
   We may be out of stock 可能脱销了

  out of stock 这个短评的意思是卖完、无现货。你在购物的时候,常有这样的情况,当你千挑万选,选中了一件商品,但商店很可能已无货,售货员就可能脱口而出:We may be out of stock.
  out of sth 是一个较为固定的组合,在口语中表示缺乏、没有,如out of danger 脱离危险,out of control 失去控制,out of sugar 糖用完了 out of work 失业了
  Scene 1
  A:I want to buy the current best-seller book, Secret.我想买那本时下最畅销的《秘密》。
  B:I'm sorry. We may be out of stock.对不起,可能已经售完了。
  Scene 2
  A: Do you need any help?我能帮忙吗?
  B: Yes, do you have these shoes in size 6?有6码的鞋码?
  A: I'm not sure. We may be out of stock.我不能确定,恐怕已经脱销了。
  1.This book is out of stock.这本书脱销了。
  2.She's out of work.她下岗了。
  3.We're out of practice.我们缺乏练习。
  I have to run 我赶时间
  I have to run 是一句非常实用的口语,意思是我得抓紧时间,我得赶时间。run 的含义是奔跑,这里的意思是因为时间太紧,必须赶快。
  Scene 1
  A:I sorry, I must leave now.对不起,我现在必须离开。
  B:Do you have something pressing?有要紧的事吗?
  A:Yes, my boss called me back to work. I have to run.是啊, 我老板Call我回去工作,我得赶时间。
  Scene 2
  A: You look restless. What's wrong with you?你看起来坐立不安,怎么啦?
  B: I'd like to talk longer, but I really do have to run. I have to be at a meeting.at noon.我想多聊一会儿,不过我得赶时间,下午还有一个会议。
  Scene 3
  A: Helen, I don't mean to be rude, but I have to run.海伦,不是我没礼貌,我得赶时间。
  B: Oh, I'm sorry that I've kept you.对不起,我把您耽搁了。
  1.Please hurry. I have to run for an axam.请快一点,我得赶时间参加考试。
  2.I have to run for the flight.我得赶飞机。
  3.I have to run for an appointment.我得赶时间去赴约。
  I'll get back to you. 我会再和你联络
  get back 是一固定词组,意思是返回、回来。I'll get back to you.意思是我会再和你联络。一般用于不能立即回答的问题。
  Scene 1
  A:Do you know when our governmental housing will be assigned?你知道政府福利房分配方案何时出台吗?
  B:I should know in a couple of days. I'll get back to you.过几天我应该会知道,到时候再告诉你吧。
  Scene 2
  A: Could you give me a brochure describing your company?可不可以把你们公司的宣传册给我一份?
  B: I'm sorry. I don't have any here.I'll get back to you.对不起,我这儿没有,不过我会再和你联络。
  Scene 3
  A: Hello, this is Helen, are you larry?嗨,我是海伦,是路朗吗?
  B: Yes, what can I do for you?是的,能帮你什么吗?
  A: If you would, please give some ideas about my program.能为我的节目出点主意吗?
  B: Sorry, Helen, I'm afraid I can't talk long. I have to go to a meeting now. I'll get back to you.对不起,我恐怕不能和你多谈,我得去开会了,我会再与你联络。
  1.I'm going to Beijing on business. I'll get back to you.我要去北京出差,回头再找你吧。
  2.I have no information about this affair right now. I'll get back to you a couple of days.这件事我现在没有任何消息,过几天再与你联系吧。
  I've something pressing. 我有急事
  这句话一般用于一种推脱或礼貌地拒绝。如果你没有时间赴约会或者帮助别人解决问题,就可以用这句短语:I've something pressing. 我有急事。
  press 有多种不同的意思,如常用的 press conference 记者招待会, press 在这里是名词,专指新闻界、新闻记者。press 也可作动词用,是压、按、扣的意思,如在电梯里说:Please press the button.请按电钮。press 的另一个意思是急迫、极需行动或注意,如 The matter is pressing. 事情紧急。
  Scene 1
  A:Let's go window shopping tomorrow moring.明天上午我们去逛街吧?
  (window shopping 意思是逛街,只看橱窗里的陈列,不一定要买)
  B:Sorry, I've something pressing.I have a doctor's appointment for a heart exam.抱歉,我有点急事,约了一位医生,准备检查一下心脏。
  Scene 2
  A: Could help me check Jack's pager number? I need a document from him.能不能帮我查一下杰克的呼机号码?我需要从他手里合一份重要文件。
  B: Sorry. I have something pressing.I must go to a meeting now.对不起,我有急事,必须赶去开会。
  1.I've something pressing. I have to take my child to her piano lesson.我有急事,得带孩子去学钢琴了。
  2.I've something pressing. I must go to the airport to pick up my brother.我有急事,我得出机场接我兄弟。
  3.Please tell the chef to make my dishes quickly.I've something pressing. I have to run for the train.请告诉厨师快点上菜,我有急事,要赶火车。
  4.I've something pressing. I have to run for the airplane.Let's talk about the matter on the phone.我有急事,要赶飞机,我们在电话里讨论那件事吧。
  Wish me luck! 祝我好运!
