英语听力:听电影学英语—换子疑云 05(在线收听

  [00:04.16]The LAPD wanted to wipe out the competition. 洛杉矶警局是想要消灭竞争
  [00:06.72]Mayor Cryer and half the force are on the take. 克瑞尔市长和炮团里一半的人都有入股
  [00:09.12]<i>Gambling, prostitution, bootlegging, you name it.</i> 赌博、卖淫、走私酒,只要你报的出来
  [00:12.96]<i>Because once you give people the freedom to do whatever they want,</i> 如上帝在伊甸园里所做的那样
  [00:17.28]as the Lord found in the Garden of Eden, they will do exactly that. 只要给予人们做任何事的自由 他们会毫不犹豫地去做我说的那些事
  [00:21.92]This police department does not tolerate dissent, or contradiction, 警察局决不容忍有反抗和异议的存在
  [00:25.40]or even embarrassment. 甚至是让他们难堪的情况
  [00:26.28]And you are in a position to embarrass them and they do not like it. 而你,你让他们脸上很不好看 这让他们很不高兴
  [00:33.60]They will do anything in their power to discredit you. 他们会利用一切的手段来诋毁你
  [00:36.36]I've seen that happen too many times to start going blind now. 我不知道见过多少次了,现在已经开始麻木了
  [00:39.04]That's why I wanted to meet you, 所以我才想要见见你
  [00:41.60]to let you know what you're getting yourself into 我要告诉你,你让自己陷入了怎样的境地
  [00:44.20]and to help you fight it, if you choose to. 而且我希望能帮助你抗争到底 如果你是这样决定的话
  [00:46.36]Reverend, I appreciate everything that you're doing 牧师先生,很感谢你为我做的一切
  [00:50.24]and everything that you said, 还有你所告诉我的信息
  [00:55.00]I just want my son home. 我只想找我的儿子回家
  [00:55.44]but I'm not on a mission. 但是我没有这样的想法
  [00:59.00]Mrs. Collins, a lot of mothers' sons 柯林斯太太,有不知多少母亲的孩子
  [01:02.48]have been sacrificed to expediency around here. 已经因为这一点便宜私利而成为了牺牲品
  [01:06.44]Your son, unfortunately, would not be the first. 你的孩子,很遗憾,肯定不是第一个
  [01:09.88]But if you do it right, he may very well be the last. 但如果你能做出正确的选择,也许他将是最后一个
  [01:19.28]He had two cavities that needed filling. 他只有两条路来选
  [01:22.88]He put up a fight, but I took care of it. 由他来引出这次战斗,而我负责处理
  [01:24.84]And? 还有呢
  [01:27.16]Your son's upper front teeth were separated by a small tissue, a diastema. 你儿子的门牙之间有条缝,也就是齿隙
  [01:30.12]It made them sit about an eighth of an inch apart. 两颗牙齿之间大约有1/8英寸的距离
  [01:31.40]The boy in that room has no such gap. 房间里那孩子的嘴里却没有
  [01:35.40]Can that change with age? Because that's what they're gonna say. 牙齿也会随年龄改变么?他们是这么宣称的
  [01:38.76]But the tissue between Walter's teeth prevents that from happening. 但是沃特牙齿之间的那条缝是不可能长拢的
  [01:43.24]See, they can never come together without an operation to sever the tissue, 不通过手术是无法办到的
  [01:44.96]and I can tell you right now that he has never had such an operation. 而且我现在就可以明确地告诉你说 他从来没有接受过这样的手术
  [01:51.68]Would you be willing to put that officially in writing? 你能不能将这些话写到证词里?
  [01:52.80]Pardon my language, but hell yes. 请原谅我的粗鲁,我绝对帮你
  [01:58.44]Sounds like the anesthetic's wearing off. 看来麻药的效果过去了
  [01:59.76]On the other hand, maybe I'll write that letter first. 或者,我应该先去写证词
  [02:04.52]Give the little fella something to think about. 给这个小家伙一点时间好好想想
  [02:18.12]Well, if it is, he's changed enormously. 如果真是那样的话,他的变化也太大了点
  [02:19.56]Do you know who I am? 你知道我是谁吗?
