英语听力:听电影学英语-高校男生/历史男孩 08(在线收听

  [00:03.50]- Both nancies. - Are they? - 都是同性恋 - 是吗?
  [00:07.58]These aren't women. They're just men with tits. 这些可不是女人 都是些有乳房的男人罢了
  [00:10.62]And the tits look put on with an ice-cream scoop. 而且这些乳房看起来就像一圆勺挖出来的冰淇淋
  [00:14.30]- Do you like Turner, then? - He's all right. - 那你喜欢Turner吗? - 他还行吧
  [00:18.82]Well, choose someone you do like. Art's meant to be enjoyed. 那选个你真正喜欢的 艺术应该是种享受
  [00:26.34]In the long term, maybe, but with us, enjoyment don't come into it. 长久来说也许如此 但是我们现在找不到乐趣
  [00:27.66]We haven't time to read the books. We haven't time to look at the pictures. 我们来不及看书 我们来不及看图片
  [00:32.74]We really need lessons in acting. That's what this whole scholarship thing is: an acting job. 我们真的很需要表演课程  这奖学金就是靠演的
  [00:40.70]So, have the boys given you a nickname? 那么那些男生给你取外号了吗?
  [00:43.38]- Not that I'm aware of. - A nickname is an achievement. - 据我所知没有 - 有个外号可是个成就啊
  [00:44.98]Both in the sense of something won and also in its armorial sense. 不仅说明你赢得了他们  更是一种标志
  [00:50.58]Of a badge, a blazon. 就像纹章 徽章什么的
  [00:53.70]Unsurprisingly, I am Tott. Or Tottie. 不出所料 我是Tott 或者Tottie
  [00:57.46]Some irony there, one feels. 感觉得出来有点讽刺吧
  [01:02.22]- Hector has no nickname. - Yes, he has. Hector. - Hector没有外号 - 他有的 就是Hector
  [01:06.34]- But he's called Hector. - That's his nickname too. - 但是他真名就是Hector  - 也是他的外号
  [01:08.70]He isn't called Hector. His name's Douglas. 他不叫Hector 他的真名是Douglas
  [01:08.82]Though the only person I've ever heard address him as such 尽管只听到过一个人叫他这个名字
  [01:13.26]is his somewhat unexpected wife. 就是他不想娶的妻子
  [01:20.30]Posner came to see me yesterday. He has a problem. Posner昨天来找我了 他有个问题
  [01:25.86]No nickname, but at least you get their problems. I seldom do. 没有外号 但是至少他们有问题会去找你 他们几乎从来不找我
  [01:28.78]Sir, I think I may be homosexual. 先生 我觉得我可能是同性恋
  [01:36.94]- I love Dakin. - Does Dakin know? - 我爱Dakin - Dakin知道吗?
  [01:42.18]Yes. He doesn't think it's surprising. 知道 他不觉得惊讶
  [01:45.70]Though Dakin likes girls, basically. 尽管Dakin喜欢女孩子 基本上来说
  [01:47.58]I sympathized, though not so much as to suggest I might be in the same boat. 我表示了同情 但不多 因为我觉得我也遇到了一样的困扰
  [01:55.06]- With Dakin? - With anybody. - 关于Dakin? - 关于任何人
  [01:57.98]That's sensible. 非常动人
  [02:00.94]One of the hardest things for boys to learn is that a teacher is human. 那些男孩子们最难明白的东西之一是 他们的老师也是人
  [02:07.34]One of the hardest things for a teacher to learn is not to try and tell them. 而老师们最难明白的东西之一是 如何不试图去告诉他们这一点
  [02:09.94]- Is it a phase, sir? - Do you think it's a phase? - 先生 这是阶段性的吗? - 你觉得是阶段性的吗?
