英语听力:听电影学英语-高校男生/历史男孩 14(在线收听

  [00:03.54]How could I? I don't even know who the fuck he is. 我怎么可能知道 我都不知道他TMD是谁
  [00:04.06]I don't know that he was. 我不知道
  [00:06.60]Well, they keep telling us you have to lie. 他们总说你必须撒谎
  [00:10.18]I have a feeling Kafka was good at table tennis. 我总感觉卡夫卡擅长乒乓球
  [00:13.54]- I'll see you tomorrow. - Sir. I never gave you my essay. - 明天见 - Sir 我还没交作业
  [00:17.34]What degree did you get, sir? You never said. 老师 你得了什么等级? 你没提起过
  [00:21.90]- Second. - Ha, boring. - 二级 - 真菜
  [00:24.22]- Didn't the old magic work? - I hadn't perfected the technique. - 原始魔力没用了吗? - 没练好
  [00:24.70]- No, come on. - It's after four. I'm gonna. - 得了吧 - 在我之后 我4级
  [00:39.58]- What college were you at? - Corpus. - 你上哪所学院? - Corpus
  [00:43.10]- That's not one anyone's going in for. - No. - 不是谁的理想 - 不是
  [00:46.26]- You happy? - There? Yeah. Yeah, I was quite. - 高兴吗你? - 在那吗? 是的 很高兴
  [00:50.22]Do you think we'll be happy, say we get in? 如果我们进去的话 我们会高兴吗?
  [00:50.86]- You'll be happy, anyway. - I'm not sure I like that. - 你们会的 - 我不一定喜欢那里
  [00:56.98]Why? Uncomplicated - is that what you mean? 为什么?不成熟 你是这个意思吗?
  [01:01.02]Outgoing? Straight? 外向? 直接?
  [01:03.34]They're none of them bad things to be, you know. 哪个都不是
  [01:07.10]It depends. Nice to be a bit more complicated. 不一定 更难点的更有意思
  [01:09.18]Or to be thought so. 或者如你所想
  [01:16.74]It's Felix! Felix说过!
  [01:17.78]Oh, Christ! 啊 天哪!
  [01:23.94]Shh! 嘘!
  [01:32.02]- Not very bright, are you? - Am I not? - 不怎么聪敏 对吧? - 我不是吗?
  [01:36.10]No, sir. 对的 老师
  [01:38.70]- He likes you, doesn't he? - Well, it's his age. - 他不是喜欢你吗? - 只是某个时期
  [01:39.06]- How's Posner? - Why? - Posner怎么样? - 怎么说?
  [01:43.10]- He's growing up. - It's hard for him. - 他在成长 - 对他来说很难
  [01:45.42]Boring for me. 对我来说很无聊
  [01:47.46]You're not suggesting that I do something about it? 你要我对此做点什么?
  [01:50.78]It happens. I wouldn't anyway. Too young. 可能会 但我不会 他太年轻了
  [01:54.46]- You still look quite young. - That's cos I am, I suppose. - 你看起来很年轻 - 我想那是因为我本来就是
  [01:58.62]- How do you think history happens? - What? - 你觉得历史是怎么发生的? - 什么?
  [02:00.94]How does stuff happen, do you think? 你觉得事情如何发生?
  [02:02.78]People decide to do stuff. Make moves, alter things. 人们决定做点事情 做出举动 来做改变
  [02:07.94]- I'm not sure what you're talking about. - No? Think about it. - 不知道你在说什么 - 想想看
  [02:11.34]Some do, make moves. I suppose. 我想一些人是在做出行动
  [02:14.14]Others react to events. In 1939, for instance, Hitler made a move on Poland, Poland... 其他人对事件作出反应 比如1939年 希特勒攻击波兰 然后波兰...
  [02:18.98]- Gave in. - Is that what you mean? - 投降 - 你就指这个吗?
  [02:20.02]No. 不是
  [02:21.86]Not Poland, anyway. 不是指的波兰
  [02:24.54]- Was Poland taken by surprise? - To some extent. - 波兰是被突然占领的吗? - 从某种程度上说
  [02:31.26]Although they knew something was up. 尽管他们略有所闻
  [02:34.46]- What was your essay about? - Turning points. - 你作业什么主题? - 转变
  [02:37.90]Ah, yeah. That's moments when history rattles over the points. 对 那是历史转变的时刻
  [02:39.02]- Shall I tell you what you've written? Dunkirk. - Yep. - 我可以告诉你所写的东西吗? Dunkirk - 可以
  [02:43.90]- Hitler turning on Russia. - Yeah. - 希特勒转战苏联 - 是的
  [02:44.18]- Alamein. - Yeah, all those. - Alamein - 对的
  [02:47.78]More? That's good. 还有吗? 不错啊
  [02:49.82]When Chamberlain resigned as prime minister, 当张伯伦作为总理投降时
  [02:53.58]Churchill wasn't the first thought. Halifax more generally acceptable. 丘吉尔不是第一个想到的 是哈里法克斯
  [02:56.66]But on the afternoon the decision was taken, Halifax chose to go to the dentist. 但当天下午决定之后 哈里法克斯却去看了牙医
  [03:03.22]If Halifax had had better teeth, we might have lost the war. 如果哈里法克斯牙齿不那么糟糕的话 我们可能就输了
  [03:05.14]- That's terrific. - Well, it's subjunctive history. - 太可怕了 - 这是虚拟历史
  [03:08.18]Come again? 你说什么?
  [03:10.66]Subjunctive - the mood used when something might or might not have happened. 虚拟语气  在某件事情可能 或者可能不会发生时使用
  [03:17.58]When it's imagined. 当被虚构时
  [03:18.98]Hector's crazy about the subjunctive. Hector最爱虚拟
  [03:23.14]- Why are you smiling? - Nothing. - 你笑什么? - 没什么
  [03:28.78]Good luck. 祝你好运!
  [03:42.10]You may begin. 可以开始了
  [03:57.70]Shit. 该死
  [04:05.14]- Yes? - Bit hit-and-miss, Miss. - 什么事? - 没准备好啊 老师
  [04:08.18]I was so nice about Hitler, a much misunderstood man. 我对希特勒太善意了 把他写成一个多被误解的人
  [04:12.18]Queen Elizabeth, Miss. 老师 伊丽莎白女王
  [04:15.58]Less remarkable for her abilities 能力一般
  [04:16.02]than the fact that, unlike so many of her sisters, she got a chance to exercise them. 只是比起几个姐妹 她有了机会来锻炼
  [04:23.22]That's the stuff! 这就是历史
  [04:25.66]Hope they don't mind trainers. They're all I've got. 希望他们对运动鞋不在意 我只有这个了
  [04:30.38]It's not an exam in footwear. 又不是考鞋子
  [04:30.78]Somebody told me it's four miles to the bogs. 有人说离沼泽4英里
  [04:31.54]Do you want somewhere with a shit degree but has toilets en suite? 你想去个有独立卫生间 却差极了的学校么?
  [04:38.06]I say if they don't like me, then fuck 'em. 如果他们不喜欢我 就揍他
  [04:38.34]Oh, Peter, I wish I had your philosophy. Peter 我多希望有你那种人生哲学
  [04:40.66]- What'll you do? Flutter the eyelashes? - I think the half-smile with a hint of sadness. - 你怎么办? 挤眉弄眼? - 带着悲伤的微笑
  [04:46.78]Fuck off! 我靠!
  [04:48.60]Good luck. 祝你好运
  [04:48.74]Get in, sit down. 进来 坐好
