英语口语教程(初级) UNIT 22-27(在线收听

[00:00.00]Oral Workshop:    Reproduction    Lesson 22-27 ;
[00:13.37]   Lesson 22 ;
[00:16.23]    Text A   If I Don't Do   Anything Else ;
[00:21.33]Yesterday morning Paul said to himself. ;
[00:24.83]"I've got to write that economics paper today. ;
[00:28.17]If I don't do anything else,I've got to write that paper." ;
[00:32.79]He sat down at his desk and put a sheet of paper into his typewriter. ;
[00:38.68]He looked out of the window,ate a piece of candy, ;
[00:42.61]got up to get a drink of water,brushed his teeth, ;
[00:46.06]and sat down at his desk again. ;
[00:48.87]"I haven't written my family since Thanksgiving,"he said to himself. ;
[00:54.12]"I'll write them a letter first." ;
[00:57.31]Paul wrote his family a long letter. ;
[01:00.86]"My typewriter needs a new ribbon. ;
[01:03.68]I've got to change this ribbon before I write my economics paper." ;
[01:08.40]The ink from the typewriter ribbon got his hands very dirty, ;
[01:13.07]so he washed them and washed them.While he was washing his hands, ;
[01:18.69]he noticed that his fingernails were much too long. ;
[01:21.88]He cut them very carefully and then went back to his desk. ;
[01:26.87]He put a sheet of paper into his typewriter, ;
[01:30.53]looked out of the window,and looked at his watch. It was noon. ;
[01:35.62]"I'll get some lunch now,"he said to himself. ;
[01:39.23]"After lunch I'll write that paper, if I don't do anything else." ;
[01:45.02]    Text B  I'll Find My Way ;
[01:50.27]The day of Uncle George's arrival is here. ;
[01:53.51]Everything is ready, but Uncle George and his family haven't arrived. ;
[01:58.87]Uncle George can't find his way to the Miller home. ;
[02:02.69]Mrs Miller gives him specific directions on the telephone. ;
[02:07.36]MRS MILLER:Please   answer the   telephone,Mary. ;
[02:10.28]MARY:Hello.Uncle   George?Where are   you?Wait a minute,   please. ;
[02:16.22]  I'll call Mother.   Mother,it's Uncle   George. ;
[02:21.31]MRS MILLER:George,   dear.Where are you? ;
[02:24.29]  At the corner of   Pine and State   Street?Wait there. ;
[02:28.74]  Michael can come   and get you. ;
[02:31.08]UNCLE GEORGE:No.It's   not necessary.We   drove the car. ;
[02:35.38]  Give me the   directions.   I'll find   my way. ;
[02:38.61]MRS MILLER:Go north   on State Street   to Main Street. ;
[02:42.12]  There's a large   statue there.   Turn left. ;
[02:45.67]  Continue to Grove   Avenue.Turn right. ;
[02:49.28]  Continue on Grove   Avenue to Seventh   Street.Turn left. ;
[02:54.06]  We're in the middle   of the block.Can   you repeat the   directions,George? ;
[02:59.10]UNCLE GEORGE:I think   so.I have to go nor   -th on State Street   to Main Street. ;
[03:04.67]  I turn left to Grove   Avenue.I continue on   Grove Avenue.I turn   right. ;
[03:10.99]  I continue on Grove   Avenue to Seventh   Street. ;
[03:15.23]  I turn left and   go to the middle   of the block. ;
[03:18.63]MRS MILLER:That's   it.I'll see you   soon,George.Mary,   is the table set? ;
[03:25.63]MARY:Yes,Mother.   Come and look. ;
[03:28.34]MRS MILLER:It looks   very pretty.Thank   you,Mary. ;
[03:32.11]7.Read the following   passage once. ;
[03:37.20]Underline the key words while reading and retell the story to your partner. ;
[03:43.94]   A Bread in the     Routine ;
[03:47.50]Jonathan Rivers lived alone in a neat,two- storey, semi-detached house ;
[03:53.71]in Compton Street. ;
[03:55.78]Like many bachelors approaching middle age, ;
[03:59.81]he was getting rather set in his ways.He cau -ght the same train to London every morning, ;
[04:07.29]ate his lunch in the same crowded restau- rant near the office where he worked ;
[04:12.44]and always came home on the 6.00 train. ;
[04:16.47]People were so used to seeing Jonathan set off at a quarter past eight, ;
[04:22.57]dressed in a simple dark suit, ;
[04:25.07]wearing a black bowler -hat and carrying a rolled umbrella on his arm, ;
[04:30.80]that they said you didn't need to wear a watch if you lived in Compton Street. ;