  显然,这是一句很随便的用于祝福的话。当自己遇到困难,希望达成某种愿望,也许就会对自己的朋友说:Wish me luck! 祝我好运吧!
  luck (n.),指运气、命运、好运。by good luck,侥幸、凑巧;by ill luck, 不巧、不幸;press one's luck, 得寸进尺。
  Scene 1
  A:Today is the day we will play the big football game.今天我们要打一场足球赛。
  B:Do you think you will win?你认为你们会赢吗?
  A:I'm very nervous about it. Wish me luck!我真担心,祝我好运吧!
  Scene 2
  A: I'm going to my interview now.我要去参加面试了。
  B: For that acting job?是那表演的活吗?
  A: Yes, I hope I can get it. Wish me luck!是的,我希望能成功,替我祈祷吧!
  1.This is the first time I've fallen in love. Wish me luck!这是我第一次坠入情网,祝我好运吧!
  2.The university entrance exam starts tomorrow. Wish me luck!明天高考就要开始了,祝我好运吧!
  3.I invested all my money in the stock market. Wish me luck!我把所有的钱都投到了证券市场,祝我好运吧!
  4.I'm going to accept a challenging job in Beijing, wish me luck!我将去北京接受一个具有挑战性的工作,祝我好运吧!
  So they say. 大家都这么说。
  So they say 是为了附和对方的说法,不论谈话的内容是什么,都可以用这句话,这里的they泛指一般人而言,并不特别是指某些人。要注意so的用法,so是副词,一般表示方式或状态,意思是这样、那样、这么、那么、因此、所以等。如:You're clever,so is your daughter.你很聪明,你女儿也一样。
  Scene 1
  A:I have heard that the telephone rates will fall gradually.我听说电话费会一步步降下来。
  B:So they say.大家都这么说。
  Scene 2
  A: The stocks may go up by the end of the year.年底之前股票可能还会上涨。
  B: So they say.大家都这么说。
  Scene 3
  A: Jake is out of a job.Is that true?杰克失业了,这是真的吗?
  B: So they say.大家都这么说。
  Scene 4
  A: Jake is going to the U.S. for good. Is that true?杰克要去美国定居,这是真的吗?
  B: So they say.大家都这么说。
  I'll say. 我也有同感。
  I'll say 是一句非常实用的口语,表示极为赞同对方的观点。
  Scene 1
  A:Durian is my favorite fruit. I think it tastes very delicious.榴莲是我最爱吃的水果,我觉得味道实在是太好了。
  B:I'll say.我也有同感。
  Scene 2
  A:There are only 2 minutes left, and the Chinese football team have already scored 3 goals.I think they will win this game.还有两分钟,中国队已赢了三个球,我想他们羸了。
  B:I'll say.我也有同感。
  Scene 3
  A: Australia is a nice place to live.澳大利亚是一个生活居住的好地方。
  B:I'll say.我也有同感。
  Scene 4
  A:The movie Speed is the most exciting film I've ever seen.电影《生死时速》是我看过的最紧张刺激的片子。
  B:I'll say.我深有同感。
  Scene 5
  A:This hard-hearted woman pushed her son into a running car. She's so crazy.
  B:I'll say.
  Easy does it! 轻声点/慢慢来/别着急
  Easy does it! 是一句习语,意思是小心谨慎、从容从事、宽容。如果希望对方动作能慢一点或者声音能小一点,就可以用这个句子。表达同样的意思的句子还有:
  1. Take your time. 别着急
  2. Take it/things easy. 慢慢来、放心好了
  3. Hold one's horses. 耐着性子
  4. Keep your shirt on. 忍耐
  Scene 1
  A:Mom, watch me skip rope!
  B:Easy does it! Your Dad is sleeping on the sofa.
  Scene 2
  A:Please help me out of the bed.
  B:Easy does it! You can't do anything right now. The doctor says you need to rest for 2 days.
  Scene 3
  A: Julia, from now on I will exercise in the dormitory for 1 hour everyday.
  B:Easy does it! You don't want to make yourself tired.
