词条 |
含义 |
近义 |
porous |
adj. |
可渗透的,多孔的 |
permeable |
portable |
adj. |
编携的,手提的;轻便的 |
mobile;light |
portend |
vt. |
预兆,预示 |
herald, foreshadow |
portion |
n. |
一部分;部分 |
part, section, segment |
portrait |
n. |
肖像,画像;描写 |
portraiture;picture |
portraitist |
n. |
肖像画家 |
portraiture |
n. |
肖像画法 |
portray |
vt. |
描述;绘制 |
depict, describe, draw |
portrayal |
n. |
饰演;描画 |
pose |
vt. |
形成,引起 |
cause |
n. |
姿势,姿态 |
posture, stance |
posture |
n. |
姿势,体态 |
pose |
positive |
adj. |
(电)阳极的 |
adj. |
肯定的;积极的 |
definite |
negative |
adj. |
否定的;消极的;负的 |
denying;pessimistic |
possess |
vt. |
拥有,占有 |
have, own |
possession |
n. |
拥有,占有;财产 |
ownership, belongings, estate |
post |
vt. |
张贴,揭示 |
publicize, advertise |
n. |
柱;邮件 |
column, pole;mail |
poster |
n. |
海报,招贴 |
placard |
postmaster |
n. |
邮局局长 |
postage |
n. |
邮资 |
postal |
adj. |
邮政的,邮局的 |
postal service |
词组 |
邮政服务 |
postcard |
n. |
明信片 |
postdate |
vt. |
填迟…的日期 |
antedate |
vt. |
填早...的日期 |
postgraduate |
n. |
研究生 |
postwar |
adj. |
战后的 |
postoperative |
adj. |
手术后的 |
posthumous |
adj. |
死后的,身后的 |
postpone |
vt. |
推迟,使延期 |
put off, delay, defer |
postulate |
vt. |
要求;假定 |
assume, presume |
pot |
n. |
罐,壶 |
kettle, bottle |
coffeepot |
n. |
咖啡壶 |
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teapot |
n. |
茶壶 |
pottery |
n. |
陶器,陶器场 |
potter |
n. |
陶工,制陶工人 |
potted |
adj. |
盆栽的;平或罐装的 |
potent |
adj. |
强有力的,有效的 |
powerful, effective |
potential |
adj. |
可能的;潜在的 |
possible, latent |
potentiality |
n. |
潜能,潜力 |
pound |
n. |
磅,英镑 |
vt. |
强烈打击 |
hit, strike |
poverty |
n. |
贫困 |
lack of money, indigence, destitution |
propery |
n. |
财产,所有权 |
practicable |
adj. |
行得通的,可以实行的 |
feasible, workable |
practical |
adj. |
实际的,实践的;实用的 |
pragmatic, useful |
practically |
adv. |
实际上;几乎,简直 |
virtually, actually;almost |
practicality |
n. |
实用性 |
inpractical |
adj. |
不切实际的 |
impracticality |
n. |
不切实际, 办不到 |
prairie |
n. |
大草原 |
preach |
v. |
布道;鼓吹 |
advocate, sermonize |
precarious |
adj. |
不稳定的;危险的 |
doubtable, unstable;dangerous, hazardous |
precaution |
n. |
预防措施,警惕 |
prevention |
precede |
vt. |
在…之前,早于;优先于 |
come before, antecede |
precedent |
n. |
先例 |
example, pattern |
unprecedented |
adj. |
空前的 |
unexampled, unparalleled |
preceding |
adj. |
在前的 |
ahead, prior to |
precious |
adj. |
宝贵的,珍贵的 |
valued, valuable, costly |
precipitate |
vt. |
促成;加速 |
urge, accelerate |
vi. |
猛地落下 |
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n. |
沉淀物,降雨 |
precipitation |
n. |
仓促,降雨量 |
precipitous |
adj. |
陡峭的 |
extremely steep, abrupt |
precision |
n. |
精确,精密度 |
exactness, accuracy |
precursor |
n. |
先驱,先行者;先兆 |
forerunner;harbinger |
predatory |
adj. |
掠夺的;食肉的 |
carnivorous |
predator |
n. |
食肉动物 |
depredation |
n. |
掠夺,破坏 |
pillage, plunder, robbery |
predecessor |
n. |
前辈,前任 |
forerunner |
predict |
vt. |
预言,预告 |
forecast, foretell |
prediction |
n. |
预言,预报 |
prophecy, foretelling |
predictive |
adj. |
预言性的,成为先兆的 |
prophetic |
predictable |
adj. |
可预见的 |
expectable, likely |
predictability |
n. |
可预言 |
likelihood |
predominate |
vt. |
统治,成为主流 |
control, rule |
predominant |
adj. |
支配的,主要的 |
principal, dominant, overpowering |
predominantly |
adv. |
主要地 |
preeminent |
adj. |
卓越的,出类拔萃的 |
distinguished, notable, renowned |
eminent |
adj. |
显赫的,杰出的 |
prefabricated |
