英语听力:听电影学英语—换子疑云 06(在线收听

  [00:08.04]This way, miss. 这边,女士
  [00:09.32]Why are we going in the back? 为什么我们要从后面绕?
  [00:10.88]Captain's orders. Front's jammed with reporters. 这是上尉的命令,前面都是记者
  [00:20.68]Please, sit down, miss. Captain Jones'll be right with you. 太太,请坐,琼斯上尉马上就过来
  [00:22.76]Hey! Anyone want to take a call from the Canadian Mounties? Ybarra? 嘿,有人要接手加拿大的案子么, 伊巴拉你空着么?
  [00:25.40]What'd they do, lose a moose? 他们怎么了?丢了头麋鹿?
  [00:27.72]They need a juvenile living here illegally deported back to Canada. 他们要抓一个从加拿大偷渡过来的小鬼
  [00:31.96]He's living with his cousin on some ranch near Riverside, in Wineville. 他和他的表哥一起住在怀恩威尔河边的一座农场里
  [00:33.84]You want it? I'll take it. 你来接? 我来接
  [00:35.36]Got nothing better to do. 我空的实在没事做了
  [00:36.92]You're a prince. 你简直就是个王子
  [00:40.52]Mrs. Collins. 柯林斯太太
  [00:43.52]You can leave the boy. She'll take care of him. 你可以让这男孩待在这儿,她会照顾好他的
  [00:50.04]Sit. 请坐
  [00:51.36]Oh, you've caused us quite a bit of trouble, Mrs. Collins. 你给我们造了不小的麻烦啊,柯林斯太太
  [00:54.12]This situation has become an embarrassment for the entire police department. 整个警察局都对这样的情况感到很失望
  [00:57.52]It wasn't my intention to embarrass anyone. 我没有想要让任何人尴尬
  [01:00.92]Oh, no, of course not. 哦,当然不是,你当然不想
  [01:01.08]You just told the papers we couldn't tell one boy from another as a compliment 作为对我们的回报,你告诉报纸说我们连几个孩子都分不清?
  [01:04.16]for the months we spent working on your case. 为了你这个案子我们忙了好几个月
  [01:07.24]You trying to make fools out of us? Is that it? You enjoy this? 你是把我们都当白痴吗?是不是?你很开心吗?
  [01:10.96]Of course not. 我没有
  [01:13.76]I want you to find my son. 我希望你们能找到我的儿子
  [01:14.32]You're trying to shirk your responsibilities as a mother. 你只是想逃避一个母亲应尽的责任
  [01:16.32]What? 你说什么?
  [01:18.28]You enjoyed being a free woman, didn't you? 你不想要个拖油瓶,对不对?
  [01:20.80]You enjoyed not having to worry about a young son. 你只是不想要有孩子拖累吧
  [01:23.36]You could go where you wanted, do whatever you wanted, 那样你就可以去自己想去的地方 做自己想做的事情
  [01:24.76]see anyone you wanted. 还有见任何你想见的人
  [01:26.24]But then we found your son, and we brought him back. 结果我们找到了你的儿子,而且我们把他带了回来
  [01:30.52]And now he's an inconvenience to you. 现在他又变成了你的负累
  [01:33.72]And that's why you cooked up this scheme, 所以你才炮制了这个谎言
  [01:36.20]to throw him to the state and get the state to raise him for you. 好把这个孩子丢给州政府,让政府来帮你抚养他长大
  [01:38.80]Isn't that true? That is not true! 是不是这样? 才不是这样!
  [01:40.16]No? Well, even the boy says he's your son. 不是?就连那个孩子自己都说是你的儿子
  [01:43.24]How would he know to do that? 他怎么会无缘无故那么说?
  [01:43.76]Why would he say that? 他为什么会那么说?
  [01:44.16]I don't know. I just know he's lying. 我不知道,我只知道他在撒谎
  [01:46.32]Oh, maybe so. Maybe he is a liar. 哦,大概是吧,也许他在撒谎
  [01:50.08]But that's how he's been trained, isn't it? 他从小就是这么被教的吧,对不对?
  [01:53.40]Lying was born in both of you. 你们两个都是天生的骗子
  [01:55.16]You're a liar and a troublemaker and, if you ask me, 要我说,你就是个骗子,只会给我们制造麻烦
  [01:57.56]you got no business walking the streets of Los Angeles. 在洛杉矶街上巡逻的可不是你
  [01:58.36]Because either you know you're lying, 要不就是你明知自己在撒谎
  [01:59.84]Now wait a minute. 现在给我听好了
  [02:00.12]or you're not capable of knowing if you're lying or telling the truth. 或者就是你神智不清,不知道自己是撒谎还是在说真话
  [02:06.32]So, which is it? 你到底是哪一种呢?
