英语听力:听电影学英语—天使与魔鬼 14(在线收听

  [00:02.88]Commander, here's Ms. Vetra. 队长,这位是维特拉小姐
  [00:04.80]Those journals are private property. I demand that you return them to me. 那些日志是私人物品,我要求你 还给我
  [00:09.48]They're material evidence in a Vatican investigation. 那些日志对梵蒂冈的侦查而言是 重要证物
  [00:13.92]I am an Italian citizen. My rights do not end just because I crossed the other side. 我是意大利公民,我的权利并不因 跨越国境而终止
  [00:18.52]This is not Italy. It's not even Rome. It's the Vatican. 这里不是意大利,甚至不是罗马 这里是梵蒂冈
  [00:22.32]And when those journals passed the border, they became my property. 只要日志在梵蒂冈境内就由我处置
  [00:22.96]A country with its own laws. 一个有自己法律的国家
  [00:28.00]I will give them back to you... 当我认为那些日志对侦查没有帮助
  [00:30.68]when I've decided they contain nothing of value to the investigation. 我就会还给你
  [00:31.44]Do you have something to hide, Commandante Richter? 理查队长,你在隐瞒什么?
  [00:38.40]Do you, Dr. Vetra? 你呢,维特拉博士?
  [01:01.64]If it were up to me, it wouldn't be this way. 如果没人搅局就不会变成现在这样
  [01:06.44]It's a sin to kill with pain. 让人痛苦而死是罪过
  [01:10.28]It's a sin to kill without reason. 毫无理由杀人是罪过
  [01:17.08]Father. 神父
  [01:18.48]They made me a sinner. 是他们让我成为罪人
  [01:40.48]Saint Theresa on fire. 圣女德兰欲火焚身
  [01:46.76]Professor Langdon? 兰登教授?
  [01:48.48]What direction is that? - West, I think. - 那里是什么方位? - 我想是西方
  [01:52.24]"Across Rome the mystic elements unfold. " “跨越罗马,揭开元素之谜”
  [01:56.72]Piazza Barba Rini is here. Saint Theresa is here. 巴贝里尼广场在这里,圣女德兰在这里
  [02:02.56]Where is the Santa Maria del Popolo, the first altar of science? 第一个科学祭台,人民圣母堂在哪里?
  [02:03.32]Santa Maria del Popolo? - Yes. - 人民圣母堂? - 没错
  [02:08.56]Thank you. 谢谢
  [02:10.88]St. Peter's is here. 圣伯多禄教堂在这里
  [02:11.48]We are here. 我们在这里
  [02:17.36]A church with water. 跟水有关的教堂
  [02:20.56]Wait. Wait, wait. 等一下
  [02:22.88]Across Rome. 跨越罗马
  [02:25.44]The poem must mean it literally across Rome. 诗签一定是指在罗马作十字跨越
  [02:27.16]Professor Langdon. Commander Richter has ordered me to escort you to the Vatican immediately. 兰登教授,理查队长命令我立即护送你 返回梵蒂冈
  [02:32.88]Piazza Navona. Earth. Air. Fire. Water. 是纳沃纳广场,土、气、火、水
  [02:38.68]"A Cross Rome. " “跨越罗马”
  [02:39.28]Bernini's Four Rivers. 贝尼尼的四河喷泉
  [02:43.56]Professor Langdon, the Vatican insists that I have to take you back immediately. 兰登教授,梵蒂冈命令我立刻带你回去
  [02:47.84]The Vatican is about to see its fourth cardinal murdered tonight. 第四个主教今晚就要在梵蒂冈被杀
  [02:49.08]Now, look. 你听好
  [02:50.92]You can do as they say and force me back to the Vatican... 你可以依照命令强迫我回到梵蒂冈
  [02:55.20]where we can all mourn his death together. 然后我们一起为主教的死哀悼
  [02:56.44]Or you can show me how real cops act... 或者你可以发挥警察本色
  [03:00.04]and take me to Piazza Navona, where we still might be able to stop it. 带我到纳沃纳广场,或许可以阻止 歹徒行凶
  [03:05.16]Oh. By all means, let's talk it over. 噢,还是要讨论再讨论
  [03:09.60]In fourteen minutes, he's going to be dead. 再过14分钟主教必死无疑
  [03:16.96]Okay. This way, Professor. 好吧,教授,往这里走
  [03:29.68]Yes, Padre? 什么事,神父?
  [03:30.40]At 11:15, if the church is still in peril... 如果到了11点15分教会仍无法 脱离危险
  [03:34.72]give the order to evacuate the cardinals. 就将枢机团强制撤离
  [03:36.32]But with dignity. 但要维护他们的尊严
  [03:39.60]Let them walk out into St. Peter's Square with their heads held high. 让他们抬头挺胸走进圣伯多禄广场
  [03:43.60]We don't want the last image of this church to be of frightened old men sneaking out the back door. 我们不想看到教会最后是一群老人 暗地从后门仓皇逃走
  [03:51.60]Piazza 纳沃纳广场 四河喷泉
  [04:01.80]PM10:55 晚上10点55分
  [04:05.92]"Where the angels guide thee... " “允受天使指引…”
  [04:14.68]There it is. There it is. 就是这里
  [04:16.52]Professor, I know this fountain. There is no angel... 教授,我知道这座喷泉,上面并没有天使
  [04:19.04]The dove. The angel of peace. 鸽子象征和平天使
  [04:21.88]And it's looking in what direction? 鸽子看向哪个方位?
  [04:22.64]Uh... east, I think. 我想是东方
  [04:35.48]Professor, just wait here. Stay put. 教授,你待在这里,不要乱走
