澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2011-11-08(在线收听

 The Senate is expected to pass the Government's carbon tax legislation today. The Government and the Greens will use their numbers to bring on a final vote to the 18 bills. The Opposition is vowing to scrap the tax if it wins Government. The tax will start from July next year. 

The jury in the involuntary manslaughter trial of Michael Jackson's doctor has reached a verdict. They are expected to deliver their decision in about two hours' time. Dr Conrad Murray is accused of giving the singer a lethal dose of the anaesthetic propofol. If convicted, he faces up to four years in jail. 
The Federal Opposition says the decision to scrap the $223 million tender process for the offshore broadcaster Australia Network is yet another example of the Government's incompetence. The tender was abandoned because of leaks of confidential information to the media. Sky News is competing with the ABC to win the tender. The ABC has been given an extension to run Australia Network until next August. A final decision is due in the first quarter of next year.  
Greece's main political party is expected to name a new prime minister and cabinet later today. Prime Minister George Papandreou resigned yesterday as part of a deal to form a unity government. The deal clears the way for the parliament to ratify the eurozone's debt package. 
And fears are growing that Italy may default on its debts. The Italian government's borrowing costs have risen with 10-year bonds hitting at 6.5 per cent.