英语听力:听电影学英语—全民情敌 07(在线收听

  [00:02.78]Lt'll be awful cold out there without it. 在水里没穿这个会冻死
  [00:04.34]- Good morning. - "Good" would have been at 10:00. 早安 早上十点才是说“早安”的时候
  [00:13.50]You're a lot taller than I remember. 你比我记得的还高
  [00:14.26]You ever ride one of these? 你骑过这玩意吗?
  [00:16.38]Not on the Hudson. 没在哈德逊河上骑过
  [00:17.58]So, what do you wanna do? Race me around the Statue of Liberty? 你想干嘛?看谁先到自由女神像?
  [00:21.14]If there's time. 如果有时间的话
  [00:23.42]- But you might need these. - All right. 不过你可能需要这个 好吧
  [00:25.50]- Bam. - Wow. 帅啊 哇塞
  [00:29.78]How do I look? 我看起来如何?
  [00:31.86]Fabulous. 美呆了
  [00:35.26]All right, I give. 好吧,我投降
  [00:36.54]Where do I change? 我要到哪换衣服?
  [00:40.94]So we'll go past the wall, then take a left. It's pretty much a straight shot from there. 我们先骑出去,再左转 然后直走就能到了
  [00:44.90]- Straight shot to where? - That's for me to know and you to find out. 到哪里? 那就靠你去发掘了…
  [00:49.38]What you do with these babies is... 驾这玩意…
  [00:50.58]Yeah, what I do with this baby is kick your ass. 是啊,驾这玩意跟你拼了
  [02:06.10]- What happened? You change your mind? - It just died. 怎么?你改变主意了? 它挂了
  [02:09.38]Did you put gas in it? 你有加油吧?
  [02:12.18]No. You know, I think it must have sucked up a diaper or something. 我想它是吸进尿布之类的垃圾了
  [02:16.46]Gross. Try it again. 真恶心,再发动看看
  [02:20.54]You want me to call AAA? 要我找人来拖吊吗?
  [02:24.38]Come on around and let me hop on with you. 过来,让我跟你一起骑
  [02:25.90]I don't know. What if you break mine, too? Then we'll both be sitting ducks. 万一你也弄坏我的怎么办? 那我们就变成死鸭子了
  [02:29.26]- I didn't break it. It just died. - Yeah, yeah. 我没弄坏它,是它挂了 好啦,好啦
  [02:35.46]All right, hop on. 好吧,上来
  [02:37.90]- Scoot back. - Hitch, I'm already here. 往后坐 秦圣,是我先坐在这里的
  [02:42.22]But you don't know where we're going. 但你不知道我们要去哪
  [02:43.82]Why don't you tell me? Then we'll both know. 告诉我不就成了
  [02:47.86]Man, male egos. 男人的自尊
  [02:48.78]I don't know how you guys make it through the day with them. 真不知道你们是怎么活下来的
  [02:51.66]What? It is not my ego. 干嘛?我才没有自尊问题
  [02:53.60]I just don't want to ruin the surprise. 我只是不想毁了惊喜
  [03:06.86]I'm sorry. Are you all right? 对不起,你没事吧?
  [03:14.34]There. I always keep a few of those around. 拿去,我身边都会准备几包
  [03:14.62]Thank you. 谢谢
  [03:16.30]I have lower back trouble. I just shove the ice packs right down there. 我下背部会痛 我会直接把冰袋塞进裤子里
  [03:22.34]No. That's a fresh one. 不… 那是新的
  [03:25.42]So, Ellis Island. 这是艾利斯岛
  [03:27.30]I have to admit, I have lived in New York my whole life and I've never been here. 我得承认我住纽约住很久了 却从未来过这里
  [03:32.38]I figured that. Most people haven't. 我想也是,大多数人都没来过
  [03:33.02]So I got my man Larry here to set us up a private tour. 我请赖瑞安排我们私下参观
  [03:34.86]- Great! - Anything for Hitch. 太棒了 为了秦圣,什么都行
  [03:40.38]It was originally known as Oyster Island. 这里原名牡蛎岛
  [03:41.86]The island was expanded to its present size... 是在建地铁期间以挖出的废土…
  [03:47.10]with dirt removed during the construction of the New York subway system. 填充而成今日的规模
  [03:51.58]- Are you serious? - Yes. 真的? 是啊
  [03:52.38]- Did you know this? - Yeah. That's why I brought you here. 你知道吗? 知道,所以我才带你来啊
  [03:56.74]In fact, over 100 million Americans can trace their ancestry... 事实上,超过一亿美国人 都可以在旅客名册上…
  [04:01.50]back to a single man, woman, or child on the ship's manifest... 查到他们的祖先 当初只身飘洋过海…
  [04:06.18]to an inspector's ledger. 移民来此
  [04:07.58]By 1910, 75%% of the residents of New York... 在1910年 纽约、芝加哥、底特律…
  [04:12.98]Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, and Boston... 克里夫兰、波士顿的居民…
  [04:14.62]were immigrants, or the children of immigrants. 有七成五都是移民或移民后裔
  [04:20.34]They generally lived in the poorest sections of the cities... 他们大多住在城里的贫民区…
  [04:23.02]in Little Italys, Chinatowns and other ethnic enclaves. 小义大利、中国城 还有其他少数民族区
  [04:26.06]It's called The Kissing Post. 这叫亲吻柱
  [04:30.98]The plaque explains how different cultures kiss after long absences. 这碑文解释了不同文化的人 在长久分离后如何亲吻爱人
  [04:34.10]Now, what exactly would qualify as a long absence? 怎样才叫长久分离?
  [04:40.38]- That count? - No. 那样算吗? 不算
  [04:40.42]I mean... 我是说…
  [04:46.42]I actually had a relative come through here. 我有个亲人是从这里上岸的
  [04:50.74]- Really? - Yeah. 真的? 没错
  [04:56.70]What? 干嘛?
  [04:58.86]- What? - What was that thing? 什么? 那是干嘛?
