英语听力:听电影学英语—换子疑云 07(在线收听

  [00:04.36]Stop! Stop it! Stop it! 站住!给我站住!站住!
  [00:05.72]Stop it! Stop it or I'll push your face through this floor! 别动!再动我就把你的脸摁到地板里去
  [00:09.24]Stop it! 别动!
  [00:10.80]Fine! 好吧!
  [00:11.20]Give me your hands. 把手伸出来
  [00:24.24]Come on. Sit down. 过来,坐下
  [00:28.08]Jesus! 上帝啊!
  [00:30.68]Huh? 啊?
  [00:33.68]Don't you know assaulting a cop is against the law? 你难道不知道袭击警察是违法的吗?
  [00:35.44]What difference does it make? 有什么区别吗?
  [00:38.64]We're just sending you back to Canada, son. 我们会把你送回加拿大去,小子
  [00:40.44]It isn't the end of the world. 又不是什么世界末日
  [00:45.68]What? 什么?
  [00:46.20]Well, you can't stay in the U.S. As long as you want, pal. 小子,美国可不是你想待多久就多久的
  [00:55.84]No word from Mrs. Collins? 联系上柯林斯太太了吗?
  [00:56.52]We haven't heard from her. 我们没有她的消息
  [00:59.24]Get on down to her house, make sure she's all right. 去她的家看看她是不是出事了
  [01:02.32]And if she's not there, check with her neighbors. 如果她不在屋子里的话,找她的邻居打听下
  [01:02.60]Find out what they know. 看看他们知道些什么
  [01:04.16]Absolutely. 好
  [01:05.68]<i>And now KGF welcomes the Reverend Gustav Briegleb</i> 现在有请圣保罗教会的
  [01:09.24]<i>of St. Paul's Presbyterian.</i> 古斯塔夫·布里格勒博牧师
  [01:09.32]This is Pastor Gustav A. Briegleb of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, 我是圣保罗教会的古斯塔夫·布里格勒博牧师
  [01:15.04]bringing you the Lord's word on Radio KGF. 在KGF电台为您主持主的世界
  [01:17.80]Good evening. 晚上好
  [01:18.72]I had hoped to have a guest with us tonight, 我今天晚上一直在等一位嘉宾
  [01:20.76]but apparently she has been delayed. 不过显然她是迟到了
  [01:24.24]<i>And since she cannot be here to tell you what she told the press this afternoon,</i> 既然她不在场,没法复述下午她告诉媒体的话
  [01:28.36]<i>I'll have to fill in as best I can.</i> 就由我来讲述这个故事吧
  [01:30.20]<i>I'm going to tell you what happened</i> 由我来告诉大家发生了什么
  [01:31.52]<i>and I'm going to keep on telling you every night, right here,</i> 每天晚上我都会在这里向大家播报新的情况
  [01:36.88]<i>until somebody does something about it.</i> 直到有人出面做他们应该做的事为止
  [01:43.24]<i>The Desert Local, train number 45,</i> 前往沙漠本地,45号列车
  [01:46.92]<i>will be arriving on track two in five minutes.</i> 5分钟后会在2号道口进站
  [01:50.68]Hello. I'd like a ticket to Canada. 你好,我要买张去加拿大的票
  [01:53.20]Alberta or Vancouver, whatever's leaving tonight. 阿尔伯塔或者温哥华 只要是今晚的票就行
  [01:56.40]I don't have anything going that far tonight. 今天晚上没有那么远的车
  [01:58.56]The best I can do is put you on a train to Seattle. 最远的话我可以给你一张去西雅图的火车票
  [01:58.76]From there you can transfer to a local or drive across the border. 你可以在那里换乘,或者开车穿过国境
  [02:01.12]That would be fine. 那也可以
  [02:04.00]Roundtrip? 要回程票吗?
