英语听力-听电影学英语:一生的唯一 06(在线收听

  [00:20.94]#The little cracks, they escalated # #细小的裂缝正在加深#
  [00:26.86]# Before we knew it was too late # #等我们发现为时已晚#
  [00:34.62]# For making circles # #原地打转#
  [00:41.62]#And telling lies # #满口谎言#
  [00:48.18]#You're moving too fast for me # #你走得太快#
  [00:52.70]#And I, I can't keep up with you # #我追赶不上#
  [00:57.62]# Maybe if you'd slow down for me # #可能如果你能为我放慢#
  [01:04.34]# I could see you're only telling # #我就能看清#
  [01:12.30]# Lies, lies, lies # #你的谎言#
  [01:15.38]# Breaking us down with your # #你的谎言让我们分离#
  [01:20.58]# Lies, lies, lies # #谎言#
  [01:27.14]#When will you learn? # #你什么才会懂#
  [01:36.46]# So plant the thought # #思绪植根#
  [01:41.06](music continues)
  [01:48.58]Would you like to buy a flower? 买朵花吧?
  [01:51.98]- Hi. How are you? - How's it going? - 嘿,最近好吗? -  你好吗?
  [01:52.66]Pretty good. 挺好的
  [01:54.86]- Pretty good. - Good to see you. -  不错 -  看到你真好
  [01:56.62]I'm going to go to London, I've decided. 我决定了,我要去伦敦
  [01:58.90]That's great. 真好
  [02:00.02]Yeah, it's good, it makes sense. 对,挺好的
  [02:00.46]- Good. - Yeah. -  好啊 -  对
  [02:03.18]Well done. 做得好
  [02:04.38]When are you going? 什么时候走?
  [02:05.06]I'm going to go Monday. 周一走
  [02:07.70]Wow, that's, that's soon. 哦,真快
  [02:11.06]You'll get your girlfriend back, 你会赢回你的女朋友
  [02:12.46]and you'll get your record deal, and... 然后拿到唱片合约
  [02:14.62]- become famous. - Yeah, right. -  然后成名 -  对
  [02:17.74]- Good. - But listen, -  好 -  听我说
  [02:20.10]I was thinking, I was thinking before I go, 我在想,在我走之前
  [02:20.78]I want to make a recording of a few songs. 我想录几首歌
  [02:22.90]A couple of the songs I was playing you, 我和你一起演奏过的几首歌
  [02:26.18]and I really liked the way you played and your singing. 我很喜欢你弹的琴和你的伴唱
  [02:27.18]So, if you feel like, would you be into playing along? 你想不想和我一起去?
  [02:28.62]Like what we were playing on? 想我们以前那样一起演奏?
  [02:31.06]- I would sing and play? - Yeah. -  我弹琴伴唱? -  对
  [02:32.82]I'd love that. 我想啊
  [02:35.30]- So you'd be in my band for a few days. - Yeah. -  那这几天你就在我的乐队里了 -  对
  [02:35.70]Really? Cool. 真的?酷
  [02:39.02]Well, that's the first thing I've got sorted out. 那第一件事我搞定了
  [02:43.86]Now I just need to sort everything else out. 接下来得搞定其他的事
  [02:44.94]All right, guys, welcome. 好,欢迎
  [02:48.46]Now, so let me give you the tour. 我来给你们介绍一下吧
  [02:51.02]That is your live rooms in there. 这是演奏室
  [02:55.18]This is a new desk. 这是张新的桌子
  [02:55.70]You got your hard drive and you got your outboard gear. 硬驱和器材都有了
  [02:58.86]Now all in all, we're talking about 那么说就是
  [02:58.98]three grand for a weekend of... 一个周末三千...
  [03:00.38]- Three? - Yeah. - 三? -  对
  [03:01.78]Three grand, that's pretty good. 三百,这可是好东西啊
  [03:04.54]$3,000. 三千阿
  [03:04.94]You must be crazy. 你疯了
  [03:06.34]Well, have a look around. 看一看吧
  [03:09.82]You've everything you need. 什么都全了
  [03:11.50]- What do you think, is it good? - (softly): It's pretty good. -  你觉得呢,好吗? -  挺好的
  [03:14.50]We'll give you one. 一千吧
  [03:19.34]I'm sorry. 抱歉
  [03:20.22]I haven't yet, no. 没有呢
  [03:20.62]Have you heard this guy's songs? 你听过他的歌吗?
  [03:22.82]He's great. 他很棒的
  [03:24.10]Okay, but, uh, 好,不过
  [03:25.34]listen, I can fill this place in an hour. 听我说,一个小时之内我就能找到别人来录
  [03:29.10]One and a half then, that's my limit. 一千五吧,底线了
  [03:36.46]We can talk about two. 两千还说得过去
  [03:38.06]We don't talk. 我们不说
  [03:38.62]We shake. 我们握手
  [03:39.90]Shake now? 现在握手?
  [03:40.94]We shake on two, yeah? 两千,握手,是吧?
  [03:41.50]All right. 好
  [03:43.30]Two thousand. 两千
  [03:44.30]She drives a hard bargain. 她太能讲价了
  [03:45.98]She's a tough cookie. 她很牛吧
  [03:51.86]So you like this shop? 你喜欢这家店?
  [03:53.54]I buy all my clothes here. 我的衣服都在这里买的
  [03:56.90]It's good for me, you know? 适合我
  [03:58.90]Cheap. 便宜
  [03:59.58]Nice fashions. 款式也好
  [04:03.26]Okay, you ready? 好,你准备好了
  [04:04.38]Yeah, I'm ready. 准备好了
  [04:12.62]That's good. That will do. 挺好的,没问题
  [04:13.30]Do you like it? 你喜欢吗?
  [04:15.02]You're gorgeous. 很帅阿
  [04:16.82]All right, can we go? 我们走了?
  [04:27.02](tape clicks on)
  [04:30.74](man singing on tape)
  [04:44.66]The quality is poor, 录音质量不行
  [04:47.30]but if we can get a professional tape, 不过如果能有专业录音带
  [04:50.82]I'm, I'm satisfied that he can secure a lucrative deal. 和他签约,他能挣大钱的
  [04:54.78]You take it home, you, you listen to it. 把带子拿回家听听
  [04:57.74]You play it to your boss. 放给你老板听
  [05:00.06]I'm sure you can get him to approve. 我相信你能让他答应的
