英语听力:听电影学英语—泰山 05(在线收听

  [00:22.74]Ahh, gorillas! 猩猩
  [00:34.38]He's one of them! 他们是一伙的
  [00:58.26]Oh, my... 天呀!
  [01:33.22]Jane! Jane! Jane! 珍妮... 珍妮  珍妮
  [01:38.02]Jane, where are you? 你在哪儿呀
  [01:41.26]Jane! Oh, Jane! Oh, thank goodness. 珍妮  喔! 珍妮  谢天谢地
  [01:43.54]Good heavens, what happened? 天啊! 这里是怎么啦
  [01:46.94]Are you all right? 你还好吗?
  [01:48.34]We've been everywhere looking for you. 我们到处在找你  我吓坏了
  [01:48.46]Oh, my goodness! Daddy! 我的天啊  爸
  [01:51.10]-I was out walking. I was... -Yes, yes. -我在散步  然后...  -怎么啦?
  [01:56.38]Yes, go on. 嗯  后来呢?
  [01:56.70]Suddenly the monkey starts crying. 突然  猴子哭了
  [01:59.18]-Oh, poor thing. -I turned around and there's -可怜的东西  -我回头一看
  [02:00.14]-a whole fleet of them! -Of what? -一大群全部都跑出来了  -什么? 什么呀
  [02:03.54]There's an army of monkeys. 一大群的大猴子呀
  [02:04.34]Monkeys? Monkeys! 谁? 猴子
  [02:06.34]Screaming at me! 对着我叫
  [02:09.10]That's theripithicus baboonus. 她学的是一种狒狒
  [02:10.70]Terrified I was. Terrified. 好可怕  把我吓坏了
  [02:11.34]-She's very good at this. -Oh, really? -她学的最像了  -哦  是吗?
  [02:12.38]And suddenly, I was swinging in the vines. 突然我在树上荡过来荡过去
  [02:15.58]Swinging, flying. I was in the air. 荡呀  飞呀  在半空中
  [02:16.70]With the monkeys, yes? 跟那些狒狒?
  [02:17.50]-And I'm all surrounded. -What did you do? -然后他们围着我  -那你怎么办
  [02:18.98]In the air, yes, I know. 半空中? 然后呢?
  [02:20.50]And daddy, they took my boot. 爸爸... 他们拿走了我的靴子
  [02:23.22]They took... Those are the ones I bought you. 拿走了  那是我买的
  [02:24.42]And I was saved! 我就被救啦
  [02:25.42]I was saved by a flying wild man in a loincloth. 我是被一个腰上围块布的野人救下来
  [02:30.62]Loincloth? Good lord. 腰上围块布
  [02:32.46]I haven't the foggiest idea. 我... 我也给她搞糊涂啦
  [02:34.46]Takes after her mother, you know. 她是遗传她妈妈
  [02:37.46]Not about men in loincloths, of course. 不过她妈妈可没说过什么腰里缠块布的野人
  [02:39.66]-And there were gorillas. - Gorillas? -后来好多猩猩  -猩猩?
  [02:42.14]You saw the gorillas? Where, Jane, where? 你看到猩猩啦? 在哪?
  [02:45.70]He left with them. 跟着他走啦
  [02:47.70]Who, dear, who? 跟谁? 谁啊?
  [02:49.70]Tarzan. 泰山
  [02:51.74]-Tarzan? -The ape man. -泰山?  -那个人猿
  [02:59.46]Everyone, we will avoid the strangers. 注意! 尽量避免接近陌生人
  [02:59.50]Do not let them see you, 不要跟他们正面接触
  [03:01.70]and do not seek them out. 不要去惹他们
  [03:03.50]Tarzan, I don't know that. 泰山  我们不认识他们
  [03:06.50]You may be willing to risk our safety, but I'm not. 你会给家族带来危险  我不允许
  [03:07.30]But I do. I've spent time with them. 我认识  我已经见过他们了
  [03:09.54]Why are you threatened by anyone different from you? 为什么你要那么害怕跟你长得不一样的动物
  [03:14.54]Protect this family, and stay away from them. 为了保护我的家族  给我离他们远一点
  [03:22.58]Tarzan, for once listen to Kerchak. 泰山  就这一次  听哥查的
  [03:25.58]Why didn't you tell me there were creatures that looked like me? 为什么你不告诉我有动物跟我长的一样
  [03:39.46]Well, he didn't stand upright, 他呀! 不像我们这样站着
  [03:41.86]-he sort of crouched, like that. -Really? -弯着腰  像这样  -真的呀
  [03:43.50]Supported his weight on his knuckles. 他总是用脚尖来撑着身体
  [03:43.66]-On the knuckles! -See? -用脚尖撑着  -看
  [03:47.46]-Exactly like a gorilla! -Extraordinary! -没错! 就像只大猩猩  -太奇妙了
  [03:49.30]Ah, it was amazing! 喔  还有更奇怪的
  [03:49.70]And he bends his elbows out like this, 他两只脚往外撇
  [03:51.70]and then he walks like this. 走路  就像这样
  [03:53.70]Oh, I see! Like aunt isabel! 喔  我知道啦  像你四姑
  [03:59.70]This is capital! 真是太奇妙啦
  [03:59.74]Oh, Janey, Jane! What a discovery! 喔  珍妮  珍妮  这是一个大发现
  [04:04.42]A man with no language, no human behavior... 一个不会人类的语言行为的野...
  [04:04.74]And no respect for personal boundaries. 而且他还不懂人际的界限呢
  [04:08.30]-How do you mean? -He was this close, Daddy! -怎么说呢?  -他靠我这么近  爸
  [04:10.78]He seemed confused at first, 先是... 很奇怪
  [04:11.58]Staring at me. 两个眼睛瞪着我
  [04:15.78]as if he's never seen another human before. 好像从来没有见过人一样
  [04:18.02]His eyes were intense, 他的眼睛好热情
  [04:21.62]and focused and... 好专注  好...
  [04:24.62]I've never seen such eyes. 我从来没有见过这样子的眼睛
  [04:27.86]Oh, shall I, ahem, 喔  我是不是该让你
  [04:30.26]leave you and the blackboard alone for a moment? 跟那块黑板谈情说爱
  [04:34.30]Daddy, stop it. 爸爸  别这样
  [04:36.50]The point is, 最重要的是我们可以
  [04:37.50]think of what we could learn from him. 从他那学到很多
  [04:40.14]We must find him. 我们一定要找到他
  [04:42.58]Professor, you are here to find gorillas, 教授  您到这来是找猩猩的
  [04:46.90]not indulge some girlish fantasy. 可不是来谈情说爱的
  [04:47.46]Fantasy? I didn't imagine him! Tarzan is... 你说什么  又不是我编的  泰山是...
  [04:52.42]Real. 是真的
  [04:55.50]Ah! It's him! It's, it's, it's him. Tarzan! 是他  他... 泰山
  [04:58.66]-Professor! Jane! Stand back! -Wait! -教授  珍妮  退后  -等一等
  [05:00.90]No! 不...
