英语听力:听电影学英语-香草天空 02(在线收听

  [00:02.32]Do you dream about the board... the Seven Dwarfs as you call them? 你梦过董事会的七矮人吗
  [00:06.40]Sneezy, Bashful... 喷嚏精 害羞鬼 瞌睡虫……
  [00:08.84]Sleepy... 开心果 万事通 糊涂蛋
  [00:11.24]Dopey... 和爱生气
  [00:13.32]and of course, Grumpy.
  [00:15.04]How was Aspen? 艾斯本好玩吗
  [00:16.72]Good. 很好玩
  [00:18.52]Now, I want answers and I want them now. 我要答案 马上就要
  [00:30.00]How's it going? 大夥儿好
  [00:31.80]They still look at me as if l was 11 years old. 他们还把我当十一岁小孩
  [00:34.36]He's going to inherit everything. 他会继承这一切
  [00:37.64]He gets it all. 会都是他的
  [00:39.24]You're scared of your dreams, aren't you? 你很怕你的梦
  [00:42.44]It's a nightmare either way. 这一切都是恶梦
  [00:44.44]Is that how you explain what's happened to you? 所以才会发生这一切
  [00:47.00]- What? - What happened to your face? 你的脸才会被毁容
  [00:50.48]- l'm not talking to you anymore. - You don't wanna show me your face? 我不跟你谈了
  [00:53.08]No! 不
  [00:58.64]- Do you know why you're here? - Conversation, the coffee... 你为什么在这儿
  [00:59.84]喝咖啡 聊天
  [01:01.80]David, the part where we parry and joust... 你一句我一句慢慢耗时间……
  [01:03.16]and get to know each other bit by bit...
  [01:08.36]No. No can do. 不管用了
  [01:09.56]We'll have to skip that because you've been charged with murder. 你被控谋杀 不能浪费时间
  [01:14.52]In four weeks, a judge will determine your fate... 一个月后
  [01:17.40]based on what I write.
  [01:19.00]- So you will talk to me. - There is no murder. 你最好快跟我说
  [01:19.20]我没有杀人 根本没有死人
  [01:23.16]There is no murder!
  [01:27.84]It never happened! 没有发生过
  [01:28.92]- I don't have to talk to anybody! - Want me to help? 我不必跟任何人谈
  [01:34.20]- Get the fuck away from me. - You take it easy, sunshine. 要帮忙吗
  [01:34.28]Take it easy, Face. Your whole story's full of holes! 别乱来 疤脸
  [01:39.12]Stop. Stop! 你的说词漏洞百出
  [01:40.16]Please leave right now. l'll take responsibility. 你出去 我来负责
  [01:41.52]Please leave right now. l'll take responsibility. 滚吧 他搞定了
  [01:43.44]Please leave right now. He's got control.
  [01:46.96]I'm gonna get you, daddy's boy little freak. 别神气 你只是靠你老爸
  [01:49.96]- My parents are dead, you fuck! - Enough! 我父母都死 混蛋
  [01:55.12]- Good cop, bad cop... - That you're a daddy's boy? 黑脸白脸
  [01:56.20]Is that true? 真的吗
  [02:01.28]Primer on David Aames Senior. 老大卫艾姆的一生
  [02:05.36]My father wasn 't built for the 21st century. 他是上一世纪的古代人
  [02:06.08]He never went to McDonald's, not once. 他从不吃麦当劳
  [02:09.56]He never watched television, and yet... 也不看电视
  [02:12.52]his biggest magazine is still the TV Digest. 但他却拥有 《电视周刊》
  [02:15.32]He and my mother threw the grandest parties of the literary world. 我老爸常举办最盛大的派对
  [02:17.88]Ballooned. Jumped out of airplanes. 坐热空气球 跑伞
  [02:20.28]He sought adventure. 追求冒险刺激
  [02:22.92]His autobiography is the manual... 他的自传是每家出版社的圣经
  [02:23.24]for every cutthroat publisher in New York City.
  [02:26.72]It's called Defending the Kingdom. 书名是 《悍伟王国》
  [02:29.32]l've read it. 我读过 第127页
  [02:30.16]Page 127...
  [02:32.56]"David Jr. was a delight as a child." 小大卫小时候很可爱
  [02:35.96]Did I miss something here? Was that all he wrote about you? 不是吧 他只提到你这句
  [02:43.88]that l'm absolutely... 我有很严重的惧高症
  [02:48.40]terrified of heights.
  [02:52.56]The irony continues. 但是很讽刺的是
  [02:53.72]When he and my mother were run over by a drunken teenager... 他和我妈被酒醉少年撞死后
  [02:58.32]on New Year's Eve ten years ago... 那是十年前的事
  [03:01.76]he left the keys... 他却把出版王国的钥匙留给我
  [03:02.28]to the kingdom...
  [03:05.16]to me. 五份一的股权
  [03:07.64]Fifty-one percent control.
  [03:08.32]Forty-nine percent going to a group of seven board members... 四成九留给七名董事
  [03:10.12]who all thought they were first in line. 每一个都以为自己是老大
  [03:15.60]And you believe the board... the Seven Dwarfs... 你认为是这七矮人 为了夺权才陷害你入狱
  [03:17.36]put you here to take control of your company?
  [03:25.60]What do you care? 关你屁事
  [03:26.68]We're just talking. 我们只是在闲聊
  [03:28.80]And tonight's Wednesday night... 今天是礼拜三 通常我都跟两个女儿吃晚饭
  [03:32.48]and I go to Black Angus for dinner with my two daughters on Wednesdays.
  [03:36.12]So I'll have to leave soon. 所以我得提早走
  [03:36.56]You do understand that our time is limited, don't you? 你知道时间不多 对吧
  [03:44.36]If I talk... 我说出来你一定觉得我疯了
  [03:47.44]you'll just think l'm crazy.
  [04:01.76]With all the possible respect I can offer a man... 原谅我有话直说
  [04:03.36]wearing a latex mask and spouting conspiracy theories, David... 你戴著面具高谈什么阴谋论
  [04:09.32]believe me, you've crossed that bridge. 我早就觉得你疯了
  [04:13.08]Enjoy your dinner. 祝你用餐愉快
  [04:15.88]There are five basic emotions in life, David. 人生有五个最基本的情绪
  [04:22.52]Tell me, what emotion gripped him... 告诉我 你在入狱前…… 有什么感觉
  [04:26.00]before he entered that cell?
  [04:29.76]Was it guilt... 罪恶感 仇恨
  [04:34.72]shame... 羞耻
  [04:37.92]revenge... 复仇
  [04:47.36]love? 爱
  [04:50.36]I'm completely on the wrong track, aren't I? 我都猜错了 对吧
  [04:56.56]Who needs ice? 谁要冰块