[04:36.74]Ever since Jonathan had set up house in Compton Street, ;
[04:41.95]he had looked after it very carefully. ;
[04:45.18]He worked hard in the garden every Sunday ;
[04:49.00]and set out to impress the neighbours with his flower beds and lawn. ;
[04:54.15]Before he left the house in the mornings, ;
[04:57.65]he carefully closed all the doors downstairs, ;
[05:01.37]opened some windows to let the air in and locked the front door. ;
[05:06.30]Everything Jonathan did was tidy and systematic.One summer evening ;
[05:14.53]Jonathan returned home as usual at five minutes to seven precisely. ;
[05:20.15]When he opened the front gate he imme -diately noticed something strange. ;
[05:25.78]There was a heavy footprint in the earth in one of the flower beds. ;
[05:31.46]Jonathan was just going to blame the milkman or the postman ;
[05:35.97]when he noticed that one of the white lace curtains ;
[05:39.26]in the front room downstairs was out of place. ;
[05:42.92]Jonathan never left anything out of place. ;
[05:47.27]He walked up to the front door and opened it quietly. ;
[05:51.62]He listened carefully for a few moments but could hear nothing. ;
[05:56.29]The front-room door was half-open. ;
[05:59.79]Jonathan studied it thoughtfully, ;
[06:02.55]wondering if he had forgotten to close it that morning. ;
[06:06.43]He had never forgotten before. ;
[06:09.51]He stepped silently across the hall to the door and looked inside the room. ;
[06:15.93]The shadow of a man was clearly reflected on the far wall in the evening sunlight. ;
[06:22.67]He had obviously been standing behind the door since Jonathan's return. ;
[06:28.72]Jonathan grabbed the door-handle,slammed the door and turned the key. ;
[06:35.14]Then he calmly picked up the telephone in the hall ;
[06:39.44]and set about calling the police. ;
[06:42.52]The burglar,a tall, thick-set,bearded fellow, ;
[06:47.77]tried to climb through a window to get out but Jonathan had expected that. ;
[06:53.77]He set about him with his umbrella, using it like a sword. ;
[06:59.29]Three minutes later the police arrived on the scene. ;
[07:03.79]Jonathan was a little annoyed that he had to have dinner later than usual ;
[07:09.37]but on the whole he felt quite pleased with himself. ;
[07:14.52]   Lesson 23 ;
[07:46.46]    Text A Would You Like a Shave or a Haircut? ;
[07:52.25]A poor farmer who had always lived in the country ;
[07:57.08]and had never visited a big town won a lot of money,so he decided ;
[08:02.59]that he could now afford a holiday in an excellent hotel by the sea. ;
[08:07.48]When lunch-time came on his first day there, ;
[08:11.62]he decided to go and eat in the restaurant of the hotel. ;
[08:15.97]The head waiter showed him to his table,took his order and went away. ;
[08:22.65]When he looked at the farmer again, he had a surprise! ;
[08:26.85]The farmer had tied his table napkin round his neck. ;
[08:31.78]The head waiter was very annoyed at this and immediately ;
[08:35.76]told one of the other waiters in the resta -urant to go to the man ;
[08:39.69]and inform him,without being in any way insulting, ;
[08:43.30]that people did not do such a thing in restaurants of that quality. ;
[08:48.23]The waiter went to the farmer and said in a friendly voice, ;
[08:52.74]"Good morning,sir. Would you like a shave,or a haircut?" ;
[08:58.42]    Text B    What Do the    Romans Do? ;
[09:04.05]MR TURNBULL:When   in Rome,do as   the Romans do,   they say. ;
[09:08.82]MRS TURNBULL:What do   the Romans do? ;
[09:11.05]MR TURNBULL:They  live in Rome,of  course,and go to  work by car or bus. ;
[09:16.20]  But sometimes it   takes too long   that way ;
[09:19.54]  because of the   traffic jams,   so they walk. ;
[09:22.67]MRS TURNBULL:In other   words,the Romans do   what everyone else   does. ;
[09:26.92]MR TURNBULL:Yes,but   they do it differ-   ently.Everything   is different. ;
[09:31.54]MRS TURNBULL:What   do you mean? ;
[09:32.92]MR TURNBULL:Well,the   climate's different   for a start. ;
