英语听力:听电影学英语-高校男生/历史男孩 07(在线收听

  [00:02.90]We know what we're doing with you. 和你在一起 我们知道怎么做
  [00:03.62]Half the time with him, we don't know what we're doing. 和他在一起一半时间 我们不知在干什么
  [00:08.18]We're poor little sheep that have lost our way. 我们是迷失的小羊
  [00:09.26]- Where are we? Where are we, sir? - Sit down. - 我们在哪里? 我们在哪里 先生? - 坐下
  [00:12.86]You're very young, sir. This isn't your gap year, is it, sir? 你很年轻 先生 这是您的空档年吧? (英美大学新生入学前可选的一年修行)
  [00:16.86]I wish it was. 我希望是
  [00:18.70]Why, sir? Do you not like teaching us? 为什么 先生? 您不喜欢教我们吗?
  [00:19.78]We're not just a hiccup between the end of university and the beginning of life, 我们不仅仅是大学结束和生活开始 之间的一个嗝
  [00:23.30]like Auden, are we, sir? 像奥登一样 不是吗?
  [00:26.70]- Do you like Auden's poetry, sir? - Some, yeah. - 您喜欢奥登的诗 先生? - 喜欢其中一些
  [00:28.82]Mr. Hector does. We know about Auden. 喜欢 我们了解奥登
  [00:33.98]- He was a schoolmaster for a bit. - I believe he was. - 他当过一段时间校长 - 我想是的
  [00:34.70]Oh, yes, we do. 是的 我们了解
  [00:38.86]Yeah, he was. Do you think he was more like you or more like Mr. Hector? 是的 你认为他更像你还是  Hector先生?
  [00:42.14]I have no idea. Why should he be like either of us? 我不知道 他为什么要像我们中的一个?
  [00:46.22]Oh, I think he was more like Mr. Hector. 我想他更像 Hector先生
  [00:47.62]Bit of a shambles. He snogged his pupils. 有点蹒跚 亲吻他的学生
  [00:53.70]Auden, sir, not Mr. Hector. 奥登 先生 不是Hector先生
  [00:54.46]So, you could answer a question on Auden, then? 那你们能回答一个关于 奥登的问题吗?
  [00:59.02]No, sir! Mr. Hector's stuff's not meant for the exam! 不 先生  Hector先生的课与 考试毫无关系
  [01:01.78]It's to make us more rounded human beings. 是为了让我们的人生更丰富
  [01:05.86]Listen! This examination's gonna be about everything and anything you know and are, 听着!这次考试是关于你 和所有你知道的东西
  [01:10.38]and if there's a question on Auden or whoever and you know about it, answer it. 如果有关于Auden或者任何人的问题 而你知道答案的话  好好回答
  [01:14.22]That would be a betrayal of trust. 那是对信任的背叛
  [01:17.02]Yeah! Is nothing sacred, sir? We're shocked. 是啊!那可不光彩 对吧先生? 我们很震惊
  [01:18.26]I would, sir, and they would. They're taking the piss. 我会的 先生 他们也会的 他们只是在胡闹
  [01:21.10]"England, you've been here too long, "英格兰 你已存在了太久
  [01:22.94]And the songs you sing are the songs you sung 你正在吟唱的歌 便是你在更有勇气之时
  [01:25.42]On a braver day, now they are wrong." 吟唱过的歌 而此刻他们都错了"
  [01:29.06]- Who's that? - Oh! Mr. Irwin! - 谁说的? - 哦! Irwin先生!
  [01:31.70]Sir! It's Stevie Smith of "Not Waving But Drowning" fame. 先生! 是以"Not Waving But Drowning" 出名的Stevie Smith
  [01:33.14]Don't tell me that's useless knowledge. 别告诉我那是没有用的知识
  [01:35.46]If you get an essay on post-imperial decline, 如果你要写一篇关于后帝国时期的衰落
  [01:37.98]you're losing an empire, finding a role, all that kind of stuff. 你要失去一个帝国 裁决角色 这一类东西的论文
  [01:42.42]A gobbet like that, it's the perfect way to end it. 那样的小片段是用来结尾的完美方式
  [01:45.74]A what, sir? 那样的什么 先生?
  [01:47.78]A gobbet. A quotation. 小片段 一段引文
  [01:50.82]How much more have you up your sleeves? 多少这样的东西才够你们用?
  [01:53.14]We've got all sorts. Hey! The train, the train! 各种各样的我们都有了 嘿! 火车 火车!
