英语听力文摘 English Digest 416、“二手”空气(在线收听


        Big cities, with all their pollution, have an effect on trees……

No doubt.

In the countryside.

Say what? Big cities affect the trees in the countryside?

You got it! According to a study conducted by Jillian Gregg, who now works at the EPA’s western-ecology division in Oregon, Eastern Cottonwood trees grew twice as big inside the Bronx as they did growing in small towns on Long Island.

But that just seems backwards. Cities are where all pollution, should that hamper the growth of the trees?

Cities are full of pollution, and it does have a detrimental effect on plant life–to say nothing of people life! But that doesn’t mean, unfortunately, that the converse is true –that once you get outside of the city, the environment is clean.

Regions can suffer from pollution that blows in from the cities and then lingers around the countryside. In particular, ozone does this.

Second-hand ozone?
Indeed, Gregg’s study, along with others, are fingering ozone as the factor that most significantly affects plant growth.

So Cities make the pollution but it blows over the countryside and hurts trees there instead. That seems so unfair.

It’s just another warning about the surprising effects of pollution–and how we all suffer from it, even when we think it’s someone else’s problem.





没错!一项由Jillian Gregg发起的研究表明,在布朗克斯生长的美洲黑杨比小镇纽约长岛的高大两倍,Jillian Greg在美国环保署西部生态分署的俄勒冈州工作。