[09:36.37]  It doesn't rain so   much as it does in   England.The sun   shines more often. ;
[09:41.62]MRS TURNBULL:I envy   them the sun. ;
[09:43.69]MR TURNBULL:I know.   You hate the rain,   don't you? ;
[09:46.71]MRS TURNBULL:I    certainly do. ;
[09:48.31]MR TURNBULL:And a   Roman really loves   life.He knows how   to enjoy himself. ;
[09:53.35]MRS TURNBULL:They   always eat spaghetti   and drink wine,don't   they? ;
[09:57.12]MR TURNBULL:Not always   But they like a good   meal. ;
[10:00.41]  Lots of tourists   go to Rome just for   the food,you know. ;
[10:04.33]MRS TURNBULL:Really?   How much does it   cost to fly to   Rome? ;
[10:08.42]MR TURNBULL:I don't   know exactly,but   it costs a lot   of money. ;
[10:13.78]7.Read the following   conversation once.   Underline the key   words ;
[10:22.11]and retell to your partner the dialogue in your own words. ;
[10:26.89]  Mrs Smith Meets     Mrs Turnbull ;
[10:30.12]Mrs Smith:Hello,   Mrs Turnbull.   How are you? ;
[10:33.79]Mrs Turnbull:Fine,   Thanks.How's your   boy,Jack? ;
[10:37.45]Mrs Smith:He's a   bit tired. ;
[10:39.89]  You know,he goes   to school at eight   o'clock every   morning. ;
[10:44.56]  He doesn't get home   till after four.Then   he does his homework   after tea. ;
[10:50.61]  It often takes him   a couple of hours   to finish it. ;
[10:54.80]Mrs Turnbull:Poor   boy. ;
[10:56.45]  They work hard at   school nowadays,   don't they?Does   he like it? ;
[11:02.28]Mrs Smith:School,you    mean?Yes,he does. ;
[11:06.48]  He likes his   teachers,and that   always makes a   difference. ;
[11:11.62]Mrs Turnbull:Yes,it   does.Does he go to   school by bus? ;
[11:16.56]Mrs Smith:No,He walks.   He likes walking. ;
[11:20.48]  He meets some of   his friends at the   corner and they go   together. ;
[11:25.69]Mrs Turnbull:What   does he do when   it rains? ;
[11:28.50]Mrs Smith:My husband   takes him in the   car. ;
[11:31.52]  He passes the school   on the way to the   office. ;
[11:36.94]  Lesson 24 ;
[12:08.03]    Text A  At Christmas Time ;
[12:12.23]Many people like to decorate their houses at Christmas time. ;
[12:16.47]They decorate the inside of the house and the outside too. ;
[12:21.25]Inside they usually decorate a Christmas tree ;
[12:24.59]and the fireplace, if there is one. ;
[12:26.66]Outside they place wreaths,ribbons,and coloured lights on the door and windows ;
[12:32.76]If there is a tree in front of their house, ;
[12:35.74]they place colored lights on it too.In New York City,there is a very tall, ;
[12:42.10]beautifully decorated Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center at Christmas time. ;
[12:47.04]In Washington,there is also a big deco- rated tree in front of the White House. ;
[12:53.09]People come from many cities to admire the trees ;
[12:56.70]and the gaily decorate -d store windows on the principal avenues of large cities. ;
[13:03.33]    Text B     What Do You    Do After Work? ;
[13:09.22]PETER:Hello,Jim.   Where are you   going? ;
[13:12.41]JIM:To the cinema.   What about coming   with me? ;
[13:16.12]PETER:No,thanks.I'm   going home.My wife's   expecting me. ;
[13:21.48]JIM:What a pity.I   believe it's a   very good film. ;
[13:25.41]PETER:Do you go to   the cinema a lot? ;
[13:28.06]JIM:Once a week.Most   nights I sit at   home and watch   telly. ;
[13:34.00]PETER:Do you know   what's on tonight,   by any chance? ;
[13:37.03]JIM:No,I'm sorry I   don't.I never read   the papers till I   get home. ;
[13:42.76]PETER:Oh,I see.By  the way,where are  you going for your  holidays this year? ;
[13:48.65]JIM:I don't know yet   My wife's going to   her mother's for a   couple of weeks. ;
[13:53.85]  She lives by the   sea,you know. ;
[13:56.66]PETER:Oh,does she?   That's convenient. ;
[14:00.17]JIM:Yes,but I want   to go to the   country. ;
[14:03.62]PETER:Don't you like   the sea? ;
[14:05.74]JIM:Yes,very much.   But I need peace   and quiet when   I'm on holiday. ;
[14:11.47]  What are you going   to do? ;
[14:13.38]PETER:I'm going to   stay at home. ;
