AP 2012-01-16(在线收听

 1. Iranhas confirmed to Swiss officials that it has sentenced an Iranian-American manto death on charges of spying. The Obama administration says the allegationsagainst the former military translator are false.

2. Authorities in Ohio say a dispute over food for aterminally ill woman upset her husband so much, that he shot and killed two ofthe woman's sisters and his own son before killing himself. The woman who isdying of cancer witnessed the shootings but she was not hurt. 
3. A task force is recommending that people who were sterilized against their will under anold North Carolinastate program be paid 50,000 dollars each in compensation. More than 7,000people were sterilized between 1929 and 1974. State lawmakers will have toapprove any payments.
4. An Alaska fishing community that's beeninundated by snow is already getting help from the National Guard. And now it'sasking for help from manufacturers. Cordova officials say they are looking for sturdy snow shovels and snow scoops asthe area braces for another storm.