CNN 2011-11-21(在线收听

 Friday is awesome, we appreciate you spendpart of yours for CNN student news. My name is CA,I am coming to you from the CNNnews room, here is Atlanta Georgia.

     First stop, Occupy Wall Street headed to its third month protest back in Sept organized urged people to gathering New Yorkcity for a couple months of protest. Now the movement has spread other cities of US,doesn't look like it is ending any time soon. Even though there were two months in this protest, we still don't know what the protest's demands are. They are speaking out against the US financial industry, they also speaking out against many a lot of things. There is no one leader either, * gives some ideas what was the whole occupy movement is about.    
     This is lasting much longer thanany other protests I have ever seen in Wall Street. I have seen a lot ofsittings, protests, marches, that is definitely one has more like that I haveeven seen. Occupy Wall Street has been trying to raise where is this thegrowing income gap. This is growing opportunity and wealth between the richpeople and American, the rest of us 99% they say. They are protesting for inequality, lack of opportunity, a jobs market that is not working for everyone,too much student’s debt, and kind of they feel like even *good, that they taking outstudent debt for a placing economy that is not giving them much jobs. thathelping pay off that student debt. What are they protesting? They are protesting that is usually in Washington, and business is usually as usual on Wall Street.Those two big instruction, two big power structure in American, they think canspire to make the wealth wealthier, and not sever the middle class and poor people. When you talk to them, they say we are not gonna to drop a * listed demand. We are here the drop where  next to the number they don't like, therich getting richer, the middle are barley holding on, and the poor getting poorer. They are just fundamental unfairness. that have to go agree in bank and agree in Washington, that makes this continue.