[14:15.50]JIM:Aren't you going   to have a holiday   abroad this year? ;
[14:19.06]PETER:No,I want to buy    a car,and that's   going to take every   penny I've got. ;
[14:25.75]7.Read the following   passage once. ;
[14:32.75]Underline the key words while reading and retell the story to your partner. ;
[14:39.33]Going to the Theater ;
[14:42.57]If you want to be certain of seeing a play in London, ;
[14:47.13]you have to book your seat in advance. ;
[14:50.42]You can buy your tickets ;
[14:52.60]either at a Theatre Ticket Agency or at the Box Office in the theatre itself. ;
[14:59.13]It is very rare that you will be lucky enough to get a ticket ;
[15:03.69]five minutes before the play begins. ;
[15:06.82]If you go in a large party it is not always possible ;
[15:11.70]for all of you to sit in the same part of the theatre. ;
[15:15.95]Some will have to sit in the Stalls, others in the Dress Circle ;
[15:21.57]and some in the Upper Circle. ;
[15:24.81]These seats are the least expensive of the three ;
[15:28.74]Seats in a Box or the Front Stalls are the most expensive. ;
[15:36.17]  Lesson 25 ;
[16:08.11]    Text A  A Ten-Dollar Bill ;
[16:11.93]Sam waited patiently in the long line at the grocery store. ;
[16:16.87]He had come to pick up a few items for his mother. ;
[16:20.59]He often did chores for his parents after school. ;
[16:24.35]He enjoyed helping out at home. ;
[16:26.69]As he waited,he daydreamed about the new camera he wanted to buy. ;
[16:32.15]He wanted to buy it soon because his family was going on a vacation, ;
[16:36.98]and he wanted to take pictures of their trip There was only one problem. ;
[16:42.34]He needed seven more dollars to buy the camera. ;
[16:45.69]His lawn-mowing job at the Smith's should provide the money shortly. ;
[16:50.78]Suddenly Sam was roughly shoved aside. ;
[16:53.86]He recognized Mrs Sanders, ;
[16:56.78]an unkind and unfriendly person who lived on his block. ;
[17:01.02]She had shoved in front of him without even smiling. ;
[17:05.00]Just as Mrs Sanders received her change and her purchases, ;
[17:09.25]a ten-dollar bill flew out of her hand and fell at Sam's feet. ;
[17:14.29]Mrs Sanders,however, ;
[17:16.20]was too busy criticizing the cashier for his slowness to notice. ;
[17:21.35]As Sam bent to pick up the money,he thought quickly. ;
[17:25.80]The money did belong to Mrs Sanders, ;
[17:28.56]but she deserved to lose it after the way she had behaved, and,with it, ;
[17:33.71]he could buy the camera. ;
[17:36.31]    Text B A Baby-sitter ;
[17:41.09]Colin is talking to Jack about yesterday evening. ;
[17:45.65]Jack went out,but Colin had to stay at home. ;
[17:50.43]JACK:Why did your   parents make you   stay at home? ;
[17:54.04]COLIN:They wanted   to go out, ;
[17:56.27]  and so they made me   look after my baby   brother. ;
[17:59.61]JACK:Didn't you   mind doing it? ;
[18:01.78]COLIN:No,I didn't.   My brother was very   good and I did quite   a lot of homework. ;
[18:08.21]JACK:Didn't you even   want to go to the   cinema? ;
[18:11.07]COLIN:Not really.I   watched television   for an hour. ;
[18:15.42]JACK:What was on   television last   night? ;
[18:18.18]COLIN:Boxing.It was   excellent. ;
[18:20.89]JACK:Oh.I enjoy   watching boxing   on television,   too. ;
[18:24.98]  What a pity I missed   it last night! ;
[18:27.31]COLIN:What did you   do last night? ;
[18:29.86]JACK:I went to a   boxing-match in   the sports   stadium. ;
[18:34.16]7.Read the following   passage once. ;
[18:39.94]Underline the key words while reading and retell the story to your partner. ;
[18:46.68]Miss Green was very fat. ;
[18:50.13]She weighed 100 kilos, and she was getting heavier every month, ;
[18:56.34]so she went to see her doctor. ;
[18:59.68]He said,"You need a diet,Miss Green,and I've got a good one here." ;
[19:06.69]He gave her a small book and said, ;
[19:09.77]"Read this carefully and eat the things on page 11 every day. ;
[19:15.55]Then come back and see me in two weeks' time." ;
[19:20.17]Miss Green came again two weeks later, ;
