英语听力:听电影学英语—全民情敌 02(在线收听

  [00:01.34]But what I can tell you, is that it happens in the blink of an eye. 我只能告诉你 爱总是发生在转眼之间
  [00:06.90]One moment, you're enjoying your life. 这一刻你还在享受人生
  [00:08.58]And the next, you're wondering how you ever lived without them. 下一刻却怀疑自己没有爱会死
  [00:15.06]Three dates is all I need. 我只需要三次约会
  [00:16.86]Three dates, and I'll get you here, to the high-stakes medal round... 三次约会,保证成功 我会让你达到致胜的关键时刻…
  [00:21.30]where eight out of 10 women believe that the first kiss... 十个女人之中有八个相信初吻…
  [00:24.70]will tell them everything they need to know about the relationship. 能传达出两人关系的一切
  [00:59.18]After that, you're on your own. 在那之后,一切就靠你自己了
  [01:02.46]But always remember... 但是请永远记住…
  [01:05.26]life is not the amount of breaths you take. 人生的本质不在于你活了多久
  [01:08.94]It's the moments that take your breath away. 而是那些令你怦然心动的时刻
  [01:17.42]Did I call it or did I call it? 我不是说过了吗?
  [01:18.58]I mean, what did I say, six months? 我说多久?六个月?
  [01:21.50]And when was her first date? 她第一次约会是什么时候?
  [01:22.98]So five-and-a-half? God, I hate it when I'm right. 那就是五个半月了?我还真准
  [01:26.54]What is it about guys that makes them want to screw anything that walks... 男人为什么老爱搞七捻三?
  [01:29.50]even when they're going out with someone as awesome as Allegra Cole? 交到艾莉桂这种美女还不满足?
  [01:34.38]She's only the most fabulous thing walking around New York. 她是纽约最美的女人了
  [01:35.50]Are you kidding? Of course I'm gonna run it. 开什么玩笑? 我当然要写
  [01:36.86]Thanks, Young. 谢谢
  [01:39.38]Why should she waste her heart on some Swedish aristo-brat? 她干嘛去爱一个瑞典劈腿猪?
  [01:44.42]Even if he is gorgeous. 就算他是帅哥也一样
  [01:44.74]If he's stupid enough to cheat... 该让全世界…
  [01:48.02]the world should know he's dumb enough to get caught. 知道他干的蠢事
  [01:49.30]Exactly. I'm in the elevator. See you in a minute. 没错,我进电梯了,待会见
  [01:53.46]Good morning, how are you? 早安,你好吗?
  [01:54.30]Bitter, party of one. 不好,渡假的又不是我
  [01:57.62]Barbados by myself? I wouldn't last five minutes. 自己去?我撑不到五分钟的
  [01:58.14]You should try it sometime. 你该去渡假的
  [02:02.10]It was just what the doctor ordered. 我只不过是遵循医生的指示
  [02:03.82]I slept in, I did my yoga, I read a couple of books... 我睡大头觉、做瑜珈、看书…
  [02:09.10]flirted with my scuba instructor. 还跟潜水教练打情骂俏
  [02:10.30]- And apparently never left the office. - I know, isn't that great? 而且还不忘工作 那不是很棒吗?
  [02:14.14]You should've taken someone with you. 你该找个伴一起去的
  [02:14.22]Who am I gonna take with me? 找谁一起去?
  [02:17.14]This is where a boyfriend comes in handy. 所以该交个男朋友啊
  [02:20.74]- I don't have time for a boyfriend. - You said that two years ago. 我没时间交男朋友 这话你两年前就说过了
  [02:24.02]Yes, and it's as true today as it was then. 对,现在情况还是一样
  [02:28.50]I thought you were on vacation. 我以为你去渡假了
  [02:29.58]See if these are in focus and have them in my desk in an hour. 看这些照片清不清楚,我要用
  [02:34.46]Besides, relationships are for people waiting for something better to come along. 感情是给企求美好人生的人谈的
  [02:37.50]Spoken like a true cynic. 这么说真酸葡萄
  [02:39.18]I'm not a cynic. I'm a realist. 不是酸葡萄,是务实
  [02:41.18]You are a realist masquerading as a cynic who is secretly an optimist. 你是假装酸葡萄的务实份子
  [02:47.46]What are you doing here? What is she doing here? 你怎么在这里?她怎么在这里?
