胡敏读故事记单词 令人沮丧的门厅中(在线收听

  [00:00.00]grave-gym A groan or a moan
  [00:06.30]Only the husband understood the gravity of the situation.
  [00:12.25]Years ago,
  [00:15.31]when he,the groom had kissed his bride at the end of their wedding ceremony,
  [00:21.76]a supposedly groundbreaking moment in their relationship, she had groaned.
  [00:27.92]Everyone thought it was a moan.But he had held a grudge ever since.
  [00:34.09]Now they had been married for two years
  [00:38.82]and he knew that her three hours each night at the gym
  [00:44.15]was not just for exercising.
  [00:47.91]That was a gross lie
  [00:51.75]and he couldn't believe that she didn't know
  [00:55.69]that he knew that she was seeing someone else.
  [01:00.06]The next night
  [01:03.82]when he gullibly assented to her "going out to exercise",
  [01:09.56]he followed and took pictures of her in the grip of another man.
  [01:15.21]He grumbled all the way home that this was enough grievance for a divorce.
  [01:21.74]When she returned home that night
  [01:25.71]he had a grave expression on his face.
  [01:29.65]"I have an ax to grind with you." He said.
  [01:35.43]He threw the photos on the table.
  [01:39.08]But she was on her guard and didn't look guilty at all.
  [01:43.84]"That's my gym coach!" She said.
  [01:48.20]"There was a large gust of wind and he was just helping me not fall.
  [01:54.05]I can guarantee that it was totally innocent.
  [01:58.88]Oh,and see the paper in his hand with my exercise grid for the week?
  [02:05.23]Those have all the guidelines for my routine.
  [02:10.38]He was just there to give them to me!"
  [02:14.01]Even after the plate that her husband then threw grazed her on her head,
  [02:20.04]the wife did not change her story.
  [02:23.80]But he changed his and decided that he had been too hard on her.
  [02:29.26]Maybe that groan had been a moan after all?
  [02:34.72]habitat-haul Harvest time
  [02:43.27]Harvest time was the best time of the year.
  [02:49.43]That was when each family would haul in the produce of their hard work
  [02:55.67]and fill their habitations with food and celebration.
  [03:00.74]The harsh winter was long forgotten
  [03:06.31]and the hardy folk of the countryside had reason to celebrate.
  [03:11.66]The nearby town always took part in the celebrations of harmony as well.
  [03:19.39]Farmer's wives came in to buy new hairdressing,
  [03:24.04]local boys ceased to harass the country boys
  [03:28.90]and the pretty girls no longer harbored disdain for a young man in blue jeans.
  [03:35.14]Many plans for secret meetings in the woods were hatched.
  [03:41.49]In other parts of town local police were able to handle brawls,
  [03:48.15]-relieved for a season of just dealing with simple fights over nothing at all.
  [03:54.50]The summer dance was always the hallmark of the season.
  [04:01.35]Every person for miles left their habitat
  [04:06.39]for a spin on the floor to some good country music.
  [04:11.66]Every man grabbed his sweetheart and renewed his vows of love.
  [04:18.43]Even the handicapped were not hampered from a roll on the dance floor.
  [04:24.91]This was also always the time when the mayor would hail the unity of the county
  [04:32.56]and pass handouts to those who were still needy.
  [04:37.55]It was as if every good emotion was harnessed during harvest season
  [04:44.08]and no one wanted to halt the entertainment.
  [04:48.34]It always ended, however,
  [04:53.41]and men who had drunk just a little too much
  [04:57.77]inevitably began the haphazard journey home
  [05:02.45]leaning on the arms of their faithful wives.
  [05:06.81]But everyone knew that there would be another harvest time next year.
  [05:12.76]And that was something worth waiting for.
  [05:16.81]haunt-herbivorous A haven of hedonists
  [05:26.48]Living in East Haven during Halloween was hazardous to one's health.
  [05:34.42]Headlines heralded the coming of Halloween weeks in advance
  [05:40.58]and police headquarters issued warnings on how to keep safe.
  [05:46.23]Everyone heeded these warnings
  [05:50.59]because EastHaven was the haven of the largest
  [05:55.34]group of witchesin the western hemisphere.
  [05:59.89]It was hoped that only herbivores would go missing.
  [06:05.82]Every heir to any family name was kept inside on that day.
  [06:11.49]Most left town
  [06:14.83]because the scene of hedonism that would happen scared them behind locked doors.
  [06:21.49]One year the havoc had led to a fire that destroyed a whole block of homes
  [06:28.47]Heaps of trash would always be found in the street the next day
  [06:34.40]and houses would have to be repainted to cover the helix signs painted on them.
