英语听力 听电影学英语:一个购物狂的自白 04(在线收听

  [00:02.64]Oh,  underwear is a basic human right. 喔,内衣和内裤是最基本的人权
  [00:06.20]Seventy-eight doIIars on Iavender honey! 薰衣草花蜜花了70块!
  [00:10.60]I feIt sorry for the shop assistant. She had a Iazy eye. 我对那家商店的店员很不满意 她的眼神太涣散了
  [00:12.96]I didn't know which way she was Iooking. It was so sad. 我都不知道她在看哪里 这个太糟糕了
  [00:16.96]I can't even taIk about this one. 这个我都不好意思说了
  [00:21.32]Let's take a break. 我们还是休息一会吧
  [00:21.40]A foot spa? What were you doing at a foot spa? 足疗?你做这个干什么?
  [00:22.60]They said I was a vaIued customer. 他们都说我是尊贵的客人
  [00:26.56]Now they send me hate maiI. 但是他们却给我寄这些讨厌的账单
  [00:28.76]Bex. Bex
  [00:32.64]Oh,  God... 天哪...
  [00:34.80]How are you going to pay off sixteen thousand tweIve hundred 你怎么能够还清这7062.70块啊?
  [00:38.20]and 62 doIIars and 70 cents with no job? 而且你现在还没有工作
  [00:45.44]I couId win the Iottery. 我可以去买彩票
  [00:49.44]Maybe you shouId have a backup pIan. 或许你应该先找个备用计划
  [00:51.72]Oh! Backup pIan,  I got it,  I got it. Backup pIan. 噢!备用计划,我有了,我想到了,备用计划
  [00:57.20]OK. When Tarkie thought of his dream job, 那个,当Tarkie在思考他理想中的工作的时候
  [01:00.96]he,  um,  wrote this proposaI just about him,  you know, 他,嗯,他会把他想到的都写下来,你知道的
  [01:04.76]what he's made of and that's what you can do. 那些他会的东西,你也可以这样做
  [01:07.64]You can write a fashion piece and send it to Alette. 你可以写一份有关时尚的报道,然后寄给Alette杂志社
  [01:10.00]Like,  ''Hey,  Alette, Iook what I can do!'' 就像“你好,Alette杂志社,看看我会的这些”
  [01:13.92]You just gotta figure out what to write about. 你只需要想想你该写些什么
  [01:15.60]''Consider your shoe an investment. “就像把买鞋看做是一种投资
  [01:19.24]Everything is resting upon it. 那么一切都由这双鞋决定
  [01:19.44]The most important point is that every shoe 重点是,每一双鞋
  [01:24.64]shouId earn its pIace in your...'' 都应该有一个固定的位置,在你的...”
  [01:25.84]Bex,  this is so funny. You're so smart. Bex,这个太好了,你很聪明的
  [01:27.64]- You're the best writer ever! - Do you Iike it? - 你曾经是最好的写手  - 你觉得呢?
  [01:30.88]- You're fabuIous! - Wait! Another one. - 妙不可言!  - 等一下!还要写一个
  [01:31.08]To that guy at that savings thingy magazine who didn't hire me. 给金融杂志那个不要你的家伙
  [01:38.24]''Dear Uptight Editor... “亲爱的一名不文的编辑阁下...
  [01:41.72]- You can stick your job up your ass.'' - Man on a bike! - 你留着那份工作给你的屁股吧”  - 看那个骑单车的男人
  [01:44.00]HeIIo! 你好!
  [01:47.80]''Here's $20. Buy yourseIf some decent cIothes.'' “这儿是20块.给你自己买些好看点的衣服”
  [01:56.76]I'm back! 我回来了!
  [01:57.72]Oh,  my God. Oh,  my God. 上帝啊,上帝啊
  [01:59.40]This is for Alette magazine. 这是写给Alette杂志社的
  [02:04.20]- Mwah! - And this one... - Mwah!  - 然后这个是给...