  [02:49.54]She works here, remember? 她在这里工作,记得吧?
  [02:50.22]No, she doesn't. Not for another four days. 那要再过四天以后
  [02:55.14]- This couldn't wait. - It could. 这条新闻等不得 当然可以
  [02:56.90]What are you doing? Go back to the beach. 你在这干嘛? 回海滩去渡假
  [02:58.90]- I don't want you here. - No, really, you do. 我这里不需要你 不,你需要的
  [03:01.78]You are becoming a sick, workaholic lunatic... 你成了一个超级工作狂
  [03:05.18]and this is exactly... 正是这种…
  [03:06.42]the kind of nervous, overwrought behavior that leads to... 过度紧张的行为让你...
  [03:08.62]Pictures of Sebby with a busty brunette. 拍到赛比跟波霸美女出游
  [03:12.18]A very big raise. 得到大幅度的加薪
  [03:14.90]Jesus. You could find dirt in a snowstorm. 天哪,你真有本事
  [03:18.94]Comes with the job. 这是我的工作
  [03:22.18]You know, kiddo, there is more to life than watching other people live it. 人生有很多比八卦还重要的事
  [03:28.14]Can I help he was cheating on my beach? 是他跑到我的沙滩上偷情的
  [03:29.02]I think it's great that you're so good at your job. 你这么专业很好
  [03:30.70]I'm just a little worried as to why. 我只是有点担心你
  [03:34.98]Let me worry about that. 让我自己来担心吧
  [03:38.62]Okay. I want that column on my desk by lunch. 好,我中午就要那篇报导
  [03:41.90]For you to sip mai tais? I don't think so. Get out. 请你喝鸡尾酒? 才怪,出去吧
  [03:42.02]So you'll pay for my hotel? 那你会帮我付渡假的费用吧?
  [03:57.70]- Come on. - What? 不会吧! 怎样?
  [04:00.82]- That's good, right? - No. 那球算进吧? 才怪!
  [04:00.98]No, it was in and it freaked out. 它本来要进袋,却突然转向
  [04:04.78]You know what your problem is, Hitch? You're all about the short game. 秦圣,你的眼光就是不肯放远点
  [04:09.34]You pick your shots based on what you see first... 永远只看眼前…
  [04:12.14]not what's necessarily best for you... 而不是就长远看来…
  [04:17.90]in the long run. 最有利的选择
  [04:18.50]All of us are not married to the woman of our dreams and about to have a baby. 不是所有人都能娶到梦中情人 还即将生下宝宝
  [04:24.38]You know, I'm very happy for you. Just not meant for everybody. 我为你高兴,但那不适合所有人
  [04:27.06]So please just leave me to my hot, sweaty... 拜托你,让我玩个爽…
  [04:30.22]totally varied, wildly experimental short game. 打个短暂却高潮迭起的球局吧
  [04:34.78]- I was talking about pool, but whatever. - Yeah, okay. 我说的就是打球啊 随便啦
  [04:39.50]Honestly, I just hope one day you're able to experience... 我只希望有天你能经历到…
  [04:41.98]the unconditional love, trust, and openness... 无条件的爱、信任和坦承…
  [04:45.34]that I share with Grace every single day. 就像我和葛蕾丝一样
  [04:47.34]- Is this really barroom talk? - You need to listen to me. I'm serious. 男人在酒吧会谈这个吗? 听我的,我是说真的
  [04:50.30]Because when you get to a place with a woman like that... 等你找到一个这样的女人…
  [04:52.50]it's so beyond anything physical that... 那将会超越任何肉体关系…
  [04:57.38]when I think back to when I used to run around with you... 超越你我之前追过的…
  [04:59.58]and chase all these really gorgeous but shallow women... 任何一个波大无脑的妹…
