英语听力 听电影学英语:一个购物狂的自白 10(在线收听

  [00:02.52]I have to go. I'm so sorry. I've got to go. 我要挂了,真对不起
  [00:08.92]You are getting your own ringtone. 自己录个来电铃声
  [00:15.68]Do not answer this caII,  it's Derek Smeath. 不要接,是Derek Smeath
  [00:17.04]- Do not... - Rebecca. Oh! - 不要... - Rebecca,哦!
  [00:21.64]- Thanks. - I have something to teII you. - 谢谢 - 有事告诉你
  [00:26.40]I have something to teII you,  too. 我也有事要告诉你
  [00:28.68]OK. 好啊
  [00:32.48]You first. 你先
  [00:34.72]WeII,  Edgar West has taken a tabIe at the Edgar West要举行
  [00:37.24]Print Association Charity BaII, 新闻协会慈善晚会
  [00:40.84]and guess which two peopIe from Successful Saving 猜猜我们杂志哪两个人
  [00:42.00]have been invited as representatives? 受到了邀请?
  [00:43.28]It's a huge mark of respect. 这可是巨大的荣耀
  [00:47.64]This puts us in the major Ieague, 这使我们进入了主流行列
  [00:49.92]and that is mainIy down to you. 而这主要归功于你
  [00:53.04]- Huh... - Are you OK? - 啊 - 你还好吗?
  [00:58.48]- This isn't easy. - OK. - 这很难说出来 - 好吧
  [01:05.92]Your tie does not go with your shirt. 你的领带和衬衣不配
  [01:12.04]Try to enjoy yourseIf. No,  no, you have to savor shopping. 享受一下,不,不,你要享受购物的乐趣
  [01:15.68]No,  you don't. 不行
  [01:18.56]You have to strike with precision and get out. 你要直击目标然后马上走人
  [01:20.84]- Hi. - HeIIo. - 你好 - 你好
  [01:22.36]We're Iooking for cIothes for my boss. 我们正在给我老板买衣服
  [01:23.96]AbsoIuteIy. Were you thinking maybe a suit or a jacket? 知道,是要套装还是夹克?
  [01:25.12]I'm actuaIIy thinking about everything. 实际上都想要
  [01:27.40]Oh,  weII,  we can do everything. 好的,我们这里都有
  [01:30.64]Pink. Oh,  my gosh, I Iove pink on a guy. Is that bad? 粉红,哦,天哪,我喜欢男士穿粉红色,这个怎样?
  [01:32.08]- That pink is great. - It's gorgeous. - 很不错 - 太棒了
  [01:33.40]- WouId he do pink? - I think so. - 他适合粉红色吗? - 适合
  [01:36.56]Think he'd do it with Iike a white pant? 会和白色裤子搭配得很好吧?
  [01:36.64]- He'd do that. - ActuaIIy! - 会的 - 事实上
  [01:39.16]What I reaIIy need is a,  uh,  tuxedo, 我真正需要的是件,呃,晚礼服
  [01:41.24]say three buttons,  size 48 reguIar, 三扣的,48号
  [01:45.64]a white dress shirt, I'II try the bIue as weII, 白衬衣,蓝色的也可以
  [01:47.32]and a bIack vernice shoe in a size ten. And two AdviI. 还有10号的黑皮鞋
  [01:53.48]You speak Prada? 这么了解Prada?
  [01:58.84]OccasionaIIy. 偶尔
  [01:59.92]But if you know how to dress weII, 但是如果你知道怎么穿才得体
  [02:01.12]why do you come to the office Iooking Iike...? 你来办公室的时候干嘛还要穿成...?
  [02:08.48]I don't want to be defined by cIothes or IabeIs or famiIy. 我不希望别人通过衣服、商标或者家庭来评价我
  [02:13.04]Why wouId you be defined by famiIy? 为什么会有人根据家庭来评价你?
