英语听力:听电影学英语-高校男生/历史男孩 12(在线收听

  [00:02.46]They go on school trips there nowadays, don't they? Auschwitz, Dachau. 学校现在会组织去那些地方游学 不是吗?  奥斯维辛 达豪(都是集中营所在地)
  [00:08.90]What's always concerned me is where do they have their sandwiches? 我关心的是他们去哪里吃三明治喝可乐?
  [00:11.94]The visitors' center. It's like anywhere else. 游客中心 和别的地方一样
  [00:13.18]Yeah, but do they take pictures of each other there? 是啊 他们在那里互相拍照吗?
  [00:15.70]Are they smiling? 他们在笑吗?
  [00:20.42]Do they hold hands? Nothing is appropriate. 他们握着手吗? 没有一样是适当的
  [00:23.66]What if you were to write this was so far beyond one's experience, 如果你这样写 远远超过一个人的体验
  [00:28.58]silence is the only proper response? 唯一合适的答案便是肃静?
  [00:30.90]Mr. Hector's answer to lots of questions, isn't it, sir? 那是Hector先生对 很多问题的答案 不是吗 先生?
  [00:34.58]Er, yes. Yes, Dakin, it is. 是的 是的 Dakin 的确如此
  [00:36.90]"Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent." "关于不能说的 最好就保持沉默"
  [00:37.60]That's right, isn't it, sir? Wittgenstein. 对吧 先生? 维特根斯坦(语言哲学家)
  [00:41.46]- Yes, that's good. - No, it's not good. - 是的 很好 - 不 不好
  [00:45.22]It's flip, it's glib, it's journalism. 流水账 就如报章新闻一般
  [00:45.86]- It's you that taught us it. - I didn't teach you. - 是你叫我们这个的. - 我没有教你们
  [00:49.78]And Wittgenstein did not screw it out of his very guts 而维特根斯坦写出这些话也不是让你
  [00:51.82]in order for you to turn it into a dinky formula. 来当成公式随便套用的
  [00:55.78]Why can't we simply just condemn the camps outright as an unprecedented horror? 为什么我们就不能简简单单地 把这些集中营审定为史无前例的恶行呢?
  [01:01.38]There's no point, sir. Everybody will do that. 那什么意思 先生 每个人都会这么写
  [01:01.66]"The camp's an event unlike any other." "集中营是与众不同的一起事件"
  [01:03.98]"The evil unprecedented." Et cetera, et cetera. "史无前例的罪恶" 等等 等等
  [01:05.60]No! Can't you see that even to say "et cetera" 不! 你不明白甚至说"等等 等等"
  [01:09.60]is... monstrous? 都是...畸形的吗?
  [01:14.62]"Et cetera" is what the Nazis would have said. "等等"是纳粹才会说的话
  [01:15.54]The dead reduced to mere verbal abbreviation. 亡者就这样变成了这样的一个缩略词
  [01:21.22]All right, not et cetera. But given that the death camps are thought of as unique, 好吧 不要"等等" 但是在 普遍认为集中营是特别的情况下
  [01:23.18]wouldn't another approach be to show precedents? 不应该试图去展示别的方面吗?
  [01:25.86]- Put them, well, in proportion. - Proportion? - 按合适比例分配 - 比例?
  [01:31.22]Not proportion, then, but putting them in context. 那么不用"比例" 但是要写进去
  [01:32.94]But to put something in context 但是要写进去
  [01:33.34]is a step towards saying it can be understood and explained. 也就是说那是可是被理解并且被解释的
  [01:37.78]And if it can be explained, then it can be explained away. 如果可以被解释 那么就可以被开脱
  [01:39.98]Tout comprendre, c'est tout pardonner. 能理解即是可恕的
  [01:43.42]- That's good, Posner. - It isn't good. I mean it, sir. - 很好 Posner - 这不好 我是认真的 先生
  [01:44.70]When we talk about putting them in context, 我们讨论把它们写进去的过程
  [01:47.66]it's the same as the dissolution of the monasteries. 就和修道院的解散一样
  [01:52.06]Dozens of monasteries had been dissolved before Henry VIII. 在亨利八世之前就 有很多修道院被解散了
  [01:52.70]The difference is I didn't lose any relatives in the dissolution of the monasteries. 但区别在于 我并没有在修道院的 解散中失去任何亲人
  [01:59.42]Good point. 说得好
  [02:01.06]You keep saying, "good point". Not good point, sir. True! 你一直说"说得好" 这可不好 先生 真的!
