疯狂英语 word_p(在线收听

[00:11.86]There is a picture of a ship on page 44.
[00:24.16]The boy was in pain after he broke.
[00:36.26]Please give me a pair of scissors.
[00:45.98]Usually,cooking pots have 2 small handles but pans have one long handle.
[01:01.81]It's well known that Sichuan Province provides a perfect natural habitat for pandas.
[01:07.58]众所周知, 四川是熊猫最佳的天然栖息地。
[01:17.30]Have you seen today's paper?
[01:27.85]I beg your pardon.
[01:36.86]John and Mary have become parents.
[01:47.18]A park is usually used for rest and relaxation.
[02:00.87]This piece of glass seems to be a part of a lamp.
[02:13.09]I'm giving a party next Saterday night.
[02:24.46]My husband is a Party Member.
[02:34.46]Please pass the bread--I can't quite reach it.
[02:45.98]Please reas this passage for us.
[02:56.09]She is a woman past without any news.
[03:02.94]Days went past without any news.
[03:14.77]I don't mind paying to have my door painted.
[03:23.91]n.体育(=physical education)
[03:25.79]I think P.E. is more useful than any other subject.
[03:37.73]Peas are green seeds that are eaten as a vegetable.
[03:49.96]A pear is kind of a sweet fruit with a green or yellow skin.
[04:03.28]He lives by his pen.
[04:12.19]A pencil is a long,thin,usually wooden object for writing or drawing,
[04:19.63]with a sharp black or other colored point.
[04:34.83]I've got a penfriend.
[04:43.35]People were dancing in the street.
[04:53.98]Perhaps I am wrong,but I think he is 41 years old.
[05:06.49]He's just the person we need for the job.
[05:15.82]电话机  vt.& vi.打电话
[05:17.88]The phone is ringing.
[05:25.69]Let's take a photo together!
[05:34.97]Have you seen John's photograph in the newspaper?
[05:46.07]I don't know which of the 3 dresses to pick--I like them all.
[05:59.29]We'll go to the river and take a picnic with us.
[06:10.99]She drew a picture of me.
[06:19.98]He tore off a small piece of paper.
[06:29.30]Many people think that the pig is the dirtiest animal in the world.
[06:42.23]The pigsty is very dirty.
[06:51.53]This kind of pill is bitter.
[07:00.47]I'm fond of pingpong.
[07:09.37]His grandfather was one of the pioneers of flying.
[07:21.78]Don't help me out of pity,but only if you think I deserve it.
[07:35.50]This is the place where the accident happened.
[07:45.40]Do you know,this is a reconnaissance plane.
[07:56.03]All plants need water and light.
[08:05.67]The pupils are planting trees on the hillside.
[08:15.03]n. 盘子,碟子
[08:16.95]This is a plate of monkey meat.
[08:26.17]The children were playing with a ball.
[08:32.63]There was a record playing in the next room.
[08:42.55]We've been to several plays this month.
[08:53.58]There are ten players attending this match.
[09:04.00]The students were all in the play ground.
[09:13.82]Please do me a favor.
[09:21.84]The Governor is pleased to accept the invitation.
[09:33.07]It gives me great pleasure to welcome our speaker.
[09:44.88]That will give you plenty to do.
[09:54.26]He stood with his hands in his pockets.
[10:05.00]It's rude to point!
[10:14.58]The police have caught the murderer.
[10:22.52]n. 警察
[10:24.30]Policeman might be the best people to ask for help.
[10:36.89]It's not considered polite to put food into your mouth with a knife.
[10:49.90]He bows to me politely.
[10:59.62]Frank is studying politics at university.
[11:10.95]He came from a poor family.
[11:21.95]He's a good politician but he isn't popular.
[11:33.66]What was the population of Europe in 1900?
[11:45.67]I don't like the pork sausages.
[11:55.60]Do you want some porridge?
[12:05.00]There is only one port along this rocky coast.
[12:16.31]I'll do everything possible to help you.
[12:24.80]Has the morning post arrived?
[12:34.21]He sent me a postcard as a gift.
[12:45.23]These chickens will soon be ready for the pot.
[12:56.75]The potato is vulnerable to several pests.
[13:08.38]You mustn't practise the drums while the baby is sleeping.
[13:20.18]The heroine preferred death to surrender.
[13:30.08]This book was a present from my brother.
[13:40.51]She pressed the flower by putting it between the pages of an old book.
[13:52.84]You'll have to mend that leak or it will cause problems later.
[14:05.84]Good soil will produce fine crops.
[14:16.16]The band is giving a programme of modern music.
[14:27.19]In a tug-of-war,the competitors pull as hard as they can.
[14:40.80]The school is large enough for about 500 pupils.
[14:52.08]Push hard and the lever will go down.
[15:02.50]You put too much salt in this dish.
[15:13.24]No one has yet succeeded in explaining the puzzle of how life began.
