口语800句 2-10 提醒、忠告(在线收听

10  提醒、忠告 


[00:06.15]John, apologize to her. (约翰,向她道歉。)
[00:14.13]John, you listen to me! (约翰,你听我说!)
[00:21.96]Watch out! Don't play with that thing. (危险,别淘气。)
[00:30.70]Do it yourself.(自己的事情自己做。)
[00:36.29]You should finish what you start. (你别半途而废。)
[00:43.86]I'm ready to throw in the towel. (我认输了。)
[00:51.81]It's your duty (to do that).(这是你(应尽)的责任。 )
[00:58.77]Be good to others.(要善待他人。 )
[01:04.53]You can't be too careful. (你要再三小心。)
[01:11.09]Make up your mind after thinking it over carefully.(三思而后行。 )
[01:22.59]I'm counting on you. (我全靠你了。 )
[01:28.15]You'll see. (你终究会明白的。)
[01:32.42]Calm down and think carefully. (冷静下来好好想想。)
[01:40.74]That's the most important thing. (这是最重要的事情。)
[01:48.08]Don't bite off more than you can chew. (人要有自知之明。 )
[01:57.18]There isn't much merit in doing so.(这事做起来没有太大价值。 )
[02:07.00]What you need is a little more effort. (你还得再加把劲儿。)
[02:16.75]Respect yourself. (有点自尊心吧! )
[02:22.36]I hope you'll be more positive overall.(我希望你事事要积极。)
[02:32.46]That's easy for you to say. (你说得容易。)
[02:40.39]There's no reason for complaints. (你发什么牢骚? )
[02:48.36]It's written all over your face.(你脸上都写着呢呀! )
[02:56.47]It's natural for me to get angry. (我当然会生气了。)
[03:05.22]I'm telling you this from my experience. (我是根据我的经验才这样说的。)
[03:15.81]Can't you think of it differently?(没其他不同的看法吗? )
[03:24.23]Just think of it!(好好想想。 )
[03:29.62]Don't trust it. (不要轻信。 )
[03:34.48]I'm so gullible.(我是个容易上当的人。)
[03:41.60]Don't underestimate him.(别小看他。 )
[03:48.30]That's the name of the game. (那是最重要的呀! )
[03:55.20]I can't make any exceptions for you. (我不能对你特殊。)
[04:04.83]Use your head!(动动脑子。 )
[04:10.33]You asked for it! (自作自受。 )
[04:15.46]If the shoe fits, wear it. (如果批评得对,你就接受吧。)


[04:27.08]Let me give you a piece of advice.(我得提醒一句。 )
[04:36.68]Watch out! (小心!)
[04:41.18]Watch your step! (注意脚下。)
[04:46.54]Hold on to me tight.(抓紧我。)
[04:52.67]Watch out for him! (要提防着点儿他!)
[04:58.39]There's a little catch. (这里有点儿蹊跷。 )
[05:04.95]Think twice before you do it. (三思而后行。 )
[05:13.00]Easy does it. (轻拿轻放。/动作轻点儿。 )
[05:20.03]Please go easy on me. (手下留情。)
[05:27.17]Let's not jump the gun(.别操之过急。 )
[05:34.12]Let's not go overboard. (不要做得太过火。 )
[05:41.14]Let's wait and see how things go. (我们看情况再说。)
[05:49.59]Don't jump to conclusions! (别这么快地下结论。)
[05:56.95]Don't be selfish. (别那么自私。)
[06:03.03]Your work is always inconsistent. (你的工作表现总是不稳定。)
[06:13.44]You shouldn't spend money foolishly.(你不该随便乱花钱。)
[06:22.31]You have an attitude problem. (你的态度太恶劣了。)
[06:30.64]Don't be so naughty. (别那么没有礼貌。 )
[06:37.62]Hold it down!(请安静! )
[06:42.86]Hush!(嘘!(安静!) )
[06:46.57]It's too noisy.(太吵了。 )
[06:52.59]Don't make a fool of yourself. (别丢人现眼了!)
[07:01.16]Think about where you are.(分清场合。 )
[07:08.27]Act your age.你也不看看你多大了。
[07:14.75]Your view is too optimistic. (你想得也太天真了。)
[07:23.57]You should get your head out of the clouds.(你的想法太不现实了。)
[07:34.28]Don't make such stupid mistakes again! (不要重复这种愚蠢的错误。)
[07:45.18]Don't be stuck-up. (别那么自命不凡。 )
[07:52.48]Don't judge a book by its cover.(人不可貌相。)
[08:01.31]Watch your tongue. (说话要留神。)
[08:07.46]Follow the rules. (要遵守规则。)
[08:14.06]Stop goofing off! (别偷懒! )
[08:19.75]Do as I said!(照我说的做! )
[08:25.93]Don't say bad things about others.(不要说别人的坏话。)
[08:34.51]Don't go back on your word! (别食言。)
[08:42.54]Don't take on more than you can. (做你能做的。 )
[08:51.15]Don't be rude!(别那么粗鲁! )
[08:57.06]You're fired!(你被开除了。 )
[09:02.13]Be a man! (你得像个男子汉!)
[09:08.01]Don't talk boastfully. (别自吹自擂。)
[09:14.44]Please don't disappoint me. (请别让我失望。 )
[09:21.38]Don't flirt with girls! (别挑逗女孩!)
[09:28.29]Don't flirt with boys! (别挑逗男孩! )
[09:35.27]Don't complain and do as you are told.(别抱怨,叫你怎么做,就怎么做。)
[09:46.92]Make it snappy! (干脆点!(赶快!))
[09:52.48]Step on it! (麻利点!/利索点! )