  [02:04.46]To you, th-the Holocaust is just another topic on which we may or may not get a question. 对你来说 犹太人大屠杀只是一个话题 一个也许我们会被考到的问题
  [02:08.18]No! 不!
  [02:11.10]No! But this is history. Distance yourselves. 不!但是这是历史 把自己放在局外人的角度
  [02:15.42]Our perspective on the past alters. 我们看着对过去的改变的看法
  [02:16.66]And looking back, immediately in front of us is dead ground - we don't see it. 然后回顾 在我们面前的是 一片荒地  我们看不见
  [02:22.26]And because we don't see it, this means there is no period so remote as the recent past. 然而因为我们没看见 也就是说没有人任何时代比近代更让人觉得遥远
  [02:28.90]And one of the historian's jobs 而历史学家的任务之一
  [02:31.06]is to anticipate what our perspective of that period will be. 便失去预知我们对那个时代的看法
  [02:32.54]Even on the Holocaust. 包括犹太人大屠杀
  [02:38.98]- Won the argument there, sir. - What? - 无可争议 先生 - 什么?
  [02:41.34]The Holocaust. Yep, you really showed him. 犹太人大屠杀 是的 你的确给了他个下马威
  [02:48.14]- You flirt! - I don't understand it. - 你在调情! - 我不明白了
  [02:50.34]I've never wanted to please anybody the way I do him. 我从未想过要这样取悦他
  [02:54.90]Girls not excepted. 包括女孩子
  [02:58.90]- He's going, you know. - The big man? - 他要走了 知道吗 - 那个大块头?
  [03:01.42]Yeah. Don't let on. Fiona says. 是的 走定了 Fiona说的
  [03:04.38]Sacked? Who complained? 被炒了? 谁投诉了?
  [03:05.70]That's why the lifts have stopped. 难怪他的鼓舞不起
  [03:08.02]Poor sod. Though in some ways, I can't say I'm sorry. 真可怜 尽管从某些层面看了  我不能说我很遗憾
  [03:12.46]No. No more genital massage as one speeds along leafy suburban roads! 不 再也没有郊区绿荫小路 狂飙时的阴部按摩了
  [03:17.18]No more of the bike's melancholy, long, withdrawing roar 再也没有摩托车那悠长哀怨的轰鸣了
  [03:21.30]as he dropped you at the corner, your honor still intact. 当他让你在角落下车时  你的荣誉依然坚挺
  [03:23.98]'Ey. 嘿
  [03:28.98]A lecher though one is, or one aspires to be, 做一个一个好色之徒  或者想成为好色之徒的 -
  [03:31.66]it occurs to me that the lot of woman cannot be easy, 比如我  的女人可不是件容易事
  [03:35.30]who must suffer such inexpert male fumblings virtually on a daily basis. 要每天必须要接受 生涩的男性的胡乱抚摸
  [03:41.66]Are we scarred for life, do you think? 我们为生活斑痕累累 你觉得呢?
  [03:44.94]Well, we must hope so. 希望如此咯
  [03:45.98]" by Echo and the Bunnymen)
  [04:13.70]Dad. 爸爸
  [04:35.38]Never gives an inch, does he? 纹丝不动 不是吗?
  [04:36.26]"Lucid and, up to a point, compelling, but if you reached a conclusion it escaped me." "透彻并在一定程度上有意思  如果有个结尾就更好了"
  [04:41.18]- You're beginning to write like him. - I'm not trying to, honestly. - 你的笔迹越来越像他了 - 说真的 我可没想这样
  [04:41.38]- Seen your handwriting recently? - Why? - 看了你最近的笔迹吗? - 为什么?
  [04:46.94]- You're writing like him and all. - No, I'm not! - 你的字也开始像他了 - 我可没有!
  [04:49.94]Dakin writes like him. I write like Dakin. Dakin的字像他 我的字像Dakin
  [04:53.58]It's done wonders for the sex life. 性生活已经没希望了
  [04:55.74]Apparently I talk about him so much, Fiona gets really pissed off. 显然我谈论他太多 Fiona对此很不爽
  [04:56.54]Doing it's about the only time I shut up. 做爱是我唯一不谈论他的时候
  [04:59.66]- 你和他一起做吗? - 我正有此意
