英语听力:听电影学英语—换子疑云 02(在线收听

  [00:03.72]Thank you. 谢谢你
  [00:22.32]There's so much press. 外面有好多记者
  [00:25.40]Yours is a story with a happy ending, Mrs. Collins. 因为你的故事有个好的结局 柯林斯太太
  [00:26.28]People love happy endings. 大家都喜欢看到圆满结局
  [00:29.00]We better get a move on, the train's pulling in. 我们最好走快点,火车已经进站了
  [00:34.12]Back, boys. Back. 后退,伙计们,后退
  [00:37.04]Thanks. Thanks, boys, thanks! 谢谢,谢谢,小伙子们,谢谢
  [00:38.64]I'll have a statement for you in a few minutes, 等会儿我会演说的
  [00:40.48]is to reunite this little lady with her son, 是让这位夫人和她的儿子团聚
  [00:41.92]but the important thing right now 不过现在最重要的事情
  [00:44.80]so if you'll excuse us. 所以请你们给我们留些时间
  [00:49.56]Stay right there. Come on, don't rush. 慢点,不要跑
  [00:50.96]Easy, easy. 慢点,慢点
  [00:54.76]Mrs. Collins, I'd like to introduce you to James E. Davis, 柯林斯太太,请允许我向你介绍詹姆斯·戴维斯
  [00:56.20]Chief of Police. 警察局长
  [00:58.28]Very nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你
  [00:59.28]from the boys in the press these days, 从媒体那些家伙那儿获得过正面评价
  [00:59.52]We don't get a lot of positive attention 最近这段时间里,我们可从来没
  [01:02.56]so it's good to be here with a positive story, don't you think? 所以能有个圆满的结局对我们彼此来说 都是再好不过了,你说是吧?
  [01:03.80]Yes, sir. 是的,长官
  [01:05.36]I take it you've been treated well by my boys in the department? 我手底下的人对你的态度还好吧?
  [01:11.12]I couldn't file a report for 24 hours, 他们说我必须等人失踪24小时之后才报案
  [01:13.12]Technicalities aside. 不算制度上的问题呢
  [01:13.80]and I thought that maybe that was a... 我觉得也许是不是可以…
  [01:18.00]It was wonderful. 很好了
  [01:19.96]Well, good. 好的,很好
  [01:20.64]Then you won't have any trouble telling that to the press, 那么你应该可以毫不犹豫地告诉那些记者
  [01:22.48]and the fact that the LAPD... 实际上洛杉矶警局…
  [01:28.32]Women. 女人
  [01:30.00]Hold on a second. 等一下,长官
  [01:40.08]Back, boys, back. 伙计们,后退,后退
  [01:42.36]Keep them back. 让他们往后退
  [02:02.24]Well, aren't you... Aren't you gonna... 好了,你是不是可以…请你…
  [02:05.52]That's not my son. 这不是我的儿子
  [02:11.68]What? 什么?
  [02:12.28]What are you saying? 你刚刚说什么?
  [02:15.72]It's not my son. 这不是我的儿子
  [02:17.16]Well, I'm sure you're mistaken. 是吗,我觉得你肯定是搞错了
  [02:19.60]Well, he's been through five terrible long months. 你看,他这5个月来吃不好睡不好
  [02:20.92]I'm not mistaken. 我没有弄错
  [02:24.20]I would know my own son. 我难道不认识我自己的儿子吗?
  [02:24.40]He's lost weight, he's changed. 所以他瘦了,样子也变了
  [02:28.28]All I'm saying is you're in shock and he's changed. 我只能说你是太激动看错了 而且他样子也变了
  [02:31.84]What's your name? Can you tell me your name? 你叫什么名字?能告诉我你的名字吗?
  [02:32.92]Walter Collins. 沃特·柯林斯.
  [02:36.40]It's a common name. 这名字很多人用
  [02:39.68]Where do you live, Walter? You know your home address? 你住在哪里?沃特? 你知道家里的地址吗?
  [02:42.60]I live at 210 Avenue 23, 我住在加利福尼亚,洛杉矶
  [02:44.88]Los Angeles, California. 西大街210号,23楼
  [02:47.16]And that's my mommy! 她就是我妈妈!
