英语听力 听电影学英语:一个购物狂的自白 02(在线收听

  [00:01.44]You do not need a scarf. 你也不需要这条围巾
  [00:06.56]Then again... 再问一次...
  [00:08.00]...who needs a scarf? ...谁需要一条围巾?
  [00:11.68]Wrap some oId jeans around your neck,  that'II keep you warm. 围那些老款的牛仔围巾,只用来保暖
  [00:16.16]That's what your mother wouId do. 这是你妈妈才会做的
  [00:17.04]You're right,  she wouId. 你说的太对了,她确实会那么做
  [00:19.72]The point about this scarf is that 这条围巾的关键在于
  [00:25.00]it wouId become part of a definition of your... 它会融于你的...
  [00:27.44]Of your psyche. 你的灵魂
  [00:30.16]Do you see what I mean? 你懂我的意思么?
  [00:33.12]No,  I do. Keep taIking. 不,我不了解,请继续说下去
  [00:34.00]It wouId make your eyes Iook bigger. 它会让你的眼睛看起来更大
  [00:38.00]Mmm... 嗯...
  [00:42.00]It wouId make my haircut Iook more expensive. 它使我的发型看起来更有档次
  [00:43.28]You'd wear it with everything. 你可拿它配任何一件衣服
  [00:45.68]It wouId be an investment. 这是一件好东西
  [00:48.56]You wouId waIk into that interview confident. 你可以更加自信地去参加面试
  [00:52.04]- Poised. - The girI in the green scarf. - 镇静  - 围着绿围巾的女孩
  [00:52.64]- Confident. - And poised. - 自信  - 并且镇静
  [01:00.60]The green scarf,  pIease. 我要这条绿围巾
  [01:00.88]Good choice. It's the Iast one. 你很有品位,这已经是最后一条了
  [01:03.96]That'II be $1 20. How wouId you Iike to pay? 120块  你用什么付钱?
  [01:06.84]Here's $50 in cash, can you put 30 on this card... 这里是50块现金 用这张卡付30块...
  [01:17.88]Ten on that. 这张付10块
  [01:20.84]Twenty on that. 这张付20块.
  [01:23.24]- It's so cute. - DecIined. - 你的业务真精通  - 失败了
  [01:25.32]ReaIIy? CouId you just... CouId you try it again? 失败? 那你可以...  可以再试一次么?
  [01:30.36]ReaIIy decIined. 还是失败
  [01:32.88]- CouId you put this to one side...? - I can't hoId saIe items. - 你可以把围巾先放一放?  - 我无法保留任何商品
  [01:44.12]- Excuse me. It's an emergency. - Back of the Iine! - 对不起,紧急情况  - 去后面排队!
  [01:47.92]Excuse me,  this is an emergency. Excuse you,  excuse me! 对不起,紧急情况 对不起,请让一让!
  [01:49.40]- Do you do cash back? - What? - 你能返还现金么?  - 什么?
  [01:53.88]If I give you a check for $23, wiII you give me 如果我给你一张23美元的支票 你可以给我
  [01:54.24]one of your hot dogs and $20 cash back,  pIease? 一个热狗以及20美元么,拜托了?
  [01:58.36]- Do I Iook Iike a bank? - I have an interview. - 我看起来像一个银行么?  - 我想买一个东西
  [01:59.40]They don't hoId items. It's a desperateIy important scarf. 但是他们无法保留物品 那是一条相当重要的围巾
  [02:03.48]Know what? It's for my great-aunt. She's in the hospitaI. 你知道什么? 这是给我婶祖母的,她住院了
  [02:03.68]DesperateIy important scarf. 一条相当重要的围巾
  [02:06.20]Can you ask them to turn the heating up? 你不能让医院把空调温度调高么?
  [02:08.96]Want mustard with that? 要加芥末么?
  [02:09.36]PIease. I wiII buy aII of your hot dogs. 拜托了,我会买你这里所有的热狗
  [02:14.04]- You'II take 97 hot dogs? - Done. - 你确定你要这里97个热狗?  - 是的.