  [06:41.03]Every hectare would be affected.
  [06:45.86]When the degree of hazard had grown too much,
  [06:50.91]the good people of the town had tried to outlaw the group.
  [06:55.95]But the haven claimed religious freedom and won.
  [07:01.22]Those families that had opposed the haven were haunted for years.
  [07:06.79]It was as if the legal victory had only heightened the power of the witches
  [07:13.55]Thank God that people didn't usually go missing.
  [07:17.92]But townsfolk suspectedthat missing persons'
  [07:22.78]reports from nearby towns were related to this.
  [07:27.53]It was the most hectic time of the year
  [07:32.21]and there was no possibility of healing.
  [07:36.15]The only good news was a new trend among witches to heal the sick.
  [07:42.32]The sacrifice of herbivorous animals was supposed to be part of their ritual
  [07:49.45]Every home therefore put harmless animals on their doorstep
  [07:55.12]hoping that their home would be spared from the chaos.
  [07:59.84]But most just prayed that Halloween would be over as quickly as possible.
  [08:06.01]herculean-holistic A circus hijacking
  [08:15.07]Circuses in the hinterland were hilarious.
  [08:22.13]Due to some hereditary miracle in the people who joined the circus,
  [08:27.69]hitherto never-attempted feats of daring were always being performed.
  [08:34.32]High-flying stuntswere popular.
  [08:38.87]Herculean physical feats were the standard.
  [08:43.31]But it was the high tech plan to hijack a real plane
  [08:48.38]as it flew over the circus that really hinted at something more than heterodox.
  [08:55.14]It was no hit-and-miss plan.
  [09:01.00]This hijacking was going to be done by locals hired by the circus announcer
  [09:08.44]and remembered as part of his heritage.
  [09:12.80]The hierarchical order of each member of the team
  [09:19.28]was the highlight of the event.
  [09:22.73]That was because the announcer's son,only 17 years old,
  [09:29.50]was directing men ten to twenty years older than himself.
  [09:35.35]In hindsight,all agreed that this was the obvious reason for the hiccup.
  [09:42.61]The holistic plan was executed brilliantly.
  [09:49.27]When the plane was hijacked it flew over the circus and did two aerial loops
  [09:56.74]The passengers had a scare when that happened.
  [10:01.47]When one of the hired men broke out of the hierarchy
  [10:06.93]and told the pilot to do it again,however,
  [10:11.32]no one tried to hinder him but the announcer's son.
  [10:16.78]The man yelled out his name and told him to leave him alone.
  [10:24.04]When the hijacking was complete and the whole team escaped successfully
  [10:33.10]everyone thought it was a heritage to be proud of.
  [10:38.25]Unfortunately the police had heard the name of the announcer's son.
  [10:45.51]They attacked the circus like a hive of bees and arrested all involved.
  [10:52.28]A hijacking wasn't so hilarious to them!
  [10:57.14]hollow-hostile A hostile homestay
  [11:07.48]Dave had only wanted a place to do a homestay and earn his degree
  [11:15.21]in desert horticulture.
  [11:18.97]He hadn't wanted to go to a hostel or rent his own apartment.
  [11:24.90]He had just wanted to get to know the hospitality of the locals.
  [11:30.36]He had no idea that members of the family
  [11:34.83]he was staying with were victims of the holocaust.
  [11:39.27]When they found out that Dave was German
  [11:44.31]he was sure they would commit homicide.
  [11:48.18]Now the situation was hopeless.
  [11:52.44]When he had said that there had been good Germans too,
  [11:58.37]they only locked him hostage in his room.
  [12:02.73]Hordes of hostile neighbors were gathering outside his window.
  [12:08.48]One woman with hair on her face
  [12:12.84]yelled that the Nazis had experimented on her hormones.
  [12:18.19]Another man with a hollow face
  [12:22.56]said that Dave's parents had killed his children.
  [12:27.13]This was ridiculous!
  [12:30.37]"They were not homogenous!"
  [12:34.81]My father lost a leg running from the Nazis himself!He was an honourable man!"
  [12:41.34]"That was when thehonking began
  [12:46.01]and a man with a metal bar ran towards the house,
  [12:50.77]swung it and broke his window!
  [12:54.53]Dave jumped up,
  [12:57.87]grabbed a large hook from the wall and prepared to defend himself.
  [13:03.12]At least he would die with honour defending his parents!
  [13:08.17]He hopped out the window to face the crowd.
