英语听力-听电影学英语:一夜大肚 11(在线收听

  [00:02.46]Okay,so let's see Spider-Man 3 next week. 那好 我们下周去看蜘蛛侠3
  [00:02.82]I don't wanna go see it now. 我现在不想去看了
  [00:07.10]I don't wanna have to ask you to ask me. 我可不想求你邀请我去看
  [00:10.10]I want you to just come up with it on your own. 我想要你自己想到要约我
  [00:11.30]I don't even know what to say.  我都不知说什么好了
  [00:14.74]What do you want me to do? 你要我怎样做?
  [00:16.14]You just think because you don't yell that you're not mean, 你以为你不大吵大闹就不刻薄了吗
  [00:18.58]but this is mean. 你这就是刻薄
  [00:19.60]I'm not being mean. I'm being honest. 我才不刻薄呢
  [00:21.54]You're telling me  我只是实话实说
  [00:22.10]I need to be honest. 是你要我实话实说的
  [00:24.82]No,you're not. You're lying. 不 你才没说实话呢 你在撒谎
  [00:26.82]I'm doing it because I need to keep my sanity a little bit. 我这样做只是想保持清醒
  [00:33.06]You know what? I don't want you at the house anymore,okay? 告诉你 我不想再在家里看到你了
  [00:35.74]Come on. 别这样
  [00:40.82]Shit,she's coming back. 靠 她回来了
  [00:42.82]BEN: How come we go to the gynecologist so often? 干嘛我们得没完没了的看妇科医生?
  [00:45.50]I bet we have to go so much so we can pay for  他肯定是想靠我们付那台
  [00:47.86]that $300,000 machine he has. 30万的机器
  [00:50.46]I cannot stop thinking about  我现在满脑子想的都是
  [00:53.10]what an asshole Pete is. 皮特他妈的真不是人
  [00:56.38]That's a little strong,I would say. 我觉得说得有点过分了
  [00:59.82]Really? 真的吗?
  [01:01.50]'Cause that had to be one of the most  那是我见过的
  [01:02.30]selfish things I've ever witnessed. 最自私的恶行
  [01:05.62]I even think it's kind of funny. 甚至有点搞笑
  [01:06.06]It's understandable,I would say.  我则觉得可以理解
  [01:08.74]What's funny about it? 那有什么搞笑的?
  [01:09.94]Well,you won't laugh now,I wouldn't imagine, 我知道你现在不会觉得好笑
  [01:13.54]but,you know,the situation. 不过当时的情景
  [01:17.22]We break into this stranger's house 我们冲到陌生人家里
  [01:17.46]thinking we're gonna find him sleeping with a woman, 以为可以捉奸在床
  [01:21.38]and it's a bunch of nerds playing fantasy baseball. 结果发现是一群人在玩什么梦幻棒球
  [01:23.34]If you saw that,like,on television,you would laugh. 你要是在电视上看到你肯定会笑
  [01:27.06]Is that what you think? Is that what you wanna do,Ben? 你是这么想的? 你也想学他?
  [01:31.02]I don't even like baseball. 我不喜欢棒球
  [01:32.02]I'm just saying, 我的意思是说
  [01:32.90]when you're a guy and,you know,you have a family, 当一个男人有了家庭
  [01:34.98]you have responsibility, 就有了责任
  [01:35.98]you lose that male camaraderie. 就会失去一些哥们间的友情
  [01:39.38]And I get that. I totally understand where he's coming from. 我理解他 我知道他的意思
  [01:42.22]Why do guys always go to that place? 为什么男人总是要去那种地方?
  [01:44.90]Go hang out with your bearded freak friends.  去和你那些长胡子怪朋友混吧
  [01:45.22]"We miss male camaraderie." Why do I give a shit? "我们怀念哥们之间的友情" 那重要吗?
  [01:46.98]I don't care. 我才不在乎呢
  [01:48.18]You wanna hang out with guys that look like the shoe bomber, 你想和"鞋子炸弹人"玩就去吧
  [01:49.74]it's all on you,man. 随便你
  [01:52.10]What the fuck am I supposed to say to that? 我他妈的该怎么回答你的话啊?
  [01:52.78]You should just support me! 你应该支持我
  [01:54.46]You know,you should just support everything I say 支持我说的一切
  [01:58.42]I'm allowed to be wrong! 我有权犯错误!
  [01:58.46]because at this juncture in my life, 因为在这个非常时期
  [02:00.14]So if you're wrong,I have to support it?        Yes! 即使你是错的我也得支持吗?    是的!
  [02:00.82]I can't tell you that you're acting like a lunatic? 我难道不能和你说你现在像个疯子吗?
  [02:03.10]No.        No?        Okay. 不行    不行?    那好
  [02:05.98]That's helpful. You have to do nothing! 那就谢天谢地了 你啥忙也帮不上!
  [02:08.78]I've sacrificed a lot of shit to do this! 我为这个牺牲了这么多!
  [02:08.86]You haven't sacrificed anything!        I have. 你什么也没牺牲    我有牺牲过
  [02:12.54]I've had to sacrifice my job,my body, 我牺牲了我的工作 我的身体
  [02:15.18]my youth,my vagina! 我的青春 还有我的阴道!
