英语听力:听电影学英语-男人百分百 15(在线收听

  [00:03.02]and then you just disappear. 你就消失了
  [00:05.02]I mean, you-you-you stopped drinking coffee! 我是说,你就不再来喝咖啡了
  [00:07.18]Lola, I'm so sorry. 罗拉,我真的很抱歉
  [00:10.18]It's okay. 没关系
  [00:11.46]It's okay, because I figured out your little secret. 真的没关系 因我知你的小秘密
  [00:14.26]- You did? - It's so obvious. - 你知道? - 这不是很显然吗?
  [00:15.94]How else would you know the things that you know? 不然你怎会知这事情
  [00:17.94]- It wasn't obvious to anybody else. - Nick, come on. - 对别人来说不是这么显然了 - 尼克,别装了
  [00:20.90]You're so sensitive. You're so aware of my feelings. 你这么敏感 你这么理解我的感受
  [00:25.90]You're so tuned in. 你这么体帖我
  [00:28.38]You talk to me like a woman, you think like a woman. 你说起话来像个女人 想法也像个女人
  [00:29.54]Nick! Come on! Admit it. You're totally and completely gay. 尼克,别装了 你是个典型的同性恋
  [00:35.10]- I am? - You're not? - 我是吗? - 你不是吗?
  [00:39.10]Oh! I mean, if you're not, you gotta tell me. 那你一定要告诉我
  [00:42.62]Based on the other night... Just put me out of my misery. 一定要告诉我那晚是怎回事 别再这么折磨我了
  [00:46.06]Are you or aren't you? 你是,还是不是?
  [00:48.06]Say you're gay. Then I'm not nuts. I'm not undesirable. 说你是同性恋 我不是疯子
  [00:49.86]Not rejected by another guy! Say it! Say you're gay! Admit it! 我不要再被人甩掉 你是同性恋,承认吧
  [00:55.34]Okay. 好吧
  [01:02.18]I'm gay. 我是同性恋
  [01:06.46]How gay? 有多深?
  [01:10.50]Oh! I'm as gay as it gets. 我是你能想像的最深的同性恋
  [01:18.18]You're gonna make some guy very happy someday. 有一天,你会让一个男人很开心的
  [01:18.94]Oh, from your lips. 也许吧
  [01:25.06]God, I hate that I'm crying. 上帝,我最恨掉眼泪的
  [01:27.02]Well, look it. 听我说
  [01:31.02]- You'll be the first to know. - You promise? - 我一定会最先通知你的 - 你发誓?
  [01:31.10]If things should ever change in that department... 如你们的部门有任何人事变动
  [01:34.90]Oh, yeah, I promise. Come here. - 是的,我发誓 - 来吧
  [01:53.46]Oh, boy. 哦,小子
  [01:58.74]- It was very nice meeting you, Nick. - And you. - 很高兴见到你,尼克 - 我也是
  [02:01.54]Thanks for pep talk, yes? 你的试验怎么样?
  [02:04.50]You two just take care of each other. 你们两个互相照顾
  [02:06.50]- And thanks for the yarmulke. - Oh, no problem. - 谢谢你的小帽 - 哦,没事
  [02:08.50]- You wear it well, yes? - Happy trails, kids. - 别太心急 - 你放心吧,我会记住的
  [02:10.98]- Isn't he great? - Darcy! - 他好不好? - 朵义
  [02:18.42]I need to talk to you. 我需要和你谈谈
  [02:20.62]Uh-oh, look at him. I knew it. He is weird about it. 看看他啊,我知道他会 变得怪怪的
  [02:24.78]This is not about last night. It's about the Nike meeting. 这不是为了昨晚的事 是有关耐克的会议
  [02:26.26]And I honestly believe in my gut... 我真的认为你
  [02:30.42]- that you should make the pitch. - Oh, God. - 该是去报告的人 - 天呐
  [02:32.74]- It would be better if you did it. - No, no, no. - 我只是觉得你会解释得更清楚些 - 不,不,不
  [02:33.22]- I guilted you into this last night. - No, no. - 我昨晚让你觉得有罪恶感了 - 不,不
  [02:35.18]This is your baby. You've gotta do it. 不…这是你的宝贝 你一定要自己上
  [02:38.10]I gotta go meet and greet these folks. I'll see you in there. 我要先去和他们 在里面等你
  [02:42.70]- It's not my baby. - Yes, it is. - 这不是我的宝贝 - 是的,就是你的
  [02:48.54]I predict no one will even know I'm gone until the files start to build. 如果我又一天消失了
  [02:52.58]It could be days. 不知谁会注意到
  [02:58.86]And then someone will finally ask, 也许很久,有人会问那个带眼镜
  [03:00.74]"Where's the geek in the glasses who carries all the files?" 管文件的家伙哪里去了
  [03:09.34]Do either of you two know what the story is on this Erin girl? 你知有关这个艾琳的事吗?