adj. |
预制的 |
preferable |
adj. |
更可取的,更好的 |
favored, better |
preference |
n. |
偏爱;优先;优先权 |
inclination, attachment, favorite |
pregnant |
adj. |
怀孕的 |
prehistoric |
adj. |
史前的 |
ancient, primitive, prehistorical |
preliminary |
adj. |
预备的,初步的 |
initial, introductory, preparatory |
premature |
adj. |
早熟的,不成熟的;过早的 |
too soon, too early |
premium |
n. |
保险金;奖金 |
adj. |
高级的,高价的 |
preoccupation |
n. |
主要考虑因素;全神贯注,抢先占据 |
concern, involvement |
preponderance |
n. |
(数量或力量上的)优势 |
superiority |
prerequisite |
n. |
先决条件 |
requirement, necessity |
adj. |
首要必备的 |
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prescribe |
vt. |
指示,规定 |
dictate, guide |
vt. |
开药方 |
prescribed |
adj. |
规定的 |
set, certain, stated |
prescription |
n. |
药方,处方 |
instruction, order |
presence |
n. |
出席,到场 |
preserve |
vt. |
保存 |
uphold, retain, maintain, save |
preservative |
n. |
防腐剂 |
preservation |
n. |
保存,贮藏;保护 |
conservation;protection |
presidency |
n. |
总统职位;总统任期 |
presidential election |
词组 |
总统选举 |
preside over |
词组 |
主持 |
pressure |
n. |
压力;压迫 |
stress, tension |
prestige |
n. |
威望,声望 |
fame, reputation |
prestigious |
adj. |
有名望的,有威信的 |
honored, respected, reputed |
presumably |
adv. |
推测起来, 大概 |
assumedly, supposedly |
pretension |
n. |
要求;自命,自称;自负 |
claim, assertion |
prevailing |
adj. |
流行的,盛行的 |
most frequent, widespread, predominant |
prevail |
vi. |
盛行,居主导地位 |
dominate, predominate |
prevalent |
adj. |
普遍的;流行的 |
common;broadly accepted, prevailing |
prey |
n. |
被掠食者,牺牲者,食物 |
victim, food |
vi. |
捕食,掠夺 |
hunt, victimize |
osprey |
n. |
鱼鹰 |
primal |
adj. |
原始的;最初的 |
primeval;initial |
adj. |
最重要的 |
primate |
n. |
灵长目动物 |
adj. |
首要的,第一的 |
prime |
adj. |
主要的 |
primary, principal, main |
n. |
鼎盛时期 |
peak |
primary |
adj. |
第一位的,主要的 |
principal, prime, fundamental |
prime number |
词组 |
素数 |
heyday |
n. |
全盛期 |
primitive |
adj. |
上古的,原始的 |
rudimentary, primeval |
primordial |
adj. |
原始的,最初的 |
primeval, primitive, fundamental |
priority |
n. |
优先,优先权 |
preference, precedence |
pristine |
adj. |
原始的,未被破坏的 |
unspoiled, pure |
privilege |
vt. |
给与…特权,特免 n. 特权 |
probe |
vi. |
调查,查究 |
detect, find out |
proceed |
vi. |
进行,继续下去 |
continue, advance |
proceeds |
n. |
(pl)收益 |
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proceeding |
n. |
行动;进行 |
process |
n. |
过程; vt. 加工 |
proclaim |
vt. |
声明,宣告 |
declare, announce |
proclivity |
n. |
倾向,癖性 |
tendency, disposition, inclination |
prod |
vt. |
戳,刺 |
poke |
vt. |
刺激,激励 |
stimulate;urge |
prodigious |
adj. |
巨大的,惊人的;挥霍的 |
huge, amazing |
prodigy |
n. |
非凡之人,天才 |
marvel, genius, talent |
produce |
v. |
生产 n. 农副产品 |
profession |
n. |
职业,专业 |
vocation, occupation |
professional |
adj. |
专业的,职业的 |
professionalism |
n. |
专家的地位,特性或方法, 专业主义 |
proficient |
adj. |
熟练的,精通的 |
skilled, expert |
proficiency |
n. |
熟练,精通 |
skill, expertise |
profile |
n. |
剖面,侧面;轮廓 |
outline, contour |
profound |
adj. |
深刻的,深奥的 |
thorough, deep |
profoundly |
adv. |
深深地,衷心地 |
deeply |
progress |
n./vi. |
前进,发展 |
advance, development, headway;proceed |
progression |
n. |
行进;次序 |
progress;sequence |
progressive |
adj. |
前进的;累进的 |
forward-looking, advancing, incremental |
prohibit |
vt. |
禁止 |
ban, taboo, forbid |
prohibitive |
adj. |
禁止的,抑制的 |
prohibitively |
adv. |
令人望而却步地;(价格)极高地 |
forbiddingly |