  [02:05.00]That'll be $15. 那就是15块
  [02:06.04]One way. 单程的
  [02:08.00]Right. 好
  [02:11.68]There you go. 给你
  [02:15.48]Thank you. There you go. Enjoy your trip. 谢谢,这是你的票,旅途愉快
  [02:15.88]I will. 当然
  [02:34.16]Breakfast is half an hour. 半个小时后吃早餐
  [02:42.72]Please, miss, I need to see a doctor in charge. 求求你了,女士,我要见负责的医生
  [02:43.36]The dining room is down the hall. 餐厅就在楼下
  [02:46.48]The doctor will call for you when he's ready. 等医生准备好了自然会喊你的
  [03:01.00]Do you want eggs or oatmeal? 你要鸡蛋,还是麦片?
  [03:05.16]Okay, that's everyone that's here. 好了,所有人都到齐了
  [03:06.08]All right. 那么
  [03:08.84]You can pull the oatmeal. 吃麦片吧
  [03:10.32]You know, just dump it. All right. 都丢掉,对,就这样
  [03:10.56]Do you want it for tomorrow? 你明天也吃麦片吗?
  [03:13.04]You should eat. 你应该吃东西
  [03:14.08]Eating is normal. 吃饭才显得你正常
  [03:15.52]You gotta do everything you can to look normal. 你要处处显示出自己很正常才行
  [03:18.00]It's the only chance you got. 这是你出去的唯一机会
  [03:21.16]I'm not hungry. 我不饿
  [03:23.08]Barbara, you have to eat now. I'm not hungry. 芭芭拉,你得吃东西 我不饿
  [03:23.44]My name's Carol Dexter. What's yours? 我叫我叫卡罗尔·德克斯特 你叫什么名字?
  [03:27.40]Christine. Christine Collins. 克莉斯汀 克莉斯汀·柯林斯
  [03:31.12]Now, finish it all. I know it's hard, but you gotta try. 把东西都吃光吧,我知道会很辛苦 但你得吃饭
  [03:34.20]Oh, boy. 哦,天啊
  [03:42.64]I heard them talking. 我听见他们的谈话了
  [03:44.24]You're here on code 12? 你也是因为12条进来的?
  [03:46.64]Police action. 警察干预
  [03:47.60]I mean, the doctors, the staff, they figure 我是说,这里的医生和工作人员都认为
  [03:48.00]that if the police brought you here, 如果是警察带你进来的
  [03:50.60]there must be a good reason for it. 那就是有道理的
  [03:53.00]There isn't a good reason for it. 根本没有什么理由
  [03:55.64]I'm perfectly sane and I will explain that to them. 我很正常,我会找时间向他们解释
  [03:59.52]How? 怎么解释?
  [04:02.32]The more you try to act sane, the crazier you start to look. 你表现得越正常,就越显得你有病
  [04:05.52]If you smile too much, you're delusional or you're stifling hysteria. 如果你笑得太多,就是有幻觉,要不就是精神错乱
  [04:09.16]And if you don't smile, you're depressed. 但如果你不笑呢,就是你抑郁了
  [04:11.48]If you remain neutral, you're emotionally withdrawn, potentially catatonic. 如果你一点表情都没有,那就是情感丧失 有可能发展成紧张性精神分裂
  [04:20.48]You've given this a lot of thought. 你想的很多
  [04:22.08]Yeah, I have. Don't you get it? 没错,你还不明白吗?
  [04:27.08]You're a code 12, so am I. 你是12条,我也是
  [04:27.96]We're here for the exact same reasons. 我们进来的原因是一样的
  [04:31.04]We both pissed off the cops. 我们都把条子给惹毛了
  [04:34.84]Now, you see, you see that lady there? 你看看,你看到那边那个女人了吗?
  [04:37.88]She was married to a cop who kept beating her up. 她找个了老是揍她的警察老公
  [04:38.88]When she tried to tell somebody about it, he brought her here. 当她想把真相告诉别人的时候,他把她丢进了这里
  [04:42.28]I want more juice. 我还要些果汁
  [04:44.64]And that one? 还有她
  [04:46.28]The police beat the crap out of her brother, broke both his arms. 然后当她想把事情透露给报纸的时候
  [04:46.68]Put your tray back where it belongs. 把你的托盘放回原位
  [04:51.52]When she tried to tell the papers... 警察把他弟弟狠揍了一顿,打断了他的双手
  [04:56.52]And you? 你是怎么回事呢?
  [04:57.28]I work nights. 我做的夜班
