英语听力:听电影学英语—全民情敌 01(在线收听

  [00:22.70]Basic principles: 基本原则…
  [00:24.30]No woman wakes up saying: 没有女人起床时会说…
  [00:24.62]"God, I hope I don't get swept off my feet today." “希望今天不会有帅哥追我”
  [00:30.54]Now, she might say, "This is a really bad time for me." 她可能会说:“现在时机不太对”
  [00:39.62]Or something like, "I just need some space." 或是这句:“我只是需要一点空间”
  [00:44.42]Or my personal favorite: 或是我最喜欢的…
  [00:46.66]"I'm really into my career right now." “我现在正在全心发展事业”
  [00:52.02]You believe that? Neither does she. 你相信吗?她也不信
  [00:56.82]You know why? Because she's lying to you, that's why. 知道原因吗? 因为她在骗你
  [01:00.10]You understand me? Lying. 听懂了吗?骗你的
  [01:04.70]It's not a bad time for her. She doesn't need any space. 时机并没有不对 她也不需要空间
  [01:08.18]She may be into her career... 她也许专心事业…
  [01:10.22]but what she's really saying is, "Get away from me now." 但她其实是说:“给我滚开”
  [01:14.50]Or possibly, "Try harder, stupid." 或是:“再努力点吧,笨蛋”
  [01:18.90]Well, which one is it? 到底是什么意思呢?
  [01:20.38]60% of all human communication is nonverbal. 人类沟通有六成不是靠说话
  [01:26.82]Body language. 身体语言
  [01:27.22]30% is your tone. 三成靠你说话的音调
  [01:28.62]So that means that 90% of what you're saying... 那表示你的意思传达中有九成…
  [01:35.22]ain't coming out of your mouth. 不是用嘴巴讲的
  [01:38.46]Toby! 托比!
  [01:41.94]Of course she'll lie to you. 她当然会骗你
  [01:43.26]Shit! 糟了!
  [01:44.66]She's a nice person, she doesn't wanna hurt your feelings. 她是个好人,她不想伤害你
  [01:47.14]What else is she gonna say? She doesn't even know you. 她还能说什么?她跟你又不熟
  [01:49.22]Yet. 还不熟
  [01:52.86]Luckily, the fact is that just like the rest of us... 很幸运地,和我们一样…
  [01:55.74]even a beautiful woman doesn't know what she wants until she sees it. 就算美女也不知道自己要什么
  [02:02.30]And that's where I come in. 这就是我的工作
  [02:03.34]My job is to open her eyes. 我要让她看清楚
  [02:06.90]Oh, my God! 我的老天!
  [02:14.58]Is this what you're looking for? 你在找它吗?
  [02:17.14]Basic principles: No matter what, no matter when, no matter who... 基本原则:不论何事、不论何时 不论何人…
  [02:21.14]any man has a chance to sweep any woman off her feet. 任何男人都有机会迷倒任何女人
  [02:24.78]Just needs the right broom. 只要方法正确
  [02:33.90]You cannot use what you do not have. 你不能运用你没有的东西
  [02:37.34]So if you're shy, be shy. If you're outgoing, be outgoing. 保持自我,害羞的就别装外向 外向的别装害羞
  [02:40.90]- I'm not outgoing. - That's okay. 我并不外向 那无所谓
  [02:42.06]She may not want the whole truth, but she does want the real you. 她不想知道细节,但她要真正的你
  [02:47.46]She may not want to see it all at once, but she does want to see it. 她也许不会想一次搞定 但她想看真正的你
  [02:49.46]So tonight, when you're wondering what to say, how you look, or if she likes you... 所以今晚,当你在想该讲什么 该穿什么、或她到底喜不喜欢你时…
  [02:54.10]just remember, she is already out with you. 记住,她已经跟你约会了
  [02:58.30]That means she said yes when she could have said no. 那表示她在能拒绝时却答应了你
  [03:03.78]That means she made a plan when she could have just blown you off. 在她可以躲开你时却见了你
  [03:08.06]So that means it is no longer your job to try to make her like you. 这表示你不用再设法让她喜欢你
  [03:09.90]It is your job not to mess it up. 而是设法别搞砸一切
  [03:16.86]The shoes are hot. You went to the place I told you? 真赞的鞋,你照我说的去做了?
  [03:18.54]Yeah, but I don't think they're really me. 对,但是我不觉得我适合这样
  [03:23.54]"You" is a very fluid concept right now. 个人形象是很具可塑性的
  [03:28.42]You bought the shoes. You look great in the shoes. 你买了鞋,穿起来也帅呆了
  [03:31.10]That's the you I'm talking about. 那就是你的形象
  [03:37.66]The key tonight is hang back. 今晚的策略就是要放轻松
  [03:40.86]Give her plenty of space. 给她充份的空间
  [03:42.70]If she lingers at a photograph, move on. 她若流连在照片之前,继续走
  [03:47.58]But maintain the visual. 记得保持在视觉范围内
  [03:53.18]It's supposed to be 64 and clear tonight. So when you leave the club, walk a little. 今晚天气晴朗又凉爽 你们离开酒吧时,散个步
  [03:57.94]Ask her what she thought about the show... 问她对今晚的展览有何感想?
  [04:01.54]what was her favorite photograph, why that one. 她最喜欢哪一幅?为什么?
  [04:03.90]And when she answers, don't be looking at her mouth. 她回答时,别盯着她的嘴唇看
  [04:08.90]Don't be wondering what she looks like naked. 别幻想她光着身子的样子
  [04:11.14]Listen to what she is saying and respond. 倾听她说的话,有所回应
  [04:14.62]Listen and respond. 倾听、回应
  [04:18.30]That way, when it's your turn to talk... 那样轮到你讲话时…
  [04:20.02]you'll have something better to say than, "I like your mouth." 就不用说:“我喜欢你的嘴”
  [04:23.18]What was your favorite one? 你最喜欢哪个?
  [04:26.46]The elephant, definitely. 那幅大象,当然
  [04:29.38]And all of a sudden, we're on date number two. 突然,你就进入第二次约会了
  [04:34.42]Ready. 准备好了
  [04:42.14]No way. 不会吧
  [04:44.74]We're going back in there. You have to smile. 我们重照一次,你要笑啦
  [04:49.22]In case you didn't go to high school, hitting is a good thing. 没上过高中的可能不知道 来电的感觉很棒
  [04:52.18]So how does it happen, great love? 那是怎么发生的?永恒的爱?
  [04:53.82]Are you okay? 你还好吧?
  [04:55.50]- Nobody knows. - I'm good. 没人知道 我很好
  [04:56.46]Let me get a Bomb Pop and a Screwball for the lady. 我要火箭冰,小姐要果冻冰