  [02:04.68]PIease,  pIease. Kiss it for good Iuck. 但愿,希望,亲它一下,祈求好运
  [02:08.84]...is for Mr. SuccessfuI Saving. ...是给《成功理财》的
  [02:13.72]BIeah... Money,  money,  money. 钱,钱,钱
  [02:17.20]I better get the job,  I've got no money. 我最好能得到那份工作,因为我已经没钱了
  [02:22.88]I've got no money. 我没有钱了
  [02:22.96]* You put the lime in the coconut...  ∮你把石灰撒到椰子上...∮
  [02:28.96]Doesn't this just cheer you up? 这个不使你感到高兴么?
  [02:30.36]- It's not working,  Mom. - Come on,  you'II get another job. - 这个没用,妈妈  - 别担心,你会找到另一份工作的
  [02:38.88]when great riches... 财富的降临...
  [02:41.96]...are going to turn up unexpectedIy. ...往往都是在你意想不到的时候
  [02:46.36]What can I get for a quarter? 25美分能买什么呢?
  [02:48.64]This! 这个!
  [02:49.84]- Comme ca? - It's fantastic. - 是吗?  - 这个漂亮极了
  [02:53.68]- What are they gettin' for that? - It's growing on me. - 这个是干什么的?  - 我越看越喜欢
  [02:56.88]- How much for this? - Twenty doIIars. - 这个多少钱?  - 20块
  [02:59.64]- Oh! -  Hola? - 噢!  - Hola?
  [03:02.36]Um,  Rebecca. Luke Brandon, Successful Saving. 嗯,Rebecca. 我是Successful Saving的Luke Brandon
  [03:07.04]Yes? 有什么事么?
  [03:09.12]Sorry to caII so earIy, but I got your Ietter. 对不起,大清早给你打电话 但是我收到你的信了
  [03:13.28]And I have to say it was a bit of a surprise. 我必须说这是一个不大不小的惊喜
  [03:14.96]WeII,  I hope I made my point. 那么,我想我应该说的很清楚了
  [03:18.32]Oh,  you did. You did. Very weII. 噢,是的,是的,你说的相当清楚
  [03:20.64]The whoIe metaphor. Very cIever. 尤其是哪个比喻 相当聪明
  [03:22.52]Yes,  wasn't it. The whoIe metaphor was... 是的.那比喻简直就是...
  [03:27.00]Wait... What? I'm sorry... 等一下... 你说什么?对不起...
  [03:30.68]Describing the principIes of security investment 阐述了证券投资的原则
  [03:31.56]in terms of the way different women purchase different shoes 从不同女性买鞋的不同方式的角度
  [03:35.36]was... different. 非常的...新颖
  [03:37.72]HeIIo? Sounds Iike you might be in the middIe of something. 喂?听起来你那边很吵
  [03:42.20]I was trying to say that it gave me an idea. 我想说的是,你让我有了一个想法
  [03:45.48]WouId you Iike to come in? I don't... 你愿意加入我们么?我不是...
  [03:49.84]Can I heIp you,  dear? 亲爱的,要点什么?
  [03:50.52]I think I just sent the editor of Alette magazine $20 我想我给Alette杂志社的编辑写的应该是
  [03:53.24]to buy herseIf decent cIothes and stick her job up her ass. 花20块买点漂亮的衣服,然后可以保住饭碗
  [04:18.60]These go... 这些是给...
  [04:34.16]- Hey,  cIothes for AIette. - I'II caII her assistant. - 你好,Alette要的衣服  - 我会给她助手打电话的
  [04:37.68]Hi. CIothes are here for AIette's approvaI. 你好,衣服先放这里,我们要先挑选一下
  [04:42.48]She'II be right out. 她马上就出来
  [04:43.44]What do you think about you and me going out on Friday night? 周五晚上我们一去出去玩玩?
  [04:48.00]- Ooh... - I mean,  if you want to. - 喔...  - 我是说你愿意的话
  [04:48.12]WouId you Iike to go out on Friday night? 周五晚上出去如何?
  [04:50.80]I don't know. I might have pIans. 我不知道,我可能有约了
  [04:53.16]You might... Do you ever wear any of this stuff? 你可以... 你穿过这些衣服么?
  [04:56.04]Some of it's a IittIe far out for me. 有一些对我来说不大合适
  [05:00.56]- TotaIIy far out. - Yeah. - 我觉得都不合适  - 是的
