CNN 2011-11-27(在线收听

 The announcement of // I think it was when President Obama said the troops would be home for the holidays, was obviously a very big moment. 

Because it all began the firing anyway, began in 2003 that’s when the first troops went across the border. It’s nearly nine years later, these guys are finally coming home and that Iraq gets its country back. 
The America will hand over the keys so to speak to the Iraqis. Basically they will have a ceremony // victory the big, if you like anchor base throughout this war. December 15 is going to be the big one for the United States, it’s gonna be a ceremony at the massive U.S. embassy there. Now from December 1819 that’s when you’re gonna see the last convoy when the last U.S. soldier symbolically cross the border into QA.
All of this comes after a deal done by the Bush administration, and that was an agreement to have all U.S. troops out of Iraq by the end of this year. Then the // administration they negotiated for a while, they tried to get some U.S. forces, 20,000 or so was mentioned, to stay in Iraq after 2012. The hiccup there was they needed to have those forces immune from prosecution by Iraqi legal system, Iraqis do a great of that, and so that was the end of that, and then everybody is out.
There’re gonna be a lot of U.S. troops stay in QA, there’s 23,000 base there, and having been base there for years now, some U.S. forces are going to stay as trainers, that’s not gonna be a lot of people, you talking maybe a couple of hundred people, and you also must remember you got U.S. forces in other parts of the region, // // the united //, // talk the U.S. having an increasing worship presents in the region too so they wanna keep that footprint there in the middle east. 
Of course when the U.S. troops go, the bases become Iraqi property and there’re allies around the bases though, just dismantle them entirely. You know you’re talking about a huge number of bases during this war, at the height of the war there was more than 500 U.S. bases around the country. By around towards the end of 2010, I think that number dropped to less than 100. Right now, there’s about a dozen. At the end of the day, I think it’s gonna be a lot of relief, people // both in United States and in Iraq, in all the other countries who taken in part in this war. And I think it’ll also be a lot of damage that’s gonna endure forever.