英语听力:听电影学英语—全民情敌 11(在线收听

  [00:01.63]Look, it says here the tickets went to some guy named Alex Hitchens. 票是给一个叫秦圣的
  [00:05.80]What? 什么?
  [00:16.10]Machine. 答录机
  [00:23.52]Hi, it's Sara. 你好,我是莎拉
  [00:28.40]I just wanted to say thank you... 我只是想谢谢你...
  [00:31.44]for an unforgettable experience... 那天给了我一个…
  [00:36.60]the other day. 难忘的经验
  [00:38.12]And if you ever want to see your shirt again... 如果你想再看到你的衬衫…
  [00:39.12]you can come by the Fulton Fish Market tonight, around 8:00. 今晚八点来富顿鱼市
  [00:44.48]Okay, bye. 拜
  [00:51.64]- Do you think he'll show? - Yeah. 你想他会来吗? 会
  [00:53.32]He's too much of a player to have a bad date on his record. 这种情场高手讨厌受挫
  [00:56.88]Is this a source or a date? 这是要挖消息还是约会?
  [01:01.16]A source. 挖消息
  [01:01.36]Well, it sounded like a date. 听起来像是约会
  [01:06.16]Well, it was supposed to. 我是故意的
  [01:09.72]So it looks like a date and it sounds like a date... 它看起来、听起来都像约会…
  [01:12.12]- but it's not a date. - Yeah. Right. 但却不是约会 没错
  [01:17.36]Just checking. 我只是问问
  [01:39.76]Hi. I wasn't sure you got my message. 我还以为你没听到我留言
  [01:42.24]I wasn't sure you called the right guy. You must be a glutton for punishment. 我还以为你打错电话了 你一定很喜欢自虐
  [01:47.40]Either that or I really wanna pay you back. 或者是我真的很想报复
  [01:50.56]I think this is yours. 我想这是你的
  [01:52.76]Thank you. I'm gonna frame this for my wall of shame. 谢谢,我要把这挂在丢脸墙上
  [01:56.12]Really? There's a whole wall? 真的?你有一整面墙?
  [01:59.44]So what are we getting into? 我们今晚要干嘛?
  [02:04.00]Ever been to a food rave before? 你参加过美食讲座吗?
  [02:06.00]Happens once a month, all around the city. Different chefs, different venues. 每个月举办一次 不同的厨师、不同的地点
  [02:10.04]I can stand the heat, if that's what you mean. 我不怕热
  [02:10.56]You any good in the kitchen? 你会烹饪吗?
  [02:13.36]Good. Because that's my boss and his wife right over there. 很好,因为我老板 跟他老婆就在那里
  [02:17.64]Interesting. 真有趣
  [02:18.60]Well, here's a concept: We're paying to cook our own food. 这是一个想法:我们付钱来煮菜
  [02:22.60]Here's another concept: Shut up. It's an evening out. 另一个是:闭嘴啦 我们是出来吃饭
  [02:26.56]The longer you're married, the less you go out. 结婚越久,就越不常出来吃
  [02:29.92]In a couple of years, we're gonna end up bricked into our apartment like a Poe story. 过几年我们就会关在家里发臭了
  [02:32.10]So, Louise, are you in the newspaper business, also? 露易丝,你也在报界做事?
  [02:35.48]No, I'm a psychiatrist. 不,我是心理医师
  [02:40.68]Well, that's the last thing I'm gonna say tonight. 那我就不多说了 以免被心理分析
  [02:42.08]So, Sara, you never told me. 莎拉,你怎么没跟我说
  [02:48.32]How was the Sky Studio fashion thing you went to the other night? 天际摄影棚那天的秀怎样?
  [02:52.20]Did you meet anyone worth mentioning? 你有遇到什么名人吗?
  [02:55.00]No. 没有
  [02:57.08]Really? I find that very odd. 是吗?真是怪了
  [03:02.04]- Max. - I think you're being odd. 老板 我觉得你才怪呢
  [03:05.80]Well, I'm always odd. It's why you married me. 我一向很怪,所以你才嫁给我
  [03:08.20]And it's why I married you. 这也是我娶你的原因
  [03:12.56]Speaking of which, Hitch... 说到这个,秦圣…
  [03:13.08]what exactly are your intentions for the lovely Sara? 你对莎拉到底有何意图?
  [03:16.96]Wait, you know what? Actually, there was someone. 对了,其实我有遇到名人
  [03:21.92]I think I met your friends Albert and Allegra. 我遇到你朋友亚伯特跟艾莉桂
  [03:27.20]- My friends who and who? - Allegra Cole? 他们是谁? 艾莉桂珂儿?
  [03:29.56]Really? How do you know her? 真的?你怎么认识她的?
  [03:31.96]- I don't. - So you know Albert? 我不认识 那你认识亚伯特啰?
  [03:35.16]- Knew. - He had your tickets. 以前认识 他手上有你的票
  [03:37.84]I mean, how well do you really know your accountant? 会计师就是这样
  [03:44.40]April 15, and then you don't see him again till April 15. 报完税一整年都见不到他们
  [03:47.88]Ladies and gentlemen... 各位先生女士…
  [03:50.48]a coquille St. Jacques with a lemon butter reduction. 柠檬奶油扇贝
  [03:52.12]- Compliments of our chef. - Thank you. 大厨请的 谢谢
  [03:55.04]I'm sure you're really gonna enjoy this. 我想你们会喜欢的
  [04:05.08]That's really good. 真好吃
  [04:08.56]I'm very impressed. 我很讶异
  [04:12.20]Around these two, people usually can't wait to name-drop and dish their friends... 你知道,在这两个人身边 人们都会拼命讲八卦是非…
  [04:12.92]Why is that? 为什么?
  [04:19.40]and you're being all discreet. 而你却很低调
  [04:19.96]Yeah, it's quite endearing. 是啊,这还满讨喜的
  [04:23.04]Actually, it is. So why don't we change the subject? 是啊,我们换个话题吧?
  [04:28.96]- Are you all right? - Yeah. No, I'm fine. 你还好吧? 没事,我很好
  [04:32.32]So Sara tells me that you're a consultant, Hitch. 听莎拉说你是个顾问
  [04:35.36]Yeah, mostly marketing, little advertising, brand management. 是啊,大多是行销的案子 少数则是广告、品牌管理
  [04:40.56]I have no idea what that means. 我不懂什么是品牌管理
  [04:44.44]No one does. That's why I get to charge so much. 没人懂,所以我收费才那么高
  [04:51.32]Are you sure you're all right? 你真的没事?
  [04:52.48]Yeah, I'm fine. Is it itchy in here or is it just me? 我很好,这里怎么这么热?
  [04:59.84]- I know what's happening. - No. 我知道这是怎么回事 不