  [02:52.84]Mrs. Collins, listen to me. I understand. 柯林斯太太, 听我说,我明白你的心情
  [02:57.60]You're feeling a little uncertain right now, and that's to be expected. 你现在是不是觉得很忐忑,不敢确定? 这是很常见的
  [03:00.88]A boy this age, he changes so fast. 这样年纪的孩子变得非常快
  [03:03.48]We've compensated for that in our investigation. 我们在检查的时候就确认过了
  [03:04.64]And there's no question that this is your son. 毫无疑问,他就是你的孩子
  [03:07.80]That is not Walter. 他不是沃特
  [03:12.72]It's not Walter as you remember him. 他不是你记忆里的沃特
  [03:16.60]And that's why it's important for you to take him home on a trial basis. 所以说你带他回去以后 进行一段时间的试生活是很有必要的
  [03:21.16]A trial basis? 试生活?
  [03:21.56]Yes, yes. 是的,是的
  [03:23.12]Once he's around his familiar surroundings, 等他回到自己熟悉的环境后
  [03:28.52]and you've given yourself time to recover from the shock of his changed condition, 你要给他点时间 好从惊吓里恢复过来
  [03:32.52]you will see that this is your Walter. 你就知道,他肯定是你的沃特
  [03:34.88]Now, I promise you, I swear to you, I give you my word. 现在,我可以给你保证,我的话肯定没错
  [03:36.44]This is your son. 他是你的儿子
  [03:37.24]Now, if you have any problems, any problems at all, you come and you talk to me. 现在,如果你还有任何问题,任何的问题都可以 请你告诉我
  [03:42.80]I'll take care of it. 我来帮你处理
  [03:45.80]I give you my word. Trust me. 我向你保证,相信我
  [03:48.40]Mrs. Collins, he has nowhere else to go. 柯林斯太太, 他没有别的地方可以去
  [03:56.36]Please. 求你了
  [04:01.72]Maybe I'm not thinking clearly. 也许是我糊涂了
  [04:03.12]And... 而且…
  [04:07.20]All right. 好吧
  [04:09.16]All right, you're not thinking clearly, that's right. 没错,是你刚才糊涂了,这样才对
  [04:10.56]Here we go! 我们走吧!
  [04:12.32]Thank you. Thank you. 谢谢,谢谢
  [04:14.92]Here, just turn around here. 这里,在这里转弯
  [04:15.92]How does it feel to have your son home, Mrs. Collins? 终于把你的孩子找回家了,说说你的感想吧 柯林斯太太?
  [04:17.00]What'd you think when you saw him for the first time? 当你再一次见到你儿子的时候,想到了什么?
  [04:19.28]It's hard to explain. 很难用语言描述
  [04:22.76]She was shocked at first. 一开始她有些惊讶
  [04:24.36]She didn't recognize the boy, which is perfectly natural. 她没有认出自己的孩子,不过这也很正常
  [04:27.48]He's been through quite an ordeal. 小家伙也遭受了不少磨难
  [04:30.24]How're you feeling, son? 孩子,你现在在想什么?
  [04:30.36]Bet it feels great to be home. 能回到家心里一定很高兴吧
  [04:31.92]Yeah. It's great. 是的,非常高兴
  [04:34.32]for all the hard work done by the DeKalb County Sheriff's Department 德卡博郡治安官的不懈努力
  [04:34.40]The Los Angeles Police Department is thankful 洛杉矶警察局非常感谢
  [04:38.40]in making this joyful reunion possible. 让我们见到了这一场温馨的重逢
  [04:40.20]The LAPD is dedicated to serving the public at all times. 洛杉矶警局时刻服务大众
  [04:45.28]Can we get a photo with mother and son, Captain? 长官,我们能给孩子和他母亲照张合影吗?
  [04:47.12]Absolutely! Here we are. 当然可以!就这里拍吧
  [04:50.72]Like that. Like that. 这样,就这样
  [04:51.52]Squeeze together. There you go, boys. 靠紧点,拍吧,朋友们
  [04:53.28]This way, Walter. Big smile. 沃特,朝这里看,笑得开心点
  [04:56.20]One more, please. That's a good one. 再来一张吧,嗯,这个表情不错
  [04:58.44]One more. 再来一张