[10:02.52]Don't blame me. (别把责任推给我。)
[10:09.47]You're to blame. (这是你的过错。)
[10:15.74]Put yourself in my shoes. (你站在我的立场上想想。)
[10:25.09]Aren't you ashamed of yourself? (你就不觉得害臊吗? )
[10:33.63]I'll give him a piece of my mind. (我要教训他一顿。 )
[10:43.74]Don't involve me!(别把我卷进去。 )
[10:50.39]I told you so.(我早说过了吧。 )
[10:57.21]You knew that, didn't you?(你知道的吧? )
[11:04.22]It is as if I had done something wrong. (好像是我做错了什么事似的。)
[11:15.13]He chickened out at the last moment. (他在最后关头胆怯了。 )
[11:25.05]Don't take it out on me. (别冲我发火。)
[11:32.57]Pay up! (还我钱!)
[11:37.35]You'll pay for this. (我会找你算帐的。 )
[11:44.03]You're out of your mind! (你疯了! )
[11:51.14]You shouldn't say things like that.(你怎么这么说? )
[11:59.36]It's for your own good! (这可全为了你!)
[12:06.54]Why are you picking on me? (你干吗老挑我的刺儿?)
[12:15.44]He always finds fault with my work.(他对我的工作总是鸡蛋里挑骨头。)


[12:29.80]Hold it! (停! )
[12:33.56]Wait!(等等! )
[12:37.19]Uh-uh-uh! (别动!别动! )
[12:42.04]Don't do that!(别干那事! )
[12:48.01]Why are you doing that? (你干吗要干那种事?)
[12:55.91]Please line up!(请排队! )
[13:02.02]Don't cut in line! (别夹塞儿!)
[13:07.80]Don't push!(别推呀!)
[13:13.09]Don't call me names! (别张口就骂人。)
[13:20.36]Don't be a blabber mouth! (别多嘴多舌的。 )
[13:28.10]Keep it out of sight. (要做得不露痕迹。)
[13:34.83]Stay away from me. (离我远点儿。)
[13:40.66]No funny stuff! (不许耍花样! )
[13:47.21]Stay out of this!(别介入那件事! )
[13:53.86]Don't ruin it. (别给弄砸了。)
[13:59.39]Stop fighting. (别打架!)


[14:07.71]Freeze! (别动! )
[14:12.48]Duck!(蹲下! )
[14:16.50]Hands up!(举起手来! )
[14:21.33]Don't move!(不许动! )
[14:26.42]You listen to me!(照我说的去做! )
[14:33.27]Get down! (趴下! )
[14:38.09]Halt!(站住! )
[14:42.25]Stay where you are! (呆在那儿! )
[14:47.96]Move on!(往前走! )
[14:53.49]On your knees! (跪下! )
[14:59.94]Let go of me! (放手! )
[15:06.80]Run for your lives!(快逃吧! )
[15:14.15]Stop him! (截住他! )
[15:19.68]Can it! (闭嘴! )
[15:24.64]Stand back! (后退! )
[15:30.00]Cut it out!(算了吧! )
[15:34.50]You're under arrest. (你被逮捕了。 )
[15:40.58]Spread'em! (手脚分开。 )
[15:46.13]Heads up!(小心!(危险! ))
[15:52.01]Drop it! (放下! )
[15:56.06]Get your hands off! (拿开你的手! )
[16:02.78]Stay down! (趴下! )
[16:07.75]Get lost! (快溜走吧! )
[16:12.91]Get out of here!( 滚出去。)
[16:17.84]Back off! (闪开! )
[16:22.93]THE END   