[19:23.88]but she wasn't thinner:she was fatter. ;
[19:27.65]The doctor was surprised and said, ;
[19:30.94]"Are you eating the things on page 11 of the small book?" ;
[19:35.56]"Yes,doctor," she answered. ;
[19:38.63]The next day the doctor visited Miss Green during her dinner. ;
[19:43.68]She was very surprised to see him. ;
[19:46.81]"Miss Green," he said, "Why are you eating potatoes and bread? ;
[19:52.54]They aren't in your diet.""But,doctor," Miss Green answered, ;
[19:58.16]"I ate my diet at lunch time.This is my dinner." ;
[20:04.85]  Lesson 26 ;
[20:36.48]    Text A  What Are the Times     of Meals? ;
[20:40.94]Mr and Mrs Williams had always spent their summer holidays in England in the past ;
[20:47.09]in a small boarding- -house at the seaside. ;
[20:50.70]One year,however,Mr Williams made a lot of money in his business, ;
[20:55.85]so they decided to go to Rome and stay at a really good hotel ;
[21:00.52]while they went around and saw the sights of that famous city. ;
[21:04.02]They flew to Rome,and arrived at their hotel late one evening. ;
[21:09.33]They expected that they would have to go to bed hungry, ;
[21:13.26]because in the boarding-houses they had been used to in the past, ;
[21:17.13]no meals were served after seven o'clock in the evening. ;
[21:20.63]They were therefore surprised ;
[21:22.81]when the clerk who received them in the hall of the hotel ;
[21:25.62]asked them whether they would be taking dinner there that night. ;
[21:29.39]"Are you still serving dinner then?"asked Mrs Williams. ;
[21:33.63]"Yes,certainly, madam,"answered the clerk. ;
[21:37.03]"We serve it until half-past nine." ;
[21:40.21]"What are the times of meals then?"asked Mr Williams. ;
[21:44.78]"Well,sir,"answered the clerk, ;
[21:47.32]"we serve breakfast from seven to half- past eleven in the morning, ;
[21:51.52]lunch from twelve to three in the afternoon,tea from four to five, ;
[21:57.67]and dinner from six to half-past nine." ;
[22:00.86]"But that hardly leaves any time for us to see the sights of Rome!" ;
[22:04.94]said Mrs Williams in a disappointed voice. ;
[22:08.87]    Text B The Food Is Bad ;
[22:14.23]Lise,Nick and Bill had gone out walking for the day. ;
[22:19.38]Nick got back about six."Haven't Bill and Lise arrived yet?"he asked. ;
[22:26.60]"I thought they were ahead of me..." It was 7.30 when Bill and Lise came in. ;
[22:34.13]The others were just finishing supper. ;
[22:37.21]"Where on earth have you been?" Nick asked. ;
[22:40.82]"We'll tell you all about it after supper, "Bill said. ;
[22:45.01]"We'd better go and get our food. ;
[22:47.40]The warden's already told us that we're late..." ;
[22:50.95]After supper,the group sat around talking. ;
[22:55.20]STEVE:Ugh!The food  here really is bad.  My soup was cold. ;
[23:00.13]And the meat- huh!-it was like leather! ;
[23:03.05]LISE:Yes,and they   don't give you   very much,either. ;
[23:06.50]  I'm still hungry.   Are hostels in   England always   as bad as this? ;
[23:11.92]ANNA:I haven't   stayed in one   for ages. ;
[23:14.73]  But I'm sure this   one is especially   bad.And the warden   is so unpleasant... ;
[23:20.28]MALC:"Don't do this,   don't do that.You   mustn't do this,you   can't do that..." ;
[23:25.29]STEVE:Well,I'm going   to write a letter   of complaint. ;
[23:28.74]  To the Secretary of   the Youth Hostels   Association! ;
[23:32.19]LISE:And we'll all   help you... ;
[23:35.42]7.Read the following   dialogue once.   Underline the key   words while reading ;
[23:45.61]and retell to your partner the dialogue in your own words. ;
[23:50.34]A:They don't   really think you   took it,do they? ;
[23:53.89]B:I don't know.I just   know I've never been   asked so many questi   -ons in my life. ;
[24:00.47]A:How many of them   were there? ;
[24:03.02]B:Three--but there  was one of them who  kept asking really  stupid questions. ;
[24:09.02]A:Like what? ;
[24:10.40]B:Oh,he wanted to know   what time I got up   this morning ;
[24:14.48]  and if I had a bath   or a shower--you   know,things like   that. ;