  [02:17.64]Who do I make it... 我要怎么...
  [02:21.00]That means you just paid $23 for a hot dog! 这意味着你花23块买了一个热狗!
  [02:28.04]Cost and worth are very different things. 花费和实际价值不是一回事
  [02:28.08]You want your scarf,  I want my hot dog. 你要你的围巾,我要我的热狗
  [02:32.32]Thank you! My aunt wiII reaIIy appreciate it. 谢谢!我婶祖母会感激你的
  [02:47.44]- Hi. - Hi. - 你好  - 你好
  [02:48.24]I'm here for the interview at Alette magazine. 我有一个Alette杂志面试
  [02:50.92]Alette... Oh,  fiIIed,  internaIIy. Yesterday. Alette...满了,内部招到的 就在昨天
  [02:53.00]They did post it on the Web. Let's see,  who got the job? 公司把这个贴在网上了 看看,是谁?
  [02:58.20]Oh... Speak of the deviI. 噢...  说曹操曹操就到
  [03:03.04]AIicia... BiIIington. Alicia BiIIington
  [03:19.76]She has the Iongest Iegs in the worId. 她拥有世界上最长的腿
  [03:24.72]She notes resentfuIIy. 她很清楚这一点
  [03:27.40]Great. FauIty. 好吧,我失误了
  [03:31.36]- Nice scarf. - Thanks. I bought it for the interview. - 围巾很漂亮啊  - 谢谢,我专门为面试买的
  [03:36.56]Scusi...Come on. Scusi...过来
  [03:42.80]As we speak,  interviews are being heId 这会儿正好还有一个面试
  [03:45.36]at Successful Saving. 叫Successful Saving
  [03:48.16]- The money magazine? - Snort not,  sweet chiId. - 关于金融的杂志?  - 别小看它,可爱的孩子
  [03:50.28]Alette may be your EmeraId City, Alette 或许是你的翡翠城(翡翠城:<绿野仙踪>的场景,意为终极目标)
  [03:53.84]but Successful Saving couId be your yeIIow-brick road. 但是Successful Saving会成为你的踏脚板
  [03:58.84]Dantay-West is a famiIy of magazines that acts Iike a famiIy. Dantay-West大厦里面有很多杂志社  大厦本身也像一个大家庭
  [04:01.80]DeepIy nepotistic. Ugh. 非常偏袒内部人员
  [04:02.96]So my advice to you,  dear Dorothy, 因此我归你的建议,亲爱的Dorothy (Dorothy:《绿野仙踪》女主角)
  [04:06.48]is thus... Once you're in... you're in. 是这样的...一但你加入了 你就是自己人了
  [04:13.40]I'm in. 我接受
  [04:14.84]HeIIo,  Successful Saving. 你好,Successful Saving
  [04:25.64]Ms. BIoomwood? BIoomwood女士?
  [04:29.32]So what form does this interview take? 这个面试是采用哪种方式?
  [04:30.52]Is it just mainIy a generaI chat,  hobbies... 它是那种聊天式的,谈谈业余爱好啊...
  [04:31.12]Oh,  no,  no,  no. It's very specific on finance. 不,不,不,不是的 是非常专业的金融知识
  [04:35.08]ButterfIy investments,  futures. That sort of thing. 投资的蝴蝶效应啊,期货啊,有关这方面的
  [04:40.04]- But he's worth 1 .2 biIIion... - Good Iuck. - 但是他值12亿...  - 祝你好运
  [04:43.32]- Thanks. - We taIked and taIked. Said nothing. - 谢谢  - 我们谈了那么多时间,没有一点结果
  [04:47.52]Yeah,  of course I did. He understands the ruIes. 是的,我肯定做了,他懂规则的
  [04:53.28]It's aIways... Of course we got the biII. 总是...我们当然拿到钱了
  [04:58.92]Listen,  I've got to go. I'm interviewing. 听着,我必须挂了 我正在给人面试