  1. Please help me move the TV from the dining hall to the living room. Easy does it!
  2. Easy does it! Your grandmother is ill and she's resting.
  You will get it soon. 很快你也就会了
  这是一句用于安慰、鼓励的话。在朋友、同学、同事之间可以经常用到。如有人说,你打保龄球的技术真好,你可以马上来一句:You'll get it soon./你很快也就会了。
  Scene 1
  A:I've been in Shenzhen for 6 months, but I still can't speak Cantonese.我在深圳呆了6个月,还不会讲广东话。
  B:Don't worry, you'll get it soon.不必担心,你很快会学会的。
  Scene 2
  A:I'm fresh out of school. I know nothing about dealing with people. 我刚从学校毕业,我对处理人际关系一点也不懂。
  B:It's very natural. You'll get it soon.这很自然,你很快就会懂的。
  Scene 3
  A: I wish I could cook as well as you can.我希望能有你那样的好厨艺。
  B:Keep on practising. You will get it soon.不断练习,你很快也就会了。
  Scene 4
  A: I wish I know half as much as you.我希望我知道的有你一半多。
  B:Oh, come on. You'll get it soon.你很快就会的。
  Scene 5
  A: I wish I could type as fast as you.我希望打字能和你一样快。
  B:You'll get it soon. Keep on practising.只要坚持练习,会和我一样快的。
  It's a date. 一言为定
  It's a date. 用于和比较亲密的朋友约定某件事情。It's a date. 属于较随便的表达,可以拉近彼此之间的距离。但不太适合用在较正式的场合。另外,男性之间也不使用这种说法。
  Scene 1
  A:Would you like to have Sichuan food with me?愿意和我一起去吃川菜吗?
  B:It sounds good. So what time?听起来不错,几点钟?
  A:How about 5:30?5点半如何?
  B:It's a date.一言为定。
  Scene 2
  A:When will you finish your work tonight?今晚几点下班?
  B:By 8 o'clock.8点以前吧。
  A:Then afterwards, why don't we go for a drink at the Shanghai Hotel?这样吧,我们约好稍后在上海宾馆喝一杯,如何?
  B:OK,it's a date.好呀,就这么说定了。
  Scene 3
  A:Are you free on Saturday morning?周六有空吗?
  B:Yes, I am.是的。
  A:How about going to the New Appearance Photo Room to take some photos?那么我们约好一起去新形象照相馆照像,如何?
  B:Good idea! It's a date.好主意,就这么办。
  Scene 4
  A: Let's meet tomorrow morning at the front door of the supermarket around 8 o'clock, OK? 明天早晨8:00超市门口见,好吗?
  B:It's a date.就这么说定了。
  You've got me. 不知道
  You've got me. 意思是不知道,比 I don't know 的语气轻松,大多使用于无需表示恭敬的情况下。在英文中,表示不知道,还可以用beat(s) me 来表达。
  Scene 1
  A:My New Chinese-English Dictionary is missing. Do you know where it is?我的《新英汉字典》不见了,你知道它在哪儿吗?
  B:You have got me. I haven't seen it.不知道,我没见过。
  Scene 2
  A:Do you know when the TV series " Day Dream" started?知道电视连续剧《白日梦》是何时开播的吗?
  B:You've got me. I have no interest in watching TV.不知道,我对电视没兴趣。
  Scene 3
  A:Have you seen Elise? She arranged a date with me but she's not around.看见Elise了吗?她跟我约好了,可她不在这里。
  B:You've got me. I haven't seen her.不知道,我没见过她。
  Scene 4
  A: Do you know where my keys are?看见我的钥匙了吗?
  B:You've got me.没看见。
  Scene 5
  A: Do you know when the new TV station will be set up?知道新电视台何时建成吗?
  B:You've got me.不知道。
  Would you wrap it for me? 帮我包起来好吗?
  生活中常有这样的事,到餐厅用完餐,发现还有很多没吃完的,到商店购物,发现有些物品携带不方便,我们通常会要求服务人员打包,这时候,就可以用上这一句:Would you wrap it for me? 可以帮我打包吗?
  Scene 1
  A:Waiter, how much is the total?服务员,总共多少钱?
  B:222 yuan.222元。
  A:Would you wrap it for me?能打包吗?
  B:Sure. I'll get right on it.当然可以,我马上办。
  Scene 2
  A:I'd like to see some ties.我想看看领带。
  B:How about this one?这条怎么样?
  A:How much is it?多少钱?
  B:150 yuan.150元。
  A:Could you wrap it for me?帮我包起来好吗?
  Scene 3
  A:How about this dark red coat?这件深红色大衣怎么样?
  B:I love it. Would you wrap it for me?我喜欢,能包起来吗?
  Scene 4
  A: I want that birthday cake. Would you wrap it for me?我想要那个生日蛋糕,帮我包起来好吗?
  I mean it. 我是认真的
  这句话表示我是认真的,并不是开玩笑。mean 在这里作动词用,意思是指、意味。
  Scene 1
  A:I'm going to sell my apartment and furniture and go to Beijing to settle down.我准备卖掉房子和家具去北京定居。
  B:Are you serious?你不是说笑吧?
  A:I mean it.我是认真的。
  Scene 2
  A:I'm going to give the poor beggar 1000 yuan.我准备给这个可怜的乞丐1000块钱。
  B:Do you really mean it?当真吗?
  A:I mean it.当然是真的。
  Scene 3
  A:Mary and Chris will get married.Mary和Chris就要结婚了。
  B:Do you really mean it?你不是开玩笑吧?
  A: I mean it, they're scheduled to get married on Sunday.我是说真的,他们的婚期都定下来了,就在这个星期天。
  B:Let me check. This will be the 4th time Chris got married. 屈指算来,这可是Chris第四次结婚了。