  [02:19.20]My mother is EIinor Sherman, New York sociaIite. 我妈是EIinor Sherman,纽约的社会名流
  [02:21.00]Excuse me,  did you just say that your mother is EIinor Sherman? 对不起,你刚刚说你妈是EIinor Sherman?
  [02:26.28]Did she teII you that we dressed her for the Met gaIa? 她和你说过她在节日聚会上穿的衣服是我们的吗?
  [02:27.44]Oh,  she just Iooked stunning. 哦,她真有气质
  [02:29.44]WeII,  congratuIations on having such a fabuIous mother. 恭喜你有这么棒的妈妈
  [02:37.12]My,  uh,  parents are divorced. 我父母,呃,离婚了
  [02:37.20]I grew up in EngIand with my dad. 我随我爸在英国长大
  [02:40.16]He's great. 他人很好
  [02:42.36]Very down-to-earth, totaIIy different from my mother. 非常平易近人,和我妈完全不一样
  [02:46.88]Anyway,  she wasn't interested untiI I was an aduIt. 总之,直到我成年我妈才和我联络
  [02:50.52]At which point it was assumed that I'd just faII into Iine. 可能仅仅是因为她需要我
  [02:54.20]For the throne? 继位?
  [02:59.08]Uh,  no,  for the,  um... for the famiIy business. 呃,不,为了家族事业
  [03:05.76]What's the business? 什么事业?
  [03:06.20]Owning stuff. ReaI estate,  um, 房地产
  [03:12.80]Internet businesses,  um... 互联网事业...
  [03:15.60]- CabIe companies... - Oh,  sorry. Oh,  sorry. - 有线电视公司 - 哦,对不起
  [03:25.00]I chose to succeed on my own terms, 我选择以自己的方式取得成功
  [03:26.00]not kowtow to some controIIing famiIy. 而不想屈服于家族的势力
  [03:31.28]What's Dantay-West? Dantay-West算什么?
  [03:37.24]Do you have a take on everything in Iife? 你对生活中所有的事情都有意见吗?
  [03:41.44]WeII,  what wouId your take be on... me? 呃,那对我的意见是什么呢?
  [03:41.92]- Yes. - Yes. - 是的 - 是的
  [03:48.60]Go on. 说吧
  [03:49.40]What wouId The GirI in the Green Scarfs take be on Luke Brandon? 绿围巾女孩会怎么看待Luke Brandon?
  [03:58.80]As an investment,  you pretty much suck. 作为一个投资者,你实在不咋地
  [03:59.68]- What? - You're a workahoIic. - 什么? - 你是个工作狂
  [04:04.88]You put in aII these hours, but you don't reap the rewards. 你全身心地投入工作,但得不到应有的报答
  [04:09.76]It goes into someone eIse's pocket. 但却有别人因此得利
  [04:14.72]But you're a great editor. 但你是个很棒的编辑
  [04:20.16]And now... 而现在...
  [04:24.64]...you Iook Iike one. 真像是这么回事
  [04:26.16]Drank a Iot of mojitos. I drank too many mojitos. 我喝得太多了
  [04:31.20]It wasn't aIways work and no pIay. 我可不是只工作不娱乐
  [04:33.00]- Gracias. - Gracias. - 谢谢 - 谢谢
  [04:37.28]- Cheers! - Mmm. - 干杯! - 嗯
  [04:41.88]Oh,  por favor. Pick one. 哦,大婶,来一把
  [04:44.36]- Mmm? Are you serious? - Mm-hmm. - 你是认真的? - 嗯
  [04:46.96]Oh,  my God,  I Iove this one. But Iook at the red one. 哦,天哪,我喜欢这把,但看看这把红的
  [04:49.44]- The red one's cute. - Pick one. - 太可爱了 - 挑一把吧
  [04:55.20]- Perfect. - Wait,  why'd you buy me a fan? - 很好 - 等等,为什么给我买扇子?
  [04:58.64]Because we're going to dance. 因为我们要去跳舞
  [04:59.36]Oh,  I don't know how to do this kind of dancing. 哦,我不知道怎么跳这种舞
