英语听力:听电影学英语—泰山 03(在线收听

  [00:03.36]-But it was an accident. -He's only a child. -我不是故意的  -他还是个孩子
  [00:03.56]You almost killed someone! 你差点害死别人
  [00:06.88]That's no excuse, Kala! You can't keep defending him! 孩子也不行  不要老护着他
  [00:10.36]He will never learn! 他不会
  [00:10.88]But he'll learn! 他会学啊
  [00:11.00]Because you never give him a chance! 你为什么不肯给他一个机会
  [00:11.40]You can't learn to be one of us. 永远不会跟我们一样
  [00:14.00]Kala, look at him. 卡娜  你看看他
  [00:14.20]Give him a chance? 给他机会
  [00:17.40]He will never be one of us. 他永远不会跟我们一样
  [00:18.80]Kerchak! 哥查
  [00:22.88]Tarzan! 泰山
  [01:13.28]Tarzan, what are you doing? 泰山  你在干嘛?
  [01:16.68]Why am I so different? 我为什么跟人家不一样?
  [01:18.68]Because you're covered with mud. That's why. 因为你混身都是泥巴  你看看你
  [01:21.20]No! Kerchak said I didn't belong in the... 不是  哥查说我根本就不属于...
  [01:23.48]Close your mouth. 不要乱讲话
  [01:24.28]Kerchak said I don't belong in the family. 哥查说我不属于这个家族
  [01:28.08]Never mind what kerchak said. 你不要管哥查怎么说
  [01:29.28]Now, hold still! 啊... 别动...
  [01:30.92]But, look at me! 可是... 你看看我!
  [01:36.52]I am, Tarzan. And do you know what I see? 看到啦! 泰山  你猜我看到什么
  [01:39.72]I see two eyes, like mine. 我看到两个眼睛  跟我一样
  [01:41.80]And a nose... somewhere. 还有一个鼻子...
  [01:46.24]Ahh... Here! 躲在... 这
  [01:47.80]Two ears! 还有两个耳朵
  [01:50.40]And, let's see. What else? 来  我看看还有什么呢?
  [01:53.60]Two hands? 两只手
  [01:55.40]That's right. 答对啦
  [02:12.72]Close your eyes. 闭上你的眼睛
  [02:16.20]Now forget what you see. 忘掉你眼前的一切
  [02:18.48]What do you feel? 你听到了什么
  [02:21.96]Come here. 过来
  [02:22.32]My heart. 我的心跳
  [02:27.36]-Your heart. -see? -你的心跳  -对啦
  [02:28.16]We're exactly the same. 我们是一模一样
  [02:44.84]Oh, I bet you will. 你一定是的
  [02:59.68]# oh, the power to be strong # 哦  你小小的心目中
  [03:02.12]# and the wisdom to be wise # 有着远大的目标
  [03:06.12]# all these things will come to you in time # 勇敢往前冲  放大胆量
  [03:12.16]# on this journey that you're making # 在那漫长人生道路
  [03:15.16]# there will be answers that you'll seek # 充满崎岖和坎坷
  [03:18.20]# and it's you who'll climb the mountain # 不论你前途多困苦
  [03:22.20]# it's you who will reach the peak # 拿出坚忍毅力
  [03:26.20]# son of man look to the sky # 小泰山  你抬头望
  [03:31.84]# lift your spirit set it free # 美好前程在远方
  [03:33.24]# someday you'll walk tall with pride # 拿出你的勇气来
  [03:36.24]# son of man a man in time you'll be # 让全世界都在你脚底
  [03:53.92]# though there's no one there to guide you # 生活中没人能带领
  [03:56.32]# no one to take your hand # 一切靠你自己
  [04:01.72]# but with faith and understanding # 只要你信心能坚定
  [04:02.00]# you will journey from boy to man # 成功就在你的眼前
  [04:06.00]# son of man look to the sky # 小泰山  你抬头望
  [04:10.36]# lift your spirit set it free # 美好的前程在远方
  [04:15.60]# someday you'll walk tall with pride # 拿出你的勇气来
  [04:17.40]# son of man a man in time you'll be # 让全世界都在你脚底
  [04:26.64]# in learning you will teach # 你不断在学习
  [04:29.64]# and in teaching you will learn # 你在学习中成长
  [04:35.68]# you'll find your place beside the ones you love # 而爱会引你到完美境界
  [04:40.32]# all and all the things you've dreamed of # 哦  你心中曾有梦想
  [04:45.72]# the visions that you saw # 等着你去实现
  [04:46.32]# well, the time is drawing near now # 但时光流转  梦想不再
  [04:50.52]# it's yours to claim it all # 别再让梦成空
  [04:54.56]# son of man look to the sky # 小泰山  你抬头望
  [04:59.00]# lift your spirit set it free # 美好前程在远方
  [05:00.40]# someday you'll walk tall with pride # 拿出你的勇气来