  [02:15.98]I'm not sure I want it to pass. 我不确定自己想不想让这阶段过去
  [02:16.18]Some of the literature says it will pass. 有些书上说这阶段会过去的
  [02:19.50]But I want to get into Oxford. If I do, Dakin might love me. 但是我想进牛津 如果我考上了 Dakin说不定会爱上我
  [02:27.86]Or I might stop caring. 或者 我也许就不在意了
  [02:31.74]- Do you look at your life, sir? - I thought everybody did. - 你关注自己的生活吗 先生? - 我想每个人都会关注吧
  [02:37.66]I'm a Jew, I'm small, 我是犹太人 我个子矮
  [02:43.74]I'm homosexual, and I live in Sheffield. 我是同性恋 我住在谢菲尔德
  [02:48.50]I'm fucked. 我糟透了
  [02:55.06]So, all this religion. What do you do? 关于宗教这回事儿 你们都做些什么?
  [02:56.50]Go to church. Pray. 去教堂 祈祷
  [03:01.86]Yes? 是吗?
  [03:02.10]It's so time-consuming. You have no idea. 你根本不知道这些事多么花时间
  [03:04.98]Yeah? What else? 是吗?还有什么?
  [03:07.30]Well. Er... it's what you don't do. 好吧...厄...有些不能做的事儿
  [03:14.10]You don't not wank? 你们不会不能自慰吧?
  [03:17.10]- Jesus! You're headed for the bin. - It's not forever. - 天啊 这种乐事你都没做过?去死吧 - 又不是永远如此
  [03:20.26]Yeah, well, just tell me on the big day and I'll stand well back. 好吧好吧 等大日子来了告诉我  我会远远退开的
  [03:22.50]What bothers me is the more you read, 让我心烦的是书读的越多
  [03:27.18]the more you see literature is actually about losers. 越是发现文学其实都是关于失败者的
  [03:29.06]- Ugh, no. - Yeah. - 才不是呢 - 是的
  [03:30.74]It's consolation. All literature is consolation. 都是自我安慰  所有的文学都是自我安慰罢了
  [03:34.38]I don't care what Hector says. I find literature really louring. 我不管Hector怎么说  我觉得文学都很让人消沉
  [03:38.10]This is Irwin, isn't it? A line of stuff for the exam. Irwin说的 对吧? 都是些关于考试的东西
  [03:42.06]No. 不对
  [03:42.82]Well, it isn't wholly my idea. 好吧 不全是我的想法
  [03:47.02]I've been reading this book by Nieshaw. 我读了尼肖写的这本书
  [03:47.82]- Who? - Nieshaw. He's a philosopher. - 谁? - 尼肖 他是个哲学家
  [03:53.94]Frederick Nieshaw. 弗雷德里克·尼肖
  [03:58.22]I think that's pronounced Nietzsche. 我觉得这个读作"尼采"
  [03:59.66]Oh, shit. Shit! 靠 靠 靠!
  [04:02.82]- What's the matter? - I talked to Irwin about it. - 有什么关系? - 我和Irwin讨论过这个
  [04:06.26]He didn't correct me. He let me call him Nieeee-shaw! 他没有纠正我 他让我读作"尼...肖"!
  [04:08.30]- He'll think I'm a right fool. Shit! - What have I done? - 他会觉得我是个傻瓜的 靠! - 我做了什么?
  [04:13.70]Nothing. You've done nothing. 没什么 你什么都没做
  [04:14.66]The world doesn't revolve around you, you know. 要知道地球不是绕着你转的
  [04:19.58]Ah! Irwin! How are our young men doing? 啊! Irwin!小伙子们最近怎么样?
  [04:23.10]- Are they on stream? - I think so. - 他们上轨道了吗? - 我觉得可以
  [04:26.78]You think so? Are they or aren't they? 你觉得? 到底是可以还是不可以?
  [04:28.82]Must always be something of a lottery. 永远和彩票那样说不准
  [04:33.54]A lottery? I don't like the sound of that, Irwin. 彩票? 我不喜欢这种说法 Irwin
  [04:36.90]I don't want you to fuck up. 我可不想你搞砸了
  [04:37.94]We've been down that road too many times before. 我们已经失败过太多次了
