CNN 2012-01-06(在线收听

 President of south Korea says he is willing to work with the officials in North Korea to start what he calls a new era for the two countries.President Lee Myung-bak says south Korea could offer economic help to North Korea,but only if the North gives up its controversial nuclear program.This is a sensitive time for North Korea beacause that country and its more than 20 million citizens are about to start their own new era ,it's when Kim Jong Il is no longer their leader ,the dictator die last month reported for the heart attack .He run North Korea secretive communist government for 17 years.Under his control,the nation suffered devastated famine while build up a massive army and developed its nuclear program.Thousands of North korean gathered for mounrs to Kim Jong Il.Officials in Pyongyang said his called great achivement would shine for ever.The ceremonies  in North Korea  are also focused on the country's new leader,you are about to see Kim Jong-un,here he is, he is the youngest son of Kim Jong Il.Some experts wonder how much support this new leader might get since he is very young and relatively inexperienced .The North Korea officials have promised to defend Kim Jong-un.The change of leadership hasn't brought any signs of changing the tension between North  and South Korea.So that offer to start new era between the countries may not get anywhere.NASA is now geting a new mission up and runing two research probs that launched back in September move into the orbit around the moon over the weekend.It took three days for the first astronauts to get to the moon .It took these probs more than three months that is beacuse they had to get the best position  they could to study the moon .They are going to help scientists to examine the moon's gravitational field .Te program is not cheap because hundreds of millions of dollars ,but NASA experts think they could provide some clues  about what goes on under the moon surface and maybe even about how the earth formed.Authorities in California are investigating a strange fires that hit on Los Angeles this area ,more than 50 fires have occured since Friday.Alice Mayor said there is reasonable believe that most of them were set by same person or a group of people.The suspected arson has caused more than two million dollars in damage ,so far no one has been killed or seriously injured .Police say that in lot situations the fires are started in cars and they spread to nearby homes and buildings .Officials arrested a man connection with the fires early yesterday.The suspected was charged with arson later on the day.
