英语听力:听电影学英语-高校天后/青春舞会皇后 06(在线收听

  [00:04.08]just called me to tell me what he found out about the band. 刚刚打电话给我 告诉我一些乐队的内幕
  [00:05.92]Oh, really? 哦,真的吗?
  [00:08.40]What he told me isn't available to the public yet. 他说的那些目前还不能公开
  [00:09.92]Sidarthur's having a farewell concert in New York next month. Sidarthur乐队下个月 将在纽约举办一场告别演出
  [00:14.28]Daddy already has V.I.P. Seats, but that's not the best part. 我爸爸已经拿到了VIP座位 但这还不是最吸引人的
  [00:15.60]I didn't think it would be. 我不认为是这样的
  [00:22.36]for all of Sidarthur's closest friends. 只对Sidarthur的最亲密的 朋友开放
  [00:22.84]There's gonna be a party afterwards at Stu's loft 演出后斯图会在他的阁楼 举办一个聚会
  [00:24.00]So I've heard. 我已经听说过了
  [00:26.72]And guess who already has an invitation? 你知道谁得到邀请了吗?
  [00:31.56]It just so happens that Ella and I do. 正巧我和埃拉收到了邀请
  [00:33.00]- Oh, really? - Yeah, really. - 哦,真的? - 对,没错
  [00:33.44]How'd you manage that? 你是怎么得到邀请的?
  [00:36.04]Same way you did. Through parental connections. 跟你一样 通过家里的关系
  [00:39.12]What connections do you have other than the phone? 除了电话我想不出 你还有什么联系了
  [00:42.92](Buzzer) (蜂鸣声)
  [00:50.08]Winner. 获胜
  [00:51.76]Me again. 我又赢了
  [00:53.16]Loser. 失败者!
  [00:53.24]- (Bell dings, music plays) - Round two. - (铃响,音乐开始)
  [00:54.68]Game's not over yet. 游戏还没结束呢
  [00:58.84]Actually, my mother has the connections. 事实上, 是我妈妈用了关系
  [00:60.20]Marsh Warner bought a piece from her last summer. 马什·华纳去年夏天 从我妈妈那里买了把来福枪
  [01:03.12]And Marshie, as I call him, is their manager. 马什尔,我通常都这么称呼的 是他们的经理
  [01:05.28]I know who he is. 我知道他
  [01:08.68]He remembered I was crazy about Sidarthur, so he got us invited. 他记得我痴迷于Sidathur 所以他邀请了我们
  [01:11.56]Wow, your mom must be some potter. 哇,那你妈妈 一定很闲啊
  [01:18.28](Buzzer) (蜂鸣声)
  [01:22.08](Crowd cheering) (人群欢呼)
  [01:30.24]Winner. 获胜
  [01:32.80]Remember that name. 记住这个名字
  [01:33.44]Me, Lola Steppe. 这回是我,洛拉·斯黛
  [01:34.32]Loser. 失败者
  [01:35.28]Awesome! 超凡的!
  [01:52.52]You would have done the exact same thing if you were me. 如果换作是你的话 我相信你也会这么做的
  [01:56.68]I wouldn't have lied. 我不会撒谎
  [01:57.68]I would have thought before I spoke. 在开口之前我会想清楚
  [01:58.76]I can't even imagine being you. 我甚至不知道你是怎么想的
  [01:59.44]Carla Santini drives me insane. 卡拉·桑提提快让我发疯了
  [02:00.36]Don't even say that. 别拿这当借口
  [02:01.36]Two of her nannies were institutionalized. 她的两个保姆都是受过训练的
  [02:03.24]Not to worry. 别担心
  [02:05.20]You just handed her exactly what she needs 你这是在给她嘲笑和侮辱
  [02:06.68]to ridicule you and humiliate you 你,还有我的口实!
  [02:10.20]for the rest of your life, and me, too! 一辈子都洗不清的
  [02:11.16]Depends on what? 看什么情况?
  [02:11.40]I guess it depends, doesn't it? 我想这要看情况了,不是吗?
  [02:13.08]Well, on whether we go. 看我们会怎么办了
  [02:16.08]In New York? 一场在纽约的演唱会?
  [02:16.48]To the concert? 去演唱会?
  [02:17.12]And the party. 还有聚会
  [02:18.72]We haven't exactly been invited. 我们还没被邀请呢
  [02:22.04]You don't have to be invited to a party like that. 参加那样的聚会不需要 被邀请
  [02:25.20]unless it's to crash a celebrity bash. 除非有盛大的狂欢
  [02:25.40]There are people in New York that don't go out 有的纽约人 一般不出门
  [02:28.96]My mother would never let me go. 我妈妈一定不会让我去的
  [02:29.88]We can work around your mother, Ella. 我们可以跟她说,埃拉
  [02:31.76]Tell the truth. Are you partially insane? 说真的 你是不是有些疯了?
  [02:34.24]You know, we have to go. 你知道,我们必须去
  [02:37.44]It's a matter of pride. 这事关尊严
  [02:45.16]Is there something wrong with the salmon? 这大马哈鱼有 什么不对劲吗?