  [02:01.58]I really meant to do it. I stood there trembling right on the edge. 我真的想那样做 我站在悬崖边颤抖着
  [02:06.90]But I couldn't. I wasn't brave enough. 但我做不到 我不够勇敢
  [02:10.90]I should like to able to say the thought of you and the children prevented me. 我应该说  对你和孩子的思念阻止了我
  [02:14.90]But it wasn't. I had no thoughts at all. 不 不是的 我根本没有思想
  [02:18.70]Only an overwhelming desire not to feel anything at all ever again. 只有那无法抵抗的想要 永远失去一切知觉的渴望
  [02:19.50]Not to be unhappy any more. 永远不再不快乐
  [02:23.78]I went back into the refreshment room. That's when I nearly fainted. 我回到休息室 我几乎晕倒的地方
  [02:28.90]- What is all this? - Shh! - 这都是什么啊? - 嘘!
  [02:33.58]- Laura. - Yes, dear? - Laura. - 怎么了 亲爱的?
  [02:39.06]Whatever your dream was, it wasn't a very happy one, was it? 不管你的梦是什么 不是个快乐的梦 对吗?
  [02:45.86]No. 没错
  [02:47.42]Is there anything I can do to help? 有什么我可以帮上忙得吗?
  [02:51.06]Fred, you always help. Fred 你一直在帮着我
  [02:55.38]You've been a long way away. 你原本已经离开很远了
  [02:56.98]Thank you for coming back to me. 谢谢你回到我身边
  [03:09.74]God knows why you've learned Brief Encounter. 上帝知道才你们为什么排演<相见恨晚>
  [03:14.86]I think you ought to know this lesson's been a complete waste of time. 我想你们应该知道这堂课 完全是在浪费时间
  [03:16.30]A bit like Mr. Hector's lessons then, sir. They're a complete waste of time too. 那就有点像Hector先生的课了 先生 那也是完全在浪费时间
  [03:19.98]Smart arse. But he's not trying to get you through an exam. 是啊是啊真聪明  但是他可没打算让你们通过考试
  [03:24.10]Ooooh! 呜呼!
  [03:26.62]- French Kiss? - I beg your pardon? - 舌吻? - 再说一遍?
  [03:28.98]Newmarket, three o'clock. 新超市 三点方位
  [03:36.38]- Dorothy. - Thank you, Stanley. - Dorothy  - 谢谢你 Stanley
  [03:39.82]So, how are you finding them? 你觉得他们怎么样?
  [03:42.14]You've taught them too well. They can't see it's a game. 您教导得太好了  他们都不明白这是一场比赛
  [03:45.50]- History? Is it a game? - For an exam like this, yeah. - 历史? 历史是一场比赛? - 对于这样的考试来说 是的
  [03:48.50]- Dorothy. - Ah, fuck. - Dorothy - 啊 见鬼
  [03:57.10]- Dorothy. - Headmaster. - Dorothy - 校长
  [04:01.18]- I call him the awful warning. - Who? Felix? - 我叫他可怕的警告 - 谁? Felix?
  [04:02.74]If you don't watch out, he's what you turn into. 如果你不小心点的话  以后就会变成他那样子
  [04:05.14]If this was a 1940s film, he'd be played by Raymond Huntley. 在四十年代的电影里  扮演他的一定是Raymond Huntley
  [04:09.46]Who? 谁?
  [04:12.70]He made a speciality of sour-faced judges and vinegary schoolmasters. 他专演尖酸刻薄的法官或校长
  [04:17.18]- Who would I be played by? - Dirk Bogarde. - 那我会由谁来扮演呢? - Dirk Bogarde
  [04:17.82]I'm not sure I like that. 我不确定我会喜欢
  [04:20.30]- Dorothy. - Watch out. - Dorothy - 当心
  [04:24.34]Ah, Hector! The very man. 啊!Hector 就是你!
  [04:25.70]- Chin up, Rudge. - Hello! - 昂首挺胸 Rudge  - 你好!
  [04:27.38]Mrs. Lintott. Lintott女士
  [04:28.86]Our lord and master having grudgingly conceded that art may have its uses, 尽管不情愿但是校长已经承认 艺术的确有用处
  [04:30.94]I gather I'm supposed to give your Oxbridge boys a smattering of art history. 我觉得有必要教这些报考牛津剑桥的 学生们一点艺术史
  [04:34.94]Not my bag, Hazel. Irwin's your man. 不是我负责的 Hazel  Irwin才是你要找的人
  [04:36.78]- It's really just the icing on the cake. - Is art ever anything else? - 说真的那真是锦上添花 - 艺术不一直都是如此吗?
  [04:50.74]Michelangelo. 米开朗基罗
  [04:52.62]Well... I suppose. 呵...我猜对了
  [05:00.38]Who've you got? 你选了谁?