  [02:15.26]You've sacrificed your vagina? 你牺牲了你的阴道?
  [02:16.26]Yes! It will never look  是的! 它以后再也不会
  [02:18.66]the same after this! 像原来那么美了
  [02:18.74]Well. Fine. I'm sorry, 好吧 我道歉
  [02:24.14]I'll pay for vaginal reconstructive surgery. 我会为你阴道修复手术买单
  [02:27.06]You can't pay for shit!  你能买个屁啊!
  [02:27.90]You can barely buy spaghetti!  你连意大利面都买不起!
  [02:27.94]You're right! Fine! Okay. 你说的对! 那算了!
  [02:31.66]You know what? Get out of the car. 告诉你 给我下车
  [02:34.74]You know what? How... 告诉你 这...
  [02:36.10]Why don't you not threaten me? 你不要挟我不行是吧?
  [02:37.70]I'm not gonna get out of the car in the middle of nowhere! No! 我才不要半路下车呢! 不要!
  [02:38.42]You should just get out of the fucking car. 你就给我下这该死的车吧
  [02:40.90]Get out of the car!        No. 给我滚下车!    不
  [02:42.58]I own this car! Get out of my car!        No. 这车是我的 给我滚下去    不
  [02:43.58]Get out of my car!         No. 快下去!    不
  [02:45.38]Get out of my fucking car! 你他妈的给我滚下去!
  [03:00.86]Can you let me back in the car,please? 让我回车上好吗?
  [03:03.06]Have you calmed down? Did you take a breath? 冷静一下 深呼吸
  [03:06.82]I have no clue where we are! 我完全不知道这是在哪儿!
  [03:11.82]Fine. Go. 好吧 走吧
  [03:16.86]Great. 很好
  [03:37.54]Okay. 好的
  [03:40.02]Maybe I should take my shoes off.  也许我该把鞋子脱了
  [03:42.30]Or my belt buckle,my belt buckle's huge. 或者是皮带扣 我皮带扣很大
  [03:44.38]Your baby wants you to gain a whole mess of weight. 你的宝宝希望你越胖越好
  [03:44.50]NURSE: Don't worry about gaining weight. 不要担心变胖
  [03:47.66]Are you fucking kidding me? 你他妈的拿我开玩笑?
  [03:49.86]Why don't you take off your earrings,too?  你不如把耳环也摘了?
  [03:50.86]They're made out of moon rocks,aren't they? 像石头做的一样 对吧?
  [03:51.30]They weigh about 80 pounds. 它们重达80磅
  [03:52.54]Do not make fun of me. Okay? I am hormonal. 别开我玩笑我现在荷尔蒙过量
  [03:55.02]I am terrified,and I am falling apart, 受惊过度 情绪崩溃
  [03:58.34]so stop treating everything like it's a big joke! 不要把什么事情都当成大笑话!
  [04:01.98]but I just walked three fucking miles  我刚刚走了三公里
  [04:02.10]Okay,I'm sorry you're freaking out, 那好 对不起  你现在有点发疯
  [04:03.90]through Koreatown to get here! 穿过韩国城才到这里的!
  [04:06.46]Sorry if I'm trying to lighten the mood a little. 抱歉我想缓和你的情绪
  [04:08.46]Well,don't,okay? 用不着 好吗?
  [04:10.26]You can't take anything seriously! 你把什么都不当回事!
  [04:12.26]You know,you didn't even read the baby books. 你甚至连育婴手册都没看
  [04:13.62]I didn't read the baby book! What's gonna happen? 我没看育婴手册! 那又怎样?
  [04:16.50]How did anyone ever give birth without a baby book? 那些没育婴手册的人怎么办?
  [04:19.10]That's right. The ancient Egyptians fucking engraved 是啊 古代的埃及人把育婴手册
  [04:22.78]What to Expect When You're Expecting on the pyramid walls! 都刻在金字塔的墙上了!
  [04:24.06]I forgot about that! 我竟然忘记了!
  [04:27.06]Who gives a flying fuck about the baby books? 谁他妈的管那育婴手册里写什么?
  [04:29.42]It just shows your lack of commitment,Ben! 这说明了你无法承担责任 本!
  [04:30.14]That you're not in this with me! 你没有和我共同承担!
  [04:34.42]Did you just say "my lack of commitment"?  你刚刚是说我"负不起责任" 吗?
  [04:35.90]It almost seems as though you forgot I proposed to you, 看来你忘了我是如何
  [04:36.22]'Cause that's what it sounded like. 因为听起来很像
  [04:39.70]like an asshole! 像个傻子一样向你求婚!
  [04:42.26]And you said no to me! 而且你还拒绝了我!
  [04:43.86]If you feel that way,you should just go. 你真的这么觉得 那你就走吧
  [04:46.54]Really. Just go. 真的 你走吧
  [04:46.82]Because we didn't mean to do this together,okay? 反正本来就不打算会这样
  [04:52.18]And... And we tried to make it work and that was good,I suppose. 我们努力过 这一点很好
  [04:53.98]But it doesn't work. 但没成功
  [04:57.66]Because we are two completely different people. 因为我们是完全不同的人
  [04:58.26]And I think it would just be easier for both of us  我们还是别再
  [05:00.10]if we stop fooling ourselves. 自欺欺人了