  [02:21.44]You're a teacher. 你是个老师
  [02:23.92]Yes, but even teachers have names. What's mine? 没错,但是老师也有名字啊? 我的名字叫什么?
  [02:25.08]I don't remember. 我不记得了
  [02:29.68]I know you, but I don't remember your name. 我认识你,但是我不记得你的名字了
  [02:31.24]Mrs. Fox. Now, take your seat. 是福克斯太太 好了,去你位置坐下吧
  [02:49.92]I didn't say take a seat. I said take your seat, the one assigned you. 我说的不是让你坐下,是让你回自己位子坐下 安排给你的那个位子
  [02:54.20]You must know where it is, you've been sitting in it for over a year now. 你应该知道自己的位子在哪里 你可是坐了快一年了
  [03:06.56]Mrs. Collins, if that's your son, I'll eat my yardstick. 柯林斯太太, 如果他是你的儿子 我就把教尺吃下去
  [03:09.24]Not only will I put it in writing, I will testify to it in a court of law 我不仅会帮你提供证明,我还愿意到法庭上给你作证
  [03:14.12]or to the President Calvin Coolidge himself if I have to. 如果需要的话,我可以给卡尔文·柯立兹总统写信
  [03:18.88]Thank you. 谢谢你
  [03:22.52]I'll see you tonight for the broadcast. 今天晚上的广播见
  [03:25.16]Good luck. 祝你好运
  [03:34.48]Quick question, ma'am. 就几个问题,女士
  [03:36.68]Quick question! 就几个问题
  [03:38.76]Mrs. Collins. 柯林斯太太
  [03:41.64]Hello. My name is Christine Collins. 你好,我的名字是克莉斯汀·柯林斯.
  [03:44.32]Good morning. Good morning. 早上好 早上好
  [03:44.40]On March 10th, my nine-year-old son, Walter Collins, disappeared. 在3月10号,我9岁大的儿子沃特·柯林斯失踪了
  [03:50.96]And a five-month investigation 经过5个月的调查
  [03:52.16]led to a boy being brought to Los Angeles from DeKalb, Illinois. 他们从伊利诺斯州的德卡博带回来一个男孩
  [03:57.32]They told me and all of you that this boy was my son. 他们告诉我,也告诉大家说这个孩子就是我的儿子
  [03:59.20]He was not my son. 他其实不是我的儿子
  [04:03.80]The LAPD made a mistake, 洛杉矶警局弄错了
  [04:05.80]and that is the reason for the supposed transformation. 因为这个孩子的变化太大了
  [04:10.04]all confirming that he is not my son. 都能够证明他不是我的儿子
  [04:13.92]I'm having them reprinted now, and I'll have them for you tomorrow. 我已经拿去复印了,明天我就拿给你看
  [04:18.72]I have given the LAPD every opportunity to admit their mistake 我给了洛杉矶警局好多次机会来纠正他们的错误
  [04:20.88]and renew the search for my son. 还有重新开始搜索我的儿子
  [04:24.20]Since they have refused to do so, 但他们一直拒绝那样做
  [04:26.08]it has forced me to bring my case public. 所以我不得不把事情公之于众
  [04:28.96]And I hope that this now will persuade them to finish what they started 我希望这样做能说服他们 把这个问题给圆满处理好
  [04:32.04]and bring my son home to me. 然后把我真正的儿子送回家
  [04:50.56]Morelli! 莫雷利!
  [04:51.92]I want you to find the Collins woman and get her here. 我要你去找那个叫柯林斯的女人,带到这里来
  [04:52.68]And, Bill, bring her in the back way. 还有,比尔,带她从后门进来
  [04:55.88]Yes, sir. 是,长官