[24:19.52]A:What on earth has   that got to do   with some money   disappearing? ;
[24:23.87]B:I've no idea.Oh   yes,and the most   ridiculous thing. ;
[24:29.13]  He asked me what I   had for breakfast   this morning. ;
[24:32.68]A:Oh well,that's it.   They obviously   think you're a   desperate criminal ;
[24:38.20]  and you have to   steal to eat.I   should think you'll   get thirty years. ;
[24:43.40]B:Hmm.Thank you   very much. ;
[24:47.60]   Lesson 27 ;
[25:18.75]    Text A  The Shopping List ;
[25:22.57]Mrs Black was having a lot of trouble with her skin, ;
[25:26.92]so she went to her doctor about it. ;
[25:29.79]He could not find anything wrong with her,however, ;
[25:33.18]so he sent her to the local hospital for tests.The hospital, of course, ;
[25:38.59]sent the results of the tests direct to Mrs Black's doctor, ;
[25:42.73]and the next morning he telephoned her ;
[25:45.60]to give her a list of the things that he thought she should not eat, ;
[25:49.26]as any of them might be the cause of her skin trouble. ;
[25:53.40]Mrs Black carefully wrote all the things down on a piece of paper, ;
[25:58.65]which she then left beside the telephone while she went out to a ladies'meeting. ;
[26:04.49]When she got back home two hours later,she found her husband waiting for her. ;
[26:10.70]He had a big basket full of packages beside him, ;
[26:14.68]and when he saw her, he said,"Hullo,dear. I have done all your shopping for you." ;
[26:20.78]"Done all my shopping? "she asked in surprise "But how did you know what I wanted?" ;
[26:26.73]"Well,when I got home, I found your shopping list beside the telephone," ;
[26:31.72]answered her husband, ;
[26:33.63]"so I went down to the shops and bought everything you had written down." ;
[26:39.30]Of course,Mrs Black had to tell him ;
[26:42.65]that he had bought all the things the doctor did not allow her to eat! ;
[26:48.11]    Text B  Under Terrible     Strain ;
[26:54.27]Betty and Jean are on their way to work. ;
[26:57.77]BETTY:What was the   party like last   night,Jean? ;
[27:01.06]JEAN:Not bad at all,   thanks.There were   one or two intere   -sting people there. ;
[27:06.21]  Why couldn't   you come? ;
[27:08.28]BETTY:Well,I couldn't   get away from work   early. ;
[27:11.73]  And when I got home   I had a headache,so   I had to go straight   to bed. ;
[27:17.04]  But I was over-tired   because I wasn't   able to get to   sleep for hours. ;
[27:23.25]JEAN:What a shame.   Why didn't you   take a sleeping   pill? ;
[27:27.97]BETTY:I don't like   them. ;
[27:29.98]  I used to take them   when I had to work   overtime,you know. ;
[27:33.59]JEAN:How many did   you use to take? BETTY:Three every   night. ;
[27:38.47]JEAN:Good heavens.   Why did you take   so many? ;
[27:42.72]BETTY:Because I was   under a terrible   strain. ;
[27:45.32]  The doctor said they   weren't very strong. ;
[27:48.03]  Anyway,I used to   feel awful the   next morning. ;
[27:51.69]JEAN:I'm sure you   did. ;
[27:53.49]BETTY:The doctor   said I had to   be careful. ;
[27:55.88]JEAN:He was quite   right. ;
[27:57.79]BETTY:So I stopped   drinking coffee   late at night   instead. ;
[28:02.99]7.Read the following   passage once.   Underline the key   words while reading ;
[28:11.38]and retell the story to your partner. ;
[28:15.14] A Language Mix-Up ;
[28:18.06]Two young British tourists were traveling in France ;
[28:23.05]when a policeman stopped their car and gave it a search. ;
[28:27.72]He found a bag of white powder which looked suspicious. ;
[28:33.29]"Drogue?" asked the heroin-conscious policeman. ;
[28:37.33]"Yes,dogs,"they responded,and promptly found themselves in jail. ;
[28:44.54]Analysis of the powder revealed that it was a chemical ;
[28:49.53]which gives off a smell, ;
[28:51.34]used to discourage dogs from using the sides of the car as a toilet. ;
[28:56.96]The tourists were set free, ;
[28:59.99]after promising to take a few French lessons ;
[29:03.28]before their next vacation in France. ;