  [02:48.24]No, just not very hungry. 不,我只是肚子还不饿
  [02:50.24]In too much pain. 我有些疼痛
  [02:51.24]I'm in pain, too. My tooth's coming out. 我也有些疼痛 我的牙快掉出来了
  [02:52.24]Oh! 哦!
  [02:52.44]It's not that kind of pain. 不是那种疼痛
  [02:55.20]It's pain of the heart. 是心里的痛
  [02:56.40]Sidarthur's broken up. Sidarthur乐队就要解散了
  [02:57.48]They're having one last concert in New York. 他们要在纽约开 告别演唱会
  [02:59.36]That's it. They're done. 然后 一切就结束了
  [03:02.80]Good night, sweet princes. 晚安,小公主
  [03:03.48]May choirs of rock angels sing you to sleep. 愿摇滚天使的歌声 能令你安然入睡
  [03:06.36]I have no reason to live without them. 没有他们我简直 活不下去了
  [03:10.44]Let me take a wild guess. 我来大胆的猜测一下吧
  [03:11.00]You want to go to the concert. 你想去看那场演唱会是吧
  [03:13.00]If I could just see them play live. 如果我能看到他们 的现场演出
  [03:15.12]I'd have the memory to carry me through 这份记忆将会永存
  [03:16.08]the long, empty years that lie ahead, like a road in Kansas. 伴我度过未来就堪萨斯州的道路一样 漫长的空虚的岁月
  [03:21.76]Okay, I don't think that kids and rock concerts 够了,我并不认为 那些小鬼以及摇滚音乐会
  [03:23.44]are a great mix. 是什么好东西
  [03:23.96]How can you treat me like this? 你怎么能这样对我?
  [03:26.72]I was your firstborn. 我是你的长女
  [03:27.12]You leaned over my crib to make sure I was breathing. 你曾趴在我的婴儿床边 听我的呼吸
  [03:31.20]She wouldn't even stop for the tiniest, most subatomic second 她不肯花上一丝一毫, 甚至一个指甲缝的时间
  [03:31.64]That's why I want to keep you alive. 那是我想让你活下来
  [03:34.08]to consider my fragile hopes and dreams. 来关心我的理想和梦想
  [03:38.84]What did Ella's mother say? 埃拉的妈妈怎么说?
  [03:38.96]She didn't ask her. 她还没问呢
  [03:40.64]She said her mom would bite off a $ 10 acrylic nail 她说如果她一开口
  [03:41.24]if she even brought it up. 她妈妈就会咬掉她的手指
  [03:45.84]So I guess that's that. 我想事情到此结束了吧
  [03:48.32]No, I'm not exactly a "que será, será" kind of person. 不,我不是那种说过就算的人
  [03:51.36]Right. 很好
  [03:55.16]I like your necklace. 我喜欢你的项链
  [03:56.76]Thanks. 谢谢
  [03:58.16]I've had it since I was 6. 从6岁起我就带着它了
  [03:60.24]It's practically an antique. 这也该算是古董了
  [04:02.24]I like your boots. 我喜欢你的靴子
  [04:03.72]Thanks. 谢谢
  [04:06.32]I like your smile. 我喜欢你的微笑
  [04:10.64]Om. 嗯
  [04:15.56]Om. 嗯
  [04:20.48]Dinner, Mary, now. 吃饭了,玛丽,快
  [04:21.80]I'm on a hunger strike, like Gandhi, 我在绝食抗议 像甘地一样
  [04:24.00]driven to desperate measures 由于英国政府的迟钝的反应
  [04:26.20]by the insensitivity of the British government. 而被迫采取的极端行动
  [04:29.04]Not one morsel will pass my lips 我不会吃一口东西
  [04:30.12]until you say I can go see Sidarthur. 直到你同意我去看 Sidarthur为止
  [04:31.16]You have got two minutes to get to this table 给你两分钟乖乖的到 餐桌前面来
  [04:33.20]or the insensitive British government 否则反应迟钝的英国政府
  [04:36.60]is gonna take the door off its hinges 就会撞开门
  [04:37.40]and drag you out here. 然后把你抓到这儿
  [04:40.00](Telephone rings) (电话铃响)
  [04:40.36]Hello? Hello?
  [04:43.40]Om. 嗯
  [04:46.04]Yeah. 好
  [04:46.68]Come in if you must. 进来吧,如果你真的需要的话
  [04:48.24]The thing is, the drama queen has been Gandhi for two days. 重点是,戏剧皇后做 甘地已经两天了
  [04:51.72]- MAN: I'll take her. - Okay, I will try it. - 男声:我来处理她 - 好啊,你来吧
  [04:54.80]Your dad wants to know if he can take you to the concert. 你爸爸想知道 他是否能带你去演唱会
  [04:59.36]Hi, Dad. 你好,爸爸
  [04:60.80]Thanks for the invitation, but I couldn't go with my father. 十分感谢你的邀请 但我不能和我的父亲一起去