  [02:09.08]You a derelict mother? Or just plain nuts? 你是个失职的母亲?还是脑子有毛病?
  [02:10.60]'Cause from where I sit, those are the only options. 因为在我这里,你只有这两个选择
  [02:13.28]You want experts? You want doctors? I have a few of my own. 你要专家?还是要医生?我这里都有不少
  [02:13.68]I'm not gonna sit here and take this. 我没那么多时间来听你的废话
  [02:16.64]Matron. 玛顿
  [02:20.44]Mrs. Collins, you still insist that the boy out there is not your son? 柯林斯太太,你还要坚持说那边的男孩不是你儿子吗?
  [02:26.20]Yes, I do. 是的,他不是我儿子
  [02:30.56]Please, don't struggle. What? 不要再嘴硬了 什么?
  [02:33.04]No! You'll only hurt yourself. 不要! 你这样做只会伤害到自己
  [02:34.32]You can't just do this. No, you can't. 你不能这么做,不行,你不能这样
  [02:34.96]What are you doing? Hold still. 你要做什么? 站好
  [02:36.64]to the Los Angeles County General Hospital Psychopathic Ward. 洛杉矶综合医院的精神病院去
  [02:37.84]You are to convey the prisoner 你将会被移送到
  [02:39.32]What? 你说什么?
  [02:41.28]You are to make the following entry. 下面是你入院的原因
  [02:44.36]Defendant states she's been deceived by police and others, 被告声称他被警察和其他人蒙骗
  [02:46.00]and that we have given her a boy and tried 坚持说我们给了她一个并非她儿子的男孩
  [02:46.28]to make her think it is her son when she says it is not. 并且强迫她承认这是她自己的孩子
  [02:51.76]Take her away. No. No, no. - 把她带走 - 不,不,不
  [02:53.60]Please. Please. 求你,求求你
  [02:55.80]Come on, Mrs. Collins. 走吧,柯林斯太太
  [02:57.72]No. No. 不,不
  [02:59.60]This way. 这里
  [03:03.48]<i>Mrs. Collins has been known to us since about March 10th, 1928</i> 我们于1928年3月10日见到柯林斯太太
  [03:07.52]<i>when she reported her nine-year-old son, Walter, missing.</i> 她向我们报告说她9岁大的儿子沃特失踪了
  [03:10.00]<i>The boy was gone until August 1928. Okay.</i> 男孩在1928年8月被发现
  [03:13.12]<i>Since his return, she has complained that he is still missing</i> 在孩子回家之后,她继续声称自己的儿子仍然失踪
  [03:18.80]<i>and has made repeated requests that he be found.</i> 一再要求继续寻找他的儿子
  [03:20.76]<i>She suffers from paranoia, delusions of persecution and dislocation from reality.</i> 鉴于她存在妄想,受迫性幻觉和现实认知错位等症状
  [03:27.20]<i>She may be a threat to herself or others.</i> 可能对自己和其他人造成一定的威胁
  [03:34.80]<i>until her senses can be restored.</i> 直到她恢复神智为止
  [03:35.24]Name? 姓名?
  [03:35.88]Got another code 12. 又是12号
  [03:36.88]Collins. Christine. 柯林斯,克莉斯汀
  [03:38.44]No, no, no, listen, this is a mistake. 不,不,听我说,这是个错误
  [03:40.92]Captain J.J. Jones, Lincoln Heights Division. 林肯高地分局,J.J.琼斯上尉
  [03:41.56]Certifying officer? 签发人是?
  [03:45.20]No, no, please! Please! The police are trying to punish me... 不,不要,求求你!求求你! 那些警察是想惩罚我…
  [03:47.12]Do you want that? 要穿吗?
  [03:47.44]If you keep it up, I'm gonna have to put you in a straitjacket. 如果你再吵吵闹闹,我就给你穿紧身衣?
  [03:49.48]No, ma'am. 不,长官
  [03:51.00]Then behave yourself. Code 12. 那就给我老实点,12号
  [03:55.88]I'm not mad! 我没有发疯!
  [03:56.68]Please. 求求你
  [04:00.92]Oh, God. 哦,上帝
  [04:08.40]No! 不!
  [04:16.12]Stop! 住手!
  [04:24.88]Spread your legs. 分开你的双腿
  [04:27.68]What? 干什么?
  [04:31.24]Wider. 分开点
  [04:34.40]Oh. 哦
  [04:45.16]I'm not sick! 我没有病!
  [04:55.80]Touch me! Touch me! 摸我!摸我!
  [04:59.48]Inside. This is your room. 进去,这里就是你的房间
  [05:00.88]The doctor has left for the day. He will see you in the morning. 医生今天出去了,他明天早上会来看你
