了
  [00:29.56]Oh-oh 哦-哦
  [00:33.40]Oh-oh 哦-哦
  [00:41.64]Well, look what the wind blew in. 哇,看你跑得像风一样
  [00:41.72]Look what the cat dragged in. 看你溜得像只猫
  [00:44.08]Ladies. 女士们
  [00:46.08]After you. 你先
  [00:47.20]Right. After me. 好吧, 跟在我屁股后面
  [00:54.64]Na-na na-na-na 啦-啦 啦-啦-啦
  [00:55.24]That's all I'm gonna say 那就是我想说的全部
  [00:57.64]'Cause na-na na-na-na 啦-啦 啦-啦-啦
  [01:01.00]You've made up your mind anyways 反正你已经打定主意了
  [01:05.08]Can't we be friends? 难道我们不能做朋友吗?
  [01:05.40]Why does it end 为什么要结束
  [01:09.04]Before a word 甚至连
  [01:11.24]Is even heard? 告别的话都没有?
  [01:13.52]I look at you 我看着你
  [01:17.24]Your attitude 你这算什么态度
  [01:17.48]Why can't you see 为什么你看不见
  [01:20.96]That it's not me? 那不是我?
  [01:22.56]La-la la-la-la 啦-啦 啦-啦-啦
  [01:26.28]Next time I won't let it stew 以后我就不用为此焦急了
  [01:26.92]La-la la-la-la 啦-啦 啦-啦-啦
  [01:30.24]BOTH: Unh! 两人:噢!
  [01:31.12]Ow. 噢
  [01:47.40]Well, once again, I got the part that I wanted. 不错,我, 又一次得到我想要的角色
  [01:50.40]- Oh! - Oh! - 哦! - 哦!
  [01:54.08]There are no small parts, only small actors. 没有差劲的角色 只有差劲的演员
  [01:56.64]You can quote me. 你们可以引用我的话
  [02:05.00]I'm your new Eliza! 我是新的伊莱扎!
  [02:07.00]Aah! 啊!
  [02:08.08]Amazing! 不可思议!
  [02:11.20]I didn't think I'd get it, but I did. 我还以为我得不到这个 角色呢,我成功了
  [02:11.88]I didn't think that, because I knew you'd get it. 我并不这么看 我就知道你会得到的
  [02:14.96]No, 'cause I was... 不,因为我...
  [02:16.36]Actually, my part, the one of Mrs. Higgins, 实际上,我的角色, 也就是希金斯夫人
  [02:19.72]is much more interesting than Eliza's in many ways. 从许多方面来说 都比伊莱扎有趣多了
  [02:22.60]I mean, even though she's not the female lead, 我是说,虽然 她不是女主角
  [02:24.80]it's a part with depth and true contemporary resonance. 但这是一个更有深度, 更能体现现代感的角色
  [02:27.60]It's the one that I wanted. 那才是我想要的
  [02:30.48]Good, 'cause that's the one you got. 是吗,我看是因为 那是你得到那个角色吧
  [02:36.72]I'll show you what it's like to be in my school. 我会给你点颜色瞧瞧的, 这是我的地盘
  [02:37.20]Is that a threat? 你在威胁我吗?
  [02:38.20]Absolutely. 当然
  [02:40.24]Oh-oh 哦-哦
  [02:43.72]Oh-oh 哦-哦
  [02:50.44]LOLA AND ELLA: To "Eliza Rocks"! 洛拉和埃拉: 为伊莱扎摇滚喝彩!
  [02:51.12]To "Eliza Rocks"! 为伊莱扎摇滚喝彩!
  [02:53.04]Oh, man. 哦,朋友
  [02:55.24]- Congratulations. - This is the best day. - 祝贺你 - 这一天真是太美妙了
  [02:57.12]I can't imagine that Carla got beat out! 我简直不敢想象那个 高傲的卡拉被打败了
  [03:06.04]MAN ON RADIO: Hey, Sidarthur fans, how about some big news? 广播声:嘿,Sidarthur的乐迷们, 下面有个爆炸性消息
  [03:08.24]You heard it here first. 这里是抢先报道
  [03:10.16]The band is breaking up. 乐队即将解散
  [03:10.20]- What? - Yep, Sidarthur is no more. - 什么? - 没错,Sidarthur乐队就要退出舞台了
  [03:11.52]I repeat, no more. 我重复一遍,解散
  [03:15.48]Stu Wolff is moving on and saying, 下面是斯图·沃尔夫 的讲话
  [03:15.60]"Never, never, will I work with them again." “永远,永远,我永远 也不会再和他们一起干了”
  [03:18.00]So, in memory of the band, 所以,为了纪念乐队
  [03:19.08]let's hear a track from "Always Morning." 让我们听一首来自 《永远的早晨》专辑的歌曲
  [03:28.64]No! 不!
  [03:29.64]It can't be! 不可能!
  [03:30.48]Aah! Aah! Aah! 啊!啊!啊!
  [03:30.92]It just can't be! 这不可能!
  [03:31.48]What? What's the matter? 什么? 怎么了?
  [03:35.68]I can't breathe. Mom, I can't breathe. 我无法呼吸了 妈妈,我无法呼吸了
  [03:46.32]Thanks for being here at a time like this. 谢谢你能在这种时刻 来陪伴我
  [03:46.72]I heard. 我听到了
  [03:55.76]ELLA: I don't want to believe it. 埃拉: 我真不愿承认这个事实
  [03:56.96]I made these flyers to hand out to fans urging them to protest. 我印了这些传单给歌迷们 号召大家起来抗议
  [04:04.12]As these balloons go to the heavens, 这些气球升天的时候
  [04:04.72]so do the stars of our Sidarthur 我们Sidarthur的歌星们 也一起升天了
  [04:07.56]mix among the stars of our universe. 与宇宙中的群星一起闪耀
  [04:13.96]Symbolically, of course. 只是象征性的,当然
  [04:17.84](Up-tempo dance music plays) (快节奏的舞曲)
  [04:31.84]Can you believe this? 简直难以相信
  [04:32.96]One of the most catastrophic events 有史以来宇宙中
  [04:35.40]and everyone's acting as if nothing has happened. 而每个人都好像什么 都没发生一样
  [04:40.80](Buzzer, music stops) (蜂鸣声,音乐停止)
  [04:41.80]MECHANIZED VOICE: Great. 机器化的声音: 太棒了
  [04:42.36]Me again, of course. 又是我赢了,看到没
  [04:45.28]Me. 我
  [04:45.96]So, who's next? 那么,谁还要挑战?
  [04:46.84]Are you crazy? Carla's the all-time champion. 你疯了吗? 克拉一直都是最好的
  [04:50.16]So? There's gonna be a new all-time champion. 是吗?那么新的冠军要诞生了
  [04:54.88]I think you've peaked. 我想你不过如此而已
  [04:56.28]Hop on. 跳上来啊
  [04:57.08]- (Bell dings, music plays) - Round one. - (玲响,音乐开始) - 第一回合
  [04:60.00]My father, who, as you know, is the lawyer for Sidarthur, 我的父亲,你也知道的, 就是Sidarthur乐队的律师
