Hourly News updated 17:00 2011/10/25(在线收听

 Libyan NTC: Gaddafi buried in unknown place in desert

Former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has been buried in a secret location in desert.
That's according to Al-Jazeera television which cited officials of the ruling Libyan National Transitional Council. 
Gaddafi's burial has been held up by wrangling between the emerging factions within the NTC over where he should be interred. 
NTC leaders want Gaddafi buried at a secret location so the place does not become a shrine.
Gaddafi requested to be buried in Sirte in his will.
Earlier, Libya's interim leader Mustafa Abdel Jalil said a commission of inquiry is to probe Gaddafi's killing.
Death toll in Turkey's earthquake rises to 366
The death toll from the powerful earthquake in eastern Tukey has risen to at least 366, with around 1,300 others injured.
Hundreds of others are believed to be buried under the rubble after one of Turkey's most powerful quakes in a decade.
More than 3,000 rescuers are involved in the relief effort.
An official statement says 26 planes carrying relief material, hundreds of engineering vehicles and large quantities of aid material have been sent to the disaster-stricken area.
Kenya probes 2 grenade attacks, steps up security
Police in Kenya are investigating two grenade attacks in Nairobi which killed at least one person and injured more than 20 others.
An explosion hit a bus station in the city center Monday night, resulting in one fatality.
It followed an earlier attack in which a grenade was thrown into a bar in the downtown area, injuring 13 people.
Authorities say it's too soon to blame the violence on Al-Shabaab militants who were behind a spate of kidnappings of foreigners in the East African nation.
Bangkok's Don Meaung Airport on verge of flooding
The Don Meaung Airport in Thailand's capital Bangkok is being threatened by the ongoing flood as floodwater seeped into its VIP passenger building this morning.
The airport, in the capital's northern district, has been made a makeshift flood relief operations center since early October.
The airport's general manager has said the airport will keep running normally despite it's under flood threat.
Nicaraguan naval vessel missing in storm with 27 aboard
A Nicaraguan navy ship on its way to evacuate coastal residents has gone missing as Hurricane Rina struck in the western Caribbean.
A navy spokesperson says the ship with 27 rescuers and sailors aboard was en route to the flood-prone coastal areas when contact was lost.
Over the past few days, Nicaragua has been hit by torrential downpours. The lashing rains and ensuing flood have claimed 16 lives and left an estimated 150,000 people homeless.
27 killed as bus slips into gorge in northern India
At least 27 people were killed and 25 injured when a stationary bus accidentally slipped into a deep gorge in northern India.
Local reports say the tragedy occurred when more than 50 passengers were getting onto the stationary bus on a hill highway.
Police say due to darkness, the bus driver couldn't see the edge of the road. While the passengers were getting on to the bus, it rolled down the hill and fell into a 1,000-foot deep gorge.
Chinese lawmakers consider adding fingerprint in resident ID cards
China's top legislature is considering adding fingerprints to people's resident identity cards in a bid to combat counterfeiting.
The same draft amendment under review also forbids government staff and other institutions from leaking people's personal information.
National identity cards have been in circulation since 1985 in China.
However, the cards are relatively low-tech, and are said to be easy to counterfeit.
China to invest 15 bln yuan for marine environmental protection in Bohai Sea
The provincial government of north China's Hebei Province will invest heavily to protect the marine environment of the Bohai Sea.
The provincial oceanic bureau says about 15.5 billion yuan or 2.4 billion U.S. dollars will be invested in the next five years.
The funds will be used to set up 61 projects that will aim to control pollution, protect the marine ecological environment and improve the capability of marine conservation.
China's police begin to arrest "runaway bosses" caught in credit crunch
Chinese police have begun arresting entrepreneurs who have gone into hiding to avoid repaying bank and informal high-interest loans, as authorities move to control the debt crisis in east China from spilling into social unrest.
More than 90 owners of small and medium-sized enterprises in Wenzhou city, Zhejiang Province, have disappeared or declared bankruptcy to invalidate debts owed to individual creditors pooled from the informal lending market.
China Mobile says has 10 million iPhone users
China Mobile, the country's largest mobile phone operator, says it now has 10 million iPhone users, even though it doesn't have an agreement with Apple.
China Mobile says Apple has promised to make an iPhone compatible with China Mobile's TD-LTE standard when its next-generation model comes out. 
China Mobile has roughly 630 million customers.