  [13:13.60]Sirens in the distance caused them all to stop.
  [13:18.15]Dave looked hopefully at the police cars as they drove up over the horizon.
  [13:24.62]When the Police Chief walked up, he rolled up his sleeve
  [13:29.95]and held it horizontal to the ground in front of Dave's face,however,
  [13:36.20]he knew it was over;his arm was stampedwith a number.
  [13:41.45]house-idiom Homecoming
  [13:49.88]"What's all the hubbub?"
  [13:55.32]Mr.Williams yelled over the howling of his identical twins
  [14:01.06]as he hurdled over a fallen toy while coming in the front door.
  [14:06.94]"There's a strange man in the house and we don't know his identity!"
  [14:14.20]I think he's mom's o1d boyfriend.She gave him a big hug!" Huffed his son, Dan.
  [14:22.25]"Mommy's got a boyfriend."
  [14:26.09]"Dana,his sister began to sing.
  [14:30.16]"That's not my hypothesis !He had bad giene."
  [14:35.44]I bet he's a bad guy that Dad will identify from a wanted poster
  [14:41.89]Dan yelled back.
  [14:44.95]"For the love of humanity,behave yourselves!"
  [14:50.02]It would be ideal if you would both stop being so hysterical
  [14:55.97]and not humiliate us in front of company.Okay?" Mr.Williams said.
  [15:02.14]Dana walked away still humming the  little rhyme.
  [15:07.10]Mr.Williams wiped the sweat from his forehead and cursed the humidity.
  [15:16.45]"And someone turn on the air conditioner! Then he walked back to the kitchen."
  [15:23.40]"But my ideology hasn't changed a bit!"
  [15:26.28]"但是我的思想一点儿 都没变!"
  [15:29.15]A man with long hair and a beard was saying to his wife.
  [15:33.98]"It's just that the president is really a humble man!And I like him."
  [15:40.83]What they were talking about Mr.Williams couldn't guess
  [15:46.39]but the man stood up suddenly as he walked in.
  [15:51.07]"Who are you and what are you doing in my house?"
  [15:57.83]He said as politely as he could.
  [16:01.49]"Honey,look at his identification card.It's Davey,your brother."
  [16:08.25]He's come home from the war!"
  [16:12.20]Mr.Williams caught his breath
  [16:17.03]and then walked over and hugged his long-lost brother with a huge laugh.
  [16:22.67]"Oh, it's good to have you home Dave."
  [16:27.04]"And it's good to be here."
  [16:30.69]I know it's an old idiom, but home is truly where the heart is."
  [16:36.75]idiosyncratic-impair The illustrator
  [16:46.92]The illustrator ignored the ignorance of his idiosyncratic boss
  [16:53.68]and continued to work on his illustration.
  [16:58.64]It would be the piece that would immortalize his name forever,
  [17:04.29]perhaps more so because of the immor image he was drawing
  [17:09.85]And he knew he would start a new movement in the art world.
  [17:14.71]Immersing himself in his work,
  [17:19.07]the illustrator became immune to distraction
  [17:23.72]and worked for another twelve hours straight.
  [17:27.85]His illusions of grandeur came crashing down
  [17:33.62]when the obviously artistically illiterate public
  [17:38.66]missed the impact of what he had done.
  [17:42.63]Some couldn't understand the content,
  [17:47.36]saying that this type of drawing should be illegal.
  [17:51.80]Others sensed that there was something immense
  [17:56.06]but they couldn't put words to what they sensed.
  [18:00.11]And yet others just thought it was immature,
  [18:06.28]the work of an artist obviously impaired by any good judgment.
  [18:12.34]But,over time,his work had another kind of impact.
  [18:18.79]Imitators began to sprout up all over the country,
  [18:24.25]giving shows of works that were obviously influenced by the illustrator.
  [18:30.02]When the illustrator saw this
  [18:33.86]he thought that the public recognition of his work was imminent.
  [18:39.42]But he had forgotten about their short attention span.
  [18:44.70]When years had passed and still no one knew his name,
  [18:50.27]the illustrator even began to think
  [18:55.12]that the illiteracy rate among critics must have been growing.
  [19:00.48]How could they not know
  [19:04.63]that he was the one that had turned the ignition
  [19:08.79]of the current craze for immoral illustrations?
  [19:13.44]They never knew,at least not until after the illustrator had died
  [19:20.41]Then some art student examined his work
  [19:25.27]and gave him the credit he had always longed for.
  [19:29.63]That's just the way the art world is: hip,
  [19:34.49]but always recognized a generation later.