  [03:10.98]- Miss Lonely Hearts? Who knows? - Yeah. - 你说她吗?我怎么知道 - 是啊
  [03:14.06]Ooh, I know. She's been here two years. 我知道 她在这里两年了
  [03:15.34]She tried to be a copywriter but got turned down. 一直想做编辞员,被拒绝了
  [03:19.34]- So she got stuck as a messenger. - What fool turned her down? - 然后她就变成了文件传递员了 - 谁拒绝了她的申请?
  [03:22.62]You did, sire. 就是你啊
  [03:25.34]Well, did I ever meet with her at least? 我有面试过她吗?
  [03:26.82]I don't think so. As I recall, you told me to "blow her off." 好像没有,我记得你告诉我 去把她打发了
  [03:31.74]The kid's got something. She's kind of funny. 她好像有点东西挺有意思的
  [03:32.18]Well, I wanna meet with her now. 我现在想见见她
  [03:33.98]This is your lucky day. I just saw the Nike group get off the elevator. 这是你的辛运日,老兄 我刚刚看到耐克的代表团从电梯出来
  [03:38.34]All women. Your specialty. Come on. I'll walk you up. 全部是女人,你的强项 来吧,我陪你一起过去
  [03:40.82]I hate what I'm doing to Darcy. I hate it! 我不喜欢让朵议这么过不去
  [03:44.58]I'm gonna write her a long letter, confess everything. 我写信去解释了一切
  [03:46.58]- You're doing Darcy? Since when? - No! - 你和朵义有什么问题吗?什么时候? - 没有
  [03:48.58]I said I hate what I'm doing to Darcy. 我是说我不欢自己对她的态度
  [03:50.58]- Men are stupider. It's true. - Will you stop it? - 男人总是不了解 - 你别说了,什么男人总是不了解
  [03:52.74]- They are. - "They"? Are you a woman now? - 是这样的 - 你什么时候变成全职女人了?
  [03:56.02]Oh, I wish. A woman wouldn't have screwed over the woman she loved. 我倒想呢,女人才会算计自己爱的人
  [03:58.10]No, they don't think that way. And another thing. 她们从来不会这么做 还有,你知道那些有关
  [03:58.98]- This thing about penis envy. - Yeah. - 男人大小的说法吗 - 知道啊
  [04:01.38]Not true. No. They don't envy it. 都不是真的,她们才不在乎那个
  [04:05.54]You know who has penis envy? We do. 你知谁才会最重视那个吗? 我们自己
  [04:07.38]That's why we cheat and screw up and lie, 我们还会耍手段,骗人
  [04:09.42]because we're all obsessed with our own equipment. 不过是因为我们觉得那是 男人身上唯一的武器
  [04:11.66]- You ready? Okay. - Yeah. - 你准备好了吗? - 是的
  [04:13.82]Thanks. 谢谢
  [04:19.02]You don't stand in front of a mirror before a run... 你不会站在镜子前跑步
  [04:19.90]and wonder what the road will think of your outfit. 想着那条路会怎么看自己
  [04:24.66]You don't have to listen to its jokes and pretend they're funny. 你不必去看他们的笑话 还要假装好笑才能在上面跑步
  [04:29.34]It would not be easier to run if you dressed sexier. 不管你穿得多性感 跑起来都不会更轻松
  [04:32.62]The road doesn't notice if you're not wearing lipstick. 如果你没有用口红 脚下的路不会注意到
  [04:35.90]It does not care how old you are. 也不在乎你的身材有多好
  [04:39.66]You do not feel uncomfortable... 你不会因为自己比脚下的路
  [04:41.54]because you make more money than the road. 赚的钱多而不好意思
  [04:42.74]And you can call on the road whenever you feel like it, 你可以随时在想要的时候
  [04:48.30]or even a couple of hours since your last date. 不管是今天还是几小时后 或是任何一天
  [04:48.34]whether it's been a day... 踏上脚下的路
  [04:54.18]The only thing the road cares about... 这条路唯一在乎的是你能够
  [04:56.38]is that you pay it a visit once in a while. 时不时来光临一次
  [04:59.82]Nike. No games. 耐克,不是游戏
