美语怎么说:044 挂羊头卖狗肉用英语怎么说?(在线收听

  Donny: Hey 吴琼, 你看,买这个可以赢200块现金奖!
  WQ: 200块?! 哪有这种好事?I mean....It's too...too 什么来着?
  Donny: It's too good to be true!
  WQ: 没错,It's too good to be true. 哪有这种好事? 你仔细看看,抽奖细则里一定有什么附加条件。Donny, 这种附加条件英文怎么说?
  Donny: It's called "catch." You can say: It's too good to be true. What's the catch?
  WQ: Oh, catch, C-A-T-C-H, catch. What's the catch? 就是“有什么附加条件”?
  Donny: 对。Now 吴琼, tell me how I can win this.
  WQ: 你就别想了! 你看,你要先花五百块买这件产品,然后再去抽奖,中奖率千分之三!这根本就是挂羊头卖狗肉!
  Donny: 挂羊头卖狗肉!这种说法好,英文里叫:false advertising!
  WQ: 假广告?没错,就这意思。你别被忽悠啊!
  Donny: I can't believe I almost got bamboozled!
  WQ: Bamboo...竹子什么?
  Donny: 是 Bamboozle, B-A-M-B-O-O-Z-L-E, 就是骗人。
  WQ: 换句话说,Bamboozle 就是忽悠别人喽?
  Donny: Exactly. I almost got bamboozled. 我差点就被忽悠了。
  WQ: 是啊,不是说 There is no such thing as a free lunch. 天下没有免费的午餐嘛!
  Donny: Yea, you're right! Let's see what you've learned today.
  第一,哪有那么好的事是 it's too good to be true;
  第二,隐含的附加条件是 catch, as in "What's the catch?"
  第三,挂羊头卖狗肉是 false advertising;
  第四,忽悠是 bamboozle!
