英语听力-听电影学英语:一生的唯一 05(在线收听

  [00:04.52]Fuck. 操
  [00:09.16]Flowers? Flowers? 买花吗?
  [00:17.92]- Hey. - Hey. -  嘿 -  嘿
  [00:19.52]How's it going? 你好吗
  [00:21.92]Hey, where you going? 嘿,你去哪?
  [00:29.08]I'm really... I'm just really lonely, 我真的...很寂寞
  [00:31.84]and you're gorgeous, and I just... 你很漂亮,我就...
  [00:32.64]I'm sorry. I fucked up. I'm sorry. I... 对不起,我傻了,对不起...
  [00:34.76]I don't know what to say. 我不知道说什么好了
  [00:36.84]It won't happen again. 不会再有这样的事了
  [00:44.88]Do you have a CD player? 你有CD机吗?
  [00:47.04]Yeah. 有
  [00:47.84]Here you go. 给你
  [00:52.36]Batteries are pretty low, but it should work. 快没电了,不过还能撑一会
  [00:53.04]I give it back. 我会还你的
  [00:55.20]No problem. Keep it. 没事,拿着吧
  [00:58.88]I have to go now. 我要走了
  [01:00.40]I'll talk to you later. 回见
  [01:01.24]You don't want to get a cup of tea or something? I'd love to... 想不想去喝杯茶或者别的?
  [01:04.44]just talk to you a bit more. 我想再和你说会话
  [01:05.24]I have responsibilities. I have to go home. 我要回家照顾家人
  [01:09.24]Is it okay to walk along with you then? 那我能陪你走回去吗?
  [01:10.40]- Yeah? - Yeah. -  行吗? -  嗯
  [01:13.12]Cool. Cool. So how was it today? 酷,你今天好吗?
  [01:14.16]Selling good. 生意挺好的
  [01:16.80]And today is a really good day for me 今天我运气挺好的
  [01:18.28]because I got a job in a big house, cleaning. 我有一份新工作,到一个大房子搞清洁
  [01:24.76]This lady is going to pay me some money, so I'm very happy. 女主人会给我些钱,我很替你高兴
  [01:27.44]That's brilliant. I'm delighted. 真棒,我很高兴
  [01:38.56]This is where I live. 我就住在这儿
  [01:40.72]Oh, yeah? Cool. 是吗,酷
  [01:45.20]All right, then. 好吧
  [01:46.92]Do you want to come in? 想进来吗?
  [01:47.72]Can I? Yeah. Cool. 可以吗?酷
  [01:52.84]Hi, guys. 嘿
  [01:53.36]Hello. 你好啊
  [01:54.88]How are you today? 今天怎样
  [01:55.92]Not bad, not bad. 还行
  [01:57.04]It's great. 挺好
  [01:57.56]How is work? 工作怎样?
  [02:00.60]See you later. 回见
  [02:20.88](speaking Czech) (捷克语)
  [02:36.12](speaking Czech)
  [02:41.08]Ah, hi. 嗨
  [02:41.36](speaks Czech)
  [02:44.28]This is my friend. This is my mother. 我朋友,我妈妈
  [02:46.16]How are you? 您好
  [02:48.84]Nice to meet you. How's it going? 很高兴认识你,过得好吗
  [02:51.12](speaking Czech)
  [02:53.68]This is my daughter Ivonka. 这是我女儿伊凡卡
  [02:57.00]Come on. 来
  [03:02.08]Hello, Ivonka. Hello. 你好,伊凡卡
  [03:05.36](speaking Czech)
  [03:07.64](speaking Czech)
  [03:14.56](speaking Czech)
  [03:15.28]Sorry? 抱歉?
  [03:17.28]That's dinner. Do you want to stay for dinner? 吃饭了,你想在这里吃饭吗?
  [03:21.72]Yeah. Thank you. 好啊,谢谢
  [03:34.96]Yeah. 好
  [03:37.04]MOTHER: (speaking Czech) (捷克语)
  [03:39.44](both speaking Czech)
  [03:48.80](speaking Czech)
  [03:50.68](speaking Czech)
  [03:57.12](speaking Czech)
  [04:02.88]Well, what did she say? 她说什么?
  [04:04.48]She says you're handsome. 她说,你很帅
  [04:05.16]She what? 什么?
  [04:07.48]Says you're handsome. 她说你很帅
  [04:08.16](speaks Czech word)
  [04:11.76](speaks Czech word)
  [04:13.60](speaks Czech) “不客气”
  [04:15.12]Cool. Thanks.
  [04:15.24]Says, "You're welcome." 酷,谢谢
  [04:16.20]Try to speak a little English, Mama. 妈妈,试着说点英文嘛
  [04:18.68]No, thank you. 不了,谢谢
  [04:23.56]Careful. 小心
  [04:24.08]Careful, Ivonka. Don't do that. 小心啊,伊凡卡,别这样
  [04:26.96]She's grand. She's grand. 她没事
  [04:30.72]Where's her dad? 她爸爸在哪里?
  [04:31.00]He doesn't live here. 他不住这儿
  [04:32.28]Why not? 为什么
  [04:37.76]He's at home. 他在老家
  [04:46.24]Hello. Hi. 你好
  [04:48.24]These are from next door. 这是隔壁邻居
  [04:51.28]They come in to watch telly. 过来看电视呢
  [04:51.60]- Yeah. - Hi, guys. -  嗯 -  嘿
  [04:53.08]There's only one telly in the building. 这是整个楼里唯一一台电视
  [04:56.36]We watch Fair City together. 我们一起看 《Fair City》
  [04:57.16]Fair City, we love. 《Fair City》,我们爱看
  [05:00.96]We learn English from Fair City. 我们从那里面